Washington, DC About Me

From Washington, DC!
This website is about Eastern Prussia. Western Prussia is in Germany and Eastern Prussia is in Poland near the Gulf of Danzig. Gdansk, Poland is near Lubeck, Germany. Here is my website about my daily routine here in #DC, Archive, Archive 2, Archive 3, Archive 4, Archive 5, Russian literature page, Archive 6, Archive 7, Archive 8, Archive 9, The British page, Archive 10, Southeast Asia page, Archive 11, Archive 12, Ukraine page, Archive 13,
Hatton page, Archive 14, Archive 15, Archive 16, Archive 17, Archive 18, Archive 19, Archive 20

District of Columbia

These are descriptions of the Chinese officer corps, the Chinese economy, and the German economy. Looks like London and New York are pulling ahead in the race.

[China's Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who has been absent from public view for weeks, is currently being investigated by Chinese authorities, according to sources familiar with the matter. The investigation into Li relates to the procurement of military equipment, according to a regional security official and three people in direct contact with the Chinese military. Reuters was unable to obtain details on which equipment purchases were under scrutiny.]

[What anger over top influencer says about China today One of China's most popular influencers has come under fire for dismissing a young follower's complaint over high makeup prices as "nonsense". Livestreamer Li Jiaqi's retort - that those who couldn't afford the 79 yuan ($11) eyebrow pencil did not work "hard enough" - struck a raw nerve as China's youth struggle to find jobs in a sputtering post-pandemic economy. The 31-year-old has apologised but his remarks continue to fuel debate. "What stung people was not the 79 yuan price tag, but your attitude and opinions on us," reads a comment on Weibo, which has been liked thousands of times. "You don't know about the current economic climate. Many people are still working hard and struggling, just to keep their jobs," it read.]

[Are German cities really offering people free transport if they hand in their driving licence?]

(September 16, 2023)

This is me talking about the Chinese officer corps. 9-16-23

The world's hottest place is in California. That's how hot it is in Texas.
It's really funny to me about the hockey team and the cold weather jokes.

This seems to be about - Moscow and China, and - sanctions.
At Georgia Tech I did research on the Amur River dispute.
That's a hot topic.
It will always be a hot topic.
That's honest money.
The border between Russia and China is honest work.
1) Maybe it will assist the Russian army in the Far East if they work with Pyongyang.
2) Also, you wonder if the sanctions limit Russia' ability to defend itself in the Far East.

[Live: North Korea's Kim Jong Un inspects nuclear-capable bombers during Russia visit North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected Russian nuclear-capable bombers and other warplanes in Russia's Far East on Saturday as he continued a trip that has sparked Western concerns about an arms alliance that could fuel Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine. Follow our live blog for all the latest developments on the war in Ukraine. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). 6:14am: North Korea's Kim Jong Un inspects Russian nuclear-capable bombers on a visit to Russia's Far East North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected Russian nuclear-capable bombers and other warplanes in Russia's Far East on Saturday as he continued a trip that has sparked Western concerns about an arms alliance... ]

[Kim meets Russian defence minister, inspects missile and warship Moscow (AFP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Vladivostok on Saturday where he met Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and inspected a hypersonic aircraft missile system before boarding a warship. Kim's first official visit abroad since the Covid-19 pandemic has fanned Western fears that Moscow and Pyongyang will defy sanctions and strike an arms deal. Moscow is believed to be interested in buying North Korean ammunition to continue fighting in Ukraine, while Pyongyang wants Russia's help to develop its missile programme.]
(September 16, 2023)

Anastasia is from Zurich. She is Russian. What does she think..
About Ukraine?
She has two kids and Alex Ovechkin is the father.

Анастасия из Цюриха. Она русская. Что она думает..
Об Украине?
У нее двое детей, отец - Алекс Овечкин.

This is me talking about Moscow. 9-15-23

He speaks French. About the army. Likely it's incorrect.
Он говорит по-французски. Об армии. Вероятно, это неправильно.

I said that Dom was speaking in French army distance units. And I thought kind of it wasn't exactly right about those cities and the locations of the cities.

Tony 57

Here in Washington, DC it's a real issue about foreigners driving. The Russian hockey wives, for example. Does Anastasia Ovechkin drive her two kids around Virginia? Does Mrs. Backstrom drive her three kids around Virginia? The Swedish hockey player Nicklas Backstrom has three kids. And so the moms, I guess drive all three of those Swedish kids to public schools in Virginia. That's Nicklas every day driving to the Kettler Iceplex. And then every day the wife driving, doing whatever she needs to do for the kids and the house all day. That's so much driving, because these men from other countries bring their wives and kids over here.

This is talking about the Black Sea.
Maybe NATO ships in the Black sea resemble U-boats.
The German navy and the NATO navy in the Black Sea.
Sending weapons to Ukraine.
NATO in Bulgaria.
Taiwanese independence.
That's great the Uzbeks are driving more cars.
It seems like the Kosovars allow the Germans to use their airbases.

Defense Minister: We are discussing a Response to Russia's actions in the Bulgarian Exclusive Zone in the Black Sea

Bulgaria will Not Provide S-300 to Ukraine

Agriculture Minister: Bulgaria Giving Up Ban on Imports from Ukraine Is "Not So Worrying"

[Defence Minister Todor Tagarev Thursday said that in mid-July Russia declared part of the Bulgarian exclusive economic zone unsafe because it will conduct a live fire exercise. As a result, it is dangerous for Bulgarian ships to cross this zone and the normal corridors of commercial traffic in the Black Sea are blocked, Tagarev said in an interview with the Bulgarian National Television.]

Permanent NATO military base to be constructed in Bulgaria

[HONG KONG, September 14. /TASS/. Taiwan’s armed forces have recorded 68 aircraft and 10 ships of China’s People's Liberation Army (PLA) approaching the island over the past 24 hours, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry said in a statement on the X social media platform (formerly known as Twitter).]

Uzbekistan's August Auto Sales Rise 24%

[In Brussels, Vučić will meet with the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, as well as with the EU's special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajčak, and participate in the dialogue under the auspices of the EU, Office for media relations of the President of the Republic announced. The meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić with Borrell and Lajčak began in Brussels. The High Representative of the EU for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, came down to meet the President of Serbia, which has never happened before.]

(September 14, 2023)

An extreme other example is Campbell Hatton. He's not even from Manchester. Ricky has a house in Hyde which is a suburb of Manchester.

My mom played both the flute and the clarinet. Anymore I think she doesn't have a clarinet, she only has a flute which she plays some. Her brother was in the Indiana University marching band.
And so growing up in Austin, I had some sense of music that wasn't from the locals.
Ray though. Ray would have been a big part of that because he had gone to the University of London. And of course he was a Beatles fan.
During the day I would be in music class in school and then in the evenings and on weekends I would be at soccer practice.
I could hear him talk, and then I would listen to the songs.
The Beatles are from Liverpool, but I point out most of the songs were recorded in either New York City or Los Angeles. They would sound like the people in London.
Also, Led Zeppelin for example. Bush. Supertramp.
Those are London based bands.

This is me talking about Taiwan. 9-13-23

This is a good example.
It's a peculiar dementia coming from Belgrade and Moscow.
Regardless of their environment.
There is money for Jelena to fly in the airplane to New York City.
There is money for Natalija to fly in the airplane to Colorado.
There is room for Anastasia and two kids at the Kettler Iceplex.
There is room for Varvara and her kid at the Bruins practice rink.
It's as though they are unphased by conditions as they are relentless about their relatives traveling with them.

[Water cut off across London Large swathes of homes in London have been left without water or with no pressure after a fault was reported at a plant in the capital. Thames Water said households in more than 50 postcodes across London have had supplies disrupted while parents have reported on social media that schools have been forced to close.]

Yeah but if Alex worked on a Russian submarine he should have better dental hygiene.
The team are army people, they aren't really smart about the Russian navy. They are alright Alex doesn't get dental work. They're fine everyone has wives and kids at work.
On the ships you can't have your wife and kid at work.
Why does Novak have his wife and kids at work?
Moscow will sacrifice its own navy because they are bigots against the people in the north.
Yeah, but Nikola has his wife and kids at his job.
Nikola probably doesn't care about the Russian navy either.
You can't ride a bicycle on a ship.

This is a description of the Bulgarian economy.
Maybe there are German labor unions in Bulgaria and that explains the onecoin scam.
Also, the Bulgarian agricultural sector.
It seems like the missiles the Ukrainians have can cause real damage at least locally.
If the Pentagon or the Germans are sending Kiev weapons.
They are being deployed and they are causing damage.
Also, the Ukrainians launch special forces operations inside Russia.
Maybe the Ukrainians launch the same missiles as the North Koreans.
It's hard about Kosovo because people are so mad at Novak.
Novak isn't really popular right now in Washington, DC.

Accomplice of Ruja Ignatova in OneCoin was Sentenced to 20 years in Prison in the US

Day 567 of the invasion of Ukraine. Summary of key events in the last 24 hours: Russia announced that the shipyard in Crimea is on fire, two ships were damaged in a missile attack from Ukraine - dead and wounded Russia will help North Korea to create satellites Despite the sanctions: Russia is still full of German goods Russia announced that the shipyard in Crimea is on fire, two ships were damaged in a missile attack from Ukraine - dead and wounded A missile attack in the early hours of today caused a fire at the Sevmorzavod shipyard in Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula. In the Ukrainian strike and the fire, at least 26 people were injured and 2 died, the Russian-appointed governor of the occupied city, Mikhail Razvozhayev, announced on Telegram, quoted by Reuters. Two ships were damaged after Ukraine fired 10 missiles, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Three boats were also destroyed. "All emergency services are working on site, there is no danger to civilian objects in the city," said Razvozhayev. The strategic shipyard on the peninsula, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014, builds and repairs ships and submarines for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The Navy has carried out numerous drone and missile attacks against Ukraine.

PM: Scrapping Ban on Ukrainian Grain Imports Will Lower Prices of Staple Foods

Grain producers plan protest over proposed lifting of ban on the import of Ukrainian grain

TOKYO, September 13. /TASS/. North Korea has launched two missiles, presumed to be ballistic ones, the Japanese coast guard said on Wednesday. The service urged vessels in the area to stay away from the missile's debris and contact officials immediately if they spot any fragments. According to the coast guards, the missiles were fired at 11:46 a.m. and 11:55 a.m. local time (05:46 a.m. and 05:55 a.m. Moscow time).

SEVASTOPOL, September 13. /TASS/. At least 24 people were injured in Kiev's missile attack on the Crimean city of Sevastopol on Wednesday, including four patients whose condition is moderately severe, Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev wrote on Telegram.

U.S. Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, stated that he did not receive assurances from Kurti about his commitment to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. In an interview for Voice of America, Escobar stated that he did not receive assurances from Kurti in a recent telephone conversation that he was committed to the implementation of the normalization agreement and its annex, which Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced on Monday on the social network X (Twitter).

(September 13, 2023)

The border with Turkey.
The Pentagon and Ukraine.
Warsaw and the economy there.
The EU and the EC.
I wish the North Korean president wasn't going to Russia.
Also, I wish the EU wasn't sending people to Tashkent uranium sites.

Bulgaria: 14 Illegal Migrants were caught near Kazanlak

Day 566 of the Invasion of Ukraine: US could provide Kyiv with Long-Range Missiles caring Cluster Munition

Polish Tourist Hospitalized after Sightseeing Train Accident in Sunny Beach

EP to vote Iliana Ivanova's nomination for European commissioner

TOKYO, September 12. /TASS/. North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un left Pyongyang on a special train in the late afternoon on September 10 for a visit to Russia, the Voice of Korea radio station reported. It is stressed that he will be accompanied by North Korea's high-ranking party, government and military officials on his trip.

VLADIVOSTOK, September 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will discuss the issues of bilateral cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang in various spheres, including sensitive ones, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

EU ambassador visits Uzbekistan's uranium heritage site

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived to Russia North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived this morning for a visit to Russia, where he is to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

(September 12, 2023)

Tony 56

A few decades ago. The State Department sent out official communiques. At the time, they thought they were really smart. It's about the One China policy. I have read them.
And then the think tanks. I've met the men at the think tanks.
It's like only they understand it.
It's simple in the sense of how we can navigate between Taiwanese independence and the CCCP. They wrote books forever and gave lectures.
There exists kind of a defunct DC policy about Taiwan.
Literally they worked at Brookings.
They have retired and some of those arguments aren't any more persuasive.

"Washington diplomatically recognises Beijing over Taipei but maintains de facto relations with democratic Taiwan and supports the island's right to decide its own future."

Beijing is the capital of China.
Taipei and Taiwan are separate but controversial parts of China.
Beijing isn't democratic.
Taipei should have a separate government from Beijing.

Some of this maybe isn't really great.
Maybe Taipei isn’t democratic.
Maybe Beijing and Taipei should have similar governments.
Sometimes Xian, Shanghai, and Chongqing, for example are the capitals of China.

What do we think is going on?
That it's not really obvious about Taiwan as a government.
And maybe Taipei and Beijing are already very similar.

This happened to me over the weekend.
I'm an isolationist, and I'm opposed to ADA stuff.
A woman like wanted deaf stuff at the gym and I told her no.
Another woman is an immigrant from New Zealand and it bothers me she flies so much to other countries.

I don't want to do deaf stuff.
I wish you could tell people to go back to the country they came from.

At the gym there is a woman from New Zealand. She is married to a man from Ireland. They live in Washington, DC. They have kids. The daughter is in college in London. They travel to foreign countries to go sightseeing.
At the gym, she wants the fans turned off and the temperature at normal levels because she is cold.
Everyone else wants it cold and the fans on.
I guess because then she is more comfortable when she exercises.
But they fly to foreign countries constantly and they themselves are foreigners.
Somehow you cannot mention this to her as a reason to ignore her requests about the fans.

Yeah, but don't you want the fans off because you're an immigrant and you travel too much on vacation?

There are strategic ports in Sudan.
I wonder about the German navy and if they trade through Sudanese ports.
Maybe the Germans sail from Poland to Sudan.
Also, they might have warships in the Black Sea and that explains this progress in Ukraine.
Are some of the NATO ships in the Black Sea German warships?
I wonder about the EU and German warships.
Notice this description of a super computer in Bulgaria.
Maybe the Germans trade through Bulgarian ports on the Black Sea.

These others are about East Asia.
Taipei and Taiwanese independence.
Seoul and weaponry going to and from the Korean peninsula.
And the Kosovar police.
It seems like the Kosovars allow the Germans to use their airbases.

At least 40 killed in Drone Attack on Khartoum market in Sudan

Day 565 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Kyiv reports Progress on the Southern Front

Bulgaria Finishes Third in 5th Sea Consuls Regatta in Poland

Directorate for Combating Organised Crime Protects Upcoming Elections' Digital Infrastructure

Bulgaria's supercomputer displayed at the Thessaloniki International Fair

HONG KONG /XIANGGANG/, September 11. /TASS/. Taiwan has reported the approach of 26 Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and 13 People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warships in the region adjacent to the island, Taiwan’s defense department said in a statement. According to it, "twenty-six PLA aircraft and thirteen PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 5 a.m. (midnidnight Moscow time - TASS) today." The department also pointed out that "from 5:40 a.m. (0:40 a.m. Moscow time), we detected 13 PLA aircraft (including J-16 [fighter jets], Su-30 [fighter jets], KJ-500 [long-range radar detection aircraft], UAVs, etc.), eleven of which crossed the median line or entered our southwestern Air Defense Identification Zone." "In addition, PLAN aircraft carrier Shandong sailed east 60 nautical miles southeast of Cape Eluanbi into the Western Pacific," the statement said.

VLADIVOSTOK, September 11. /TASS/. Russia cautions South Korea against sending weapons directly or indirectly to Kiev, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s First Asian Department Georgy Zinovyev told TASS on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

"That is the only way to solve problems, and problems are piling up. The day after the NATO Secretary General said that he expects significant consultations for any actions of the KBS that could affect security in Kosovo, Kosovo police officers entered the Lola factory. There is no one there, but it was another way to prove that their power has no limits," said Vučić.

(September 11, 2023)

I thought to myself. That's not where that stuff is. Maybe...
And then one of them was really off.
But then it was the US Abrams tanks.
The Americans are really smart about tanks. Patton was a tank commander, for example. We're smart about cars and roads and tanks.
It was like Dom, said the word US Abrams in such a way.
Maybe he liked our stuff was over there or something.
I thought to myself is the Abrams tank...

If people here in DC. Everyone has some kind of relative in the army.
OK, the Abrams tank.

- But then he was kind of, not very rocket savvy about drone words.
It reminds me of high school English class.
Is what he said about rockets and drones, within what seems acceptable.
And then it got worse about rocket words and drone words.
Then, the comment about Maria.

Tony 55

Tony 54

This is me talking more about Dom Nicholls in Virginia. 9-10-23

This is me talking about Dom Nicholls in Virginia. 9-9-23

Maybe the EU facilitates the elections in Ukraine and they manage the borders between Ukraine and foreign countries.
The Germans might assist Beijing to build internal security software.
I wonder about the Germans and weird Russian banking stories.
Also, the Germans themselves are reporting about intrigue regarding Moscow.

[Ukraine 'ready' to organise wartime elections, Zelensky says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Friday that Kyiv is “ready” to organise elections despite the ongoing war. Earlier, Zelensky said Russian air superiority is 'stopping' his country’s counteroffensive against occupying forces. 6:30pm: Ukraine ready to organise elections in wartime, Zelensky says President Volodymyr Zelensky said Friday Ukraine was prepared to organise elections even while the war with Russia is still going on. "I am ready for the elections. I mean, we are ready if it is necessary," said Zelensky, adding he was in favour of allowing international observers because "for us the main thing is not to hold elections, but for them to be recognised".]

[Elusive Ernie: China's new chatbot has a censorship problem That is a frequent response you get from China's newest sensation, Ernie, if you ask it "difficult" questions. The chatbot, launched by search engine giant Baidu, deflects anything deemed too sensitive. Ernie, touted as Baidu's answer to ChatGPT, was introduced with great fanfare in recent weeks, pumping up the company's shares. Baidu said it had received 33.42 million user enquiries within the first 24 hours of operation, averaging 23,000 questions per minute. Another Chinese tech giant, Tencent, announced on Thursday that it had also launched a chatbot. However, that is currently only open to "invited users" - which seems to mostly mean companies.]

Russia's agricultural bank may get SWIFT access in month: UN

[Two German men been charged with high treason for gathering state secrets from Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency and passing them to Russia, prosecutors said on Friday. The pair, named as Carsten L. and Arthur E., are accused of working together with a Russian businessman to "procure sensitive information from the BND's portfolio" and hand it over to Russia's FSB security services.]

(September 9, 2023)

It's possible the Germans assist Pyongyang to build submarines.
Notice these reports about the Black Sea and the Caucasus region.
Maybe Berlin and Ankara work together to send weaponry to East Asia.
Also this description of flooding near the Black Sea.
Maybe too many NATO ships are in the Black Sea.
It seems like a lot of military items are sent to East Asia.
Another description of army stuff in the Caucasus region.

North Korea has launched its first Tactical Nuclear Submarine

Parliamentary Committee to Hear Defence Minister on NATO Regional Plans

Counting up the toll after the devastating floods on Bulgaria's Black Sea coast

TOKYO, September 8. /TASS/. North Korea is set to modernize its entire fleet of large submarines and equip them with tactical nuclear weapons, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said.

MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. North Korea is showing that it can ensure its defense, as it is conducting military exercises in response to provocations by the US, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said at an embassy reception marking the 75th anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The army is gathering at the border; "The situation is very explosive" Azerbaijan is massing its troops on the border with Armenia and on the demarcation line with Nagorno-Karabakh, announced Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan

(September 8, 2023)

Dom Nicholls is a retired British army officer.
I said he's not saying the places and directions right.
He's not saying the tank stuff right.
He's giving deference to special forces teams.
He's not being fair about credibility from intelligence officers.
And it's Donna doesn't know what she's talking about.

It used to be the Russians would only talk to the army.
Now it's different.
You should still only talk to the army.

Notice this description of the Caucasus region.
Maybe the Germans and Turks use the ports in the Black Sea.
The Germans seem to have labor unions in Bulgaria.
More army news about the Caucasus region.
You wonder about the Turkish military and the German military.
The EU and weird prison stuff.
Maybe the Germans maintain telecoms in Tashkent.

Armenia announced that it will hold Joint Military Exercises with the US next week

Bulgarian Foreign Minister at 3SI Summit: Better Connectivity in Region Will Be of Use to Entire EU

Bulgaria is European leader in sunflower production, yet the raw material is not reaching the processing capacities

BAKU, September 6. /TASS/. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev discussed opening roads so that cargo could be delivered to Karabakh during a phone conversation with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the press service of the Azerbaijani President reported.

MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. Countries of the European Union refused to extradite around 100 criminals to Russia in 2022 and 2023, Valery Kalachev, chief of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Russian Interior Ministry, said in an interview with TASS.

Telecom Services in Uzbekistan Soar 120.2% in H1 2023

(September 7, 2023)

Is Robotyne in the west or east?
Is Saint Petersburg northwest of Moscow?
Do tanks have one country of origin?
Is it illegal for Ukrainian special forces teams to cross into Russia?
Do we believe what we're hearing from the Ukrainian intelligence officers about drone strikes?
Are parts of the exploded drones shrapnel?

Tony 53

Dom, do the NATO ships in the Black Sea resemble U-boats?

Belarus banned its Citizens from Renewing Passports abroad Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko yesterday banned citizens from renewing their passports while abroad, which could force those who fled the country, amid a growing crackdown, to return to keep their travel documents. An estimated 200,000-300,000 Belarusians have left the country in the past three years, since mass protests against elections that returned President Lukashenko to office led to a brutal crackdown on political opposition. Lukashenko's decree states that a Belarusian passport can only be renewed if the holder was a registered resident before leaving the country. Opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who fled to Lithuania after running against Lukashenko in the 2020 election, warned her countrymen that “even if your passport expires, you should not return to your homeland because you risk becoming a target of persecution”. Tsikhanouskaya said that Poland and Lithuania issue so-called "foreigners' passports" to Belarusians that allow them to stay in those countries. The Belarusian human rights group “Viasna” estimates that more than 1,500 people are currently behind bars in Belarus as political prisoners. Journalists and activists in Belarus have faced widespread repression since the August 2020 presidential vote, after which Lukashenko began a sixth presidential term.

Advancing Energy Cooperation between Bulgaria, Sweden, Finland and Denmark Discussed at Energy Ministry

Romania Hosts Three Seas Initiative Summit

Floods at Bulgaria's Black Sea coast: Two people have died, three are missing

NEW YORK, September 6. /TASS/. US Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy believes that the incumbent government’s claims that all financial and military aid to Ukraine is being carefully tracked are false. "Of course, the mainstream media and the establishment will say that any money the U.S. sends to support Ukraine is strictly 'itemized and audited,'" the politician wrote on X, a social network formerly known as Twitter. "This is a joke funnier than any Zelensky could have written in his prior career as a comedian." "Don’t forget that in June, the Pentagon itself discovered an ‘accounting error’ that artificially created an extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine without Congressional approval. The notion that all money and military equipment being sent to Ukraine is being carefully tracked is deeply dishonest," Ramaswamy added.

MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. A Russian air defense system shot down a fixed-wing drone above the Navlinsky district of the Bryansk Region that borders Ukraine, Governor Alexander Bogomaz wrote on his Telegram channel on Wednesday.

Shoigu: Total disaster The Ukrainian army did not achieve its goals during the three-month counteroffensive, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. "The Russian armed forces continue to operate actively along the entire dividing line. The Kyiv regime, despite huge losses, is already trying to carry out a so-called counter-offensive for the third month," said the minister at a meeting with the military leadership. "The armed forces of Ukraine have not achieved their goals in any area," Shoigu said. "The Ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to demonstrate to Western patrons at least some success in offensive operations in order to further obtain military and economic aid, which only prolongs the conflict," Shoigu said. According to him, since the beginning of the counteroffensive, the Ukrainians have lost 66,000 soldiers and 7,600 pieces of military equipment. "The Armed Forces of Russia continue to destroy the military infrastructure of Ukraine with precise strikes. In the past month alone, 34 command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the operational-tactical level of command and control have been hit," Shoigu said.

(September 6, 2023)

Tony 51

Tony 52

This is me talking about the border between Minsk and Kiev. 9-6-23

Tony 50

Dom, as the Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov has been fired, what does that indicate about the Ukrainian officer corps?

8 Illegal Migrant Detained near Pernik Eight illegal migrants were detained near Pernik on Monday night, Pernik police’s spokesperson Ventsislav Aleksov said Tuesday. He told BTA that the men of Moroccan citizenship rode in a vehicle on their way to Serbia.

[Young Bulgarians leave their parents' home at the age of 30 on average. This is according to data published today by the European statistical agency Eurostat for 2022. The average age of Bulgarian men on this indicator is 32.3 years and of women - 28.2 years. For 2022, the average age at which young people move out of their parents' home is 26.4 years across the EU. Bulgaria ranks fourth in the EU preceded by Slovakia, Italy and Croatia. Croatia is at the top (average age 33.4 years), while Finland is at the other extreme (average age 21.3 years).]

BEIJING, September 5. /TASS/. Taiwan has no legal grounds to have a representation office at the United Nations, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Mao Ning said.

MOSCOW, September 4. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin and Yemeni Ambassador to Moscow Ahmed Salem Al-Wahishi discussed the military-political and humanitarian situation in the republic in light of the monthly consideration of the issue by the UN Security Council, according to a report published on the Russian Foreign Ministry's website on the results of the meeting.

Uzbek Delegation Visits Minsk for Business Forum with Belarus

Moscow has just been seriously stabbed in the back Armenia should join NATO, said the president of the European Committee for the Enlargement of the Alliance, Günter Fellinger.

"It's a complete failure" Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu agreed with Putin's assessment, who called the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine a complete failure. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Sunday that he has decided to remove Alexey Reznikov from the post of Ukrainian Defense Minister and proposed to replace him with Rustem Umerov, who is now the head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.

Rama made a purge in his cabinet Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has reshuffled the government and dismissed six ministers in his cabinet.

(September 5, 2023)

This is me talking about Alexey Reznikov. 9-5-23

This is from the Bulgarian news.
I wish neither Ukraine or Russia exported grain.
Why can't they keep their own food?
Also, I wish Turkey wasn't building a gas hub.
Maybe the Germans want to use that energy for their navy.
I am skeptical about Russian trade with Africa.
The Germans used to do weird military research in the African deserts.

[After the Putin-Erdogan meeting in Sochi: The grain deal remains blocked for now The grain deal remains blocked for now. In a meeting with the Turkish president in the Russian resort of Sochi, the Russian president said that there will be no agreement on Ukrainian grain until the West fulfills Moscow's demands. To revive the deal, Recep Erdogan called on Kyiv to soften its stance towards Russia. Energy - was also discussed by the two presidents. Putin announced that a gas hub is being built in Turkey. Another highlight of the meeting was the war in Ukraine. Without signing documents, without a breakthrough on the grain deal, but with a good assessment of Erdogan's diplomacy, the meeting in Sochi ended. Putin announced that Russia is starting to supply Africa with free grain - how it will be delivered, however, is not yet clear: "We are close to finalizing agreements with six African countries where we intend to deliver food for free and even do free logistics." In Sochi, the Turkish delegation is large. Erdogan was accompanied by the ministers of defense, foreign affairs, finance and energy and the governor of the Turkish central bank. The subject of Russian gas was also discussed. "We have made progress and I hope that we will soon conclude negotiations on the creation of a gas hub in Turkey," Putin said. During the 18-month war, Turkey did not join Western sanctions against Russia and emerged as Moscow's main trading partner. "Last year, trade between Russia and Turkey increased by 86%. In the first half of this year, the positive trend continues," the Russian president also said. "The volume of foreign trade between Turkey and Russia is currently 62 billion dollars. The fact that we are moving towards the goal of 100 billion dollars really makes us very happy," Erdogan said. However, Turkey also supports Ukraine. Ankara sent arms to Kyiv and stood behind Ukraine's bid for NATO membership. Erdogan has demonstrated more than once that he would play the role of mediator between Russia and Ukraine. He is meeting Putin for the first time since he was re-elected president. The last face-to-face meeting between the two was almost a year ago.]
(September 5, 2023)

This is me talking about the Ukrainian army. 9-4-23

This is me talking about Marko Djuric. 9-4-23

Marko doesn't speak Russian.
I speak Russian.
He has a wife and he is the ambassador.
He is very smart.

Марко не говорит по-русски.
Я говорю на русском языке.
У него есть жена, и он посол.
Он очень умный.

Tony 49

This is from the Serbian news about the digital euro. It speaks to German computer capability. German economic expansionism.
The growth of the EU and weird East German computer army stuff. How the German army integrates with European monies.
Also, in Bulgaria about German labor unions and the currency.
Agricultural products in the Balkans.
Maybe the Germans take too much energy for their army.
Maybe NATO takes too much money and energy.
NATO might cause inflation.
A weird story about seized assets in Ukraine. We sent them so much military hardware.
The Baltic Sea. It seems to be disputed between Russia and Germany. The Germans seem to misuse the ports in Lubeck and Gdansk.

[Conspiracy theory is rising: Digital Euro is a darn trap! A word on the digital version of Euro. The digital euro is "cash" that is stored and used for payments on a smartphone, as opposed to using a credit card, bank transfer, or paper and coins. The European Central Bank (ECB) hopes to introduce the digital euro in 2026. "They'll tell you: 'Hey, it's easier, more organized, you don't have to touch this dirty money, and you won't get COVID or something similar. A thief can't steal your money anymore, but you can have a chip under your skin. It's a perfect tool for surveillance and digital dictatorship, it's a damned trap," says Friedrich.]

[The EC representation in Bulgaria is launching an Information Campaign for the Adoption of the Euro]

[Bulgaria Spends BGN Several Billion Every Year on Seed Imports, Risks Becoming a Wasteland in a Crisis]

[NATO military equipment to pass through the country Servicemen and military equipment of the Bulgarian military contingent, which will join the NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR), will be transported from Blagoevgrad to Gyueshevo border crossing from September 4 to 11. Troops and military equipment from the Turkish Armed Forces are expected to cross Bulgaria's road network during the same period. The contingent will be returning to Turkiye after participating in the NATO-led mission in Kosovo. It will travel from Gyueshevo border checkpoint to Kapitan Andreevo checkpoint.]

[US seeks authority to use over $1 bln in seized Russian assets to support Ukraine — CBS "We are seeking the authority from Congress to allow us to use the proceeds for the benefit of the Ukrainian people," US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told the TV channel WASHINGTON, September 4. /TASS/. The US Department of Justice is seeking the authority to repurpose more than a billion dollars of sanctioned Russian assets for Ukraine, CBS reported on Sunday. According to the TV channel, since last February, the United States has seized Russian assets worth over $1 billion around the world. "We are seeking the authority from Congress to allow us to use the proceeds for the benefit of the Ukrainian people," US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told the TV channel. Earlier, national security advisors in Great Britain, Germany, Italy, the United States and France warned that sovereign Russian assets in their jurisdictions will remain frozen until Russia "pays for Ukraine damage.".]

[Denmark's demand Russian diplomatic staff be reduced leads Moscow to 'draw conclusions' It was reported earlier in the day that Denmark had decided to reduce the number of Russian diplomats in Copenhagen to equalize it with the number of Danish diplomats in Moscow MOSCOW, September 1. /TASS/. Russia can not but draw conclusions from Denmark’s demand that the Russian embassy staff be reduced to five, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday. "We consider the Danish authorities’ demand that the diplomatic personnel of the Russian embassy in Copenhagen be reduced from 15 to 5 another manifestation of the Danish leadership’s hostile position toward our country," she said. "Naturally, some conclusions will be drawn here." It was reported earlier in the day that Denmark had decided to reduce the number of Russian diplomats in Copenhagen to equalize it with the number of Danish diplomats in Moscow. "This decision imposes a cap on the size of the Russian Embassy to a maximum of 5 diplomats and 20 administrative and technical staff," the Danish Foreign Ministry said in a press statement posted on its website. According to the ministry, the reduction must be completed by September 29, 2023.]

(September 4, 2023)

OK. My friend Brandon. He went to Texas Tech in Lubeck. He used to live in Fort Meade, Maryland which is where the big NSA building is.
The last time I talked to him, I was happy he mentioned it. He asked me something about cryptocurrency. And then I thought to myself that I did used to work for the Department of Commerce. Kind of most people don't know that about me. Brandon mentioned cryptocurrency, because I used to work for the Department of Commerce.
That is true. I was a Georgia Tech fellow at the United States Department of Commerce.

When I was little, my dad's friend from New York City would visit us. He would fly to Austin and I would go with my dad to pick him up from the airport. He would stay the night in our house and then the next morning we would drive to Houston.
We would stay in a hotel because we were there to see the Chicago Cubs play the Astros. And I would eat bagels at the hotel restaurant.
It was really hard for me to live in Austin. I wanted to go with Davis back to New York City.

Tony 48

Tony 47

Maybe the Germans made these drones.
The EU in the Caucasus region.
Right wingerism in Germany.

9:20am: Russia says drones downed near border, village shelled The Russian defence ministry said it downed two Ukrainian drones over Belgorod region, a border province that comes under regular attack from Kyiv's forces. Separately, the governor of neighbouring Kursk region said a village on the border had come under shelling from Ukraine, with one woman injured.

The European Union proposed a plan to "gradually reopen" the Lachin road, the Karabakh region's only land link with Armenia, and the Aghdam-Khankendi road, according to a statement released by the European Council President Charles Michel's office on Friday. Michel's team and the EU's special representative for the South Caucasus, Toivo Klaar, "have been in frequent contact with Baku, Yerevan and representatives of Karabakh Armenians to work out a solution for unblocking access" between Karabakh and Armenia, Michel's spokesperson, Ecaterina Casinge, said in a statement.

Voters reject Germany's coalition in polls as far-right AfD soars in Saxony Unemployment rises in Germany as job vacancies remain at 'high level'

[Gird your ears! Officials have announced that sirens are set to wail once again when Germany's annual nationwide alert day takes place later this month. At 11am on Thursday September 14th, people all over Germany will receive alerts as part of an annual 'warning day' (Warntag) test across multiple channels, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance announced in Berlin on Friday. "We rely on the so-called warning medium mix," said State Secretary Juliane Seifert. This includes the mobile alert channel Cell Broadcast, warning apps like Nina, alerts on radio and television, sirens, information boards in cities, as well as alerts on rail platforms and in trains.]

In Texas it's a specific point about the cheerleaders.
Who are the cheerleaders?
In towns near the border, there used to be only white women on the cheer squad.
And they wanted Hispanic cheerleaders.
There are too many Slavic cheerleaders in this city.
And so you are speaking from avarice about this issue.
Every woman from Belgrade already lives at all of the embassies with her kids.
You are speaking to the poor from a palace about this issue.
And then it's read about soldier and professor and journalist.

This is a BBC report.
It seems like because of their domestic and economic problems.
The Chinese want to annex energy reserves.
Kind of an obvious motive for their army stuff.

[Philippines stands up to Beijing in South China sea tussle "We're scared of China," fisherman Benjo Atay says as wind and rain batter his small bamboo boat on the island of Palawan in the Philippines. He shouts orders at his young crew, most of them family, as they haul on ropes to navigate out of the port. They are already bathed in salt water and sweat - but it is not the weather that frightens them. "The Chinese ships circle us and shadow us," he says. "When we are anchored... they would force us to leave. They would get rid of us." The Philippines is at the centre of a tense territorial standoff with Beijing in the South China Sea. It is among several countries that have protested against a map issued by China this week which reiterated its claim to over 90% of the sea. Where previously Manila may have softly whimpered at China's actions to block its ships, its voice has now soared to a roar, emboldened by support from Washington and its allies. "We are worried [about rising tensions], of course, but that doesn't daunt us," said Jonathan E Malaya, the assistant director general of the Philippines National Security Council. In recent months, the Philippines has given the US access to key military bases, hosted the largest-ever joint military drills between the two countries, and repeatedly called out Beijing's aggression in the South China Sea. Even as Philippine and Chinese coastguards engage in a now-familiar cat-and-mouse game on the disputed waters, Manila has announced plans to train fishermen to protect their territory out at sea. The message is clear. "If you are a Filipino, whether in government or [the] private sector, regardless of your politics, defending and making excuses for China's aggressive behaviour should deem you unpatriotic, and a traitor to the Philippines and to our people," Jay Tarriela, a spokesperson for the coastguard in the West Philippine Sea wrote on social media. China's claims, which extend to all of the South China Sea, rival not just the Philippines but also Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei. These are not new but they are getting louder - and dicier. The latest episode revolves around the remote Ayungin shoal that lies more than 620 miles (998km) from mainland China's southernmost shore, and around 120 miles from Palawan island. Chinese vessels have used water cannon and lasers to deter the Philippine coastguard from getting close to the shoal in the last six months. The boats were carrying essential water and food to troops aboard a rusting warship - named Sierra Madre - that Manila intentionally grounded on a reef in their waters. It was a determined and calculated move to try to keep a presence on the shoal. This is territory the Philippines won in an international court in 2016, after a tribunal said Beijing's sweeping claim to sovereignty over most of the South China Sea had no legal basis. These are lucrative fishing grounds and access to the shoal also means access to nearby Reed Bank, which has significant reserves of oil and natural gas.]

This is me talking about Dom Nicholls. 9-2-23

This is me talking about Dom Nicholls. 9-1-23

This is me talking about Jelena Djokovic. 9-1-23

Why are your wives such?
Почему вы, жены, такие?

This is talking about the Bulgarian border with Turkey.
Maybe German labor unions police the border.
Generally German labor unions in Bulgaria.
Ukraine and American tanks and warplanes.
I wish the Pentagon would stop sending American weapons to Kiev.
The Baltic Sea.
You wonder about Lubeck and Gdansk.
Do the Germans misuse those ports on the Baltic Sea?

"Bulgaria: 406 people were Detained for Migrant Trafficking, 612 - for Drug Trafficking in Just One Month"

"The Bulgarian Prosecutor's Office is Investigating Collusion and Illegal Schemes around TurkStream"

"Turkish Border Police Stop 53 Illegal Migrants from Crossing into Bulgaria"

"WASHINGTON, September 1. /TASS/. In mid-September, the armed forces of Ukraine may get the first ten US-made M1 Abrams tanks out of the 31 pledged to the Kiev government, the Politico newspaper wrote citing Pentagon officials. According to the report, the tanks have already been delivered to Germany and will be delivered to Ukraine after repairs."

"GENEVA, September 1. /TASS/. Russia has sent letters to various UN human rights officials, asking them to condemn Estonia's draft bill aimed at temporarily depriving Russian and Belarusian citizens residing in the country of their right to vote in the upcoming municipal elections, the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN Office in Geneva said."

"F-16 vs. 100 Sukhoi Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is actively lobbying Western militaries for fourth-generation aircraft, such as the F-16."

(September 1, 2023)

Do you know? In Catholicism. Women with kids. Sometimes they are not liked.
Вы знаете? В католичестве. Женщины с детьми. Иногда они не нравятся.

That's a funny joke. Belgrade and Moscow want to talk about army deployments and the sanctions debates. And Jelena Djokovic is at the tournament and people are asking where her kids are. I thought her job was her kids? Now she's a professional sports event attender?

Tony 45

The Pentagon and Syria.
Metals trading.
Maybe the Germans send military items through South African ports.
A helicopter mission in Ukraine.

Notice this report about energy politics in the Balkans.
The Germans are probably taking too much energy for their army.
You wonder about Bishkek and the border with Xinxiang province.
Maybe Bishkek assists with the weird Uighur training camps.

[Day 554 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Six Ukrainian Soldiers were Killed during Helicopter Mission]

[At Least 50 Dead after Fire in Apartment Building in Johannesburg]

[Top World Lead and Zinc Experts Discuss Decarbonisation at Meeting in Plovdiv]

[Super Blue Moon to brighten the night sky over Bulgaria]

[MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. The US-led coalition’s fighter jets and drones violated Syria’s airspace in the al-Tanf area 18 times during the past day, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria (a division of the Russian defense ministry), said on Wednesday.]

[MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated his Kyrgyz counterpart Sadyr Japarov on the republic's Independence Day, noting the successful development of bilateral relations in various spheres, according to the congratulatory message posted on the Kremlin’s website on Thursday.]

[Revealed: Warning from Serbia; That will mean war and we will respond If an attack occurs on the gas routes, Budapest and Belgrade will consider it as an intrusion into their gas supply routes for obtaining Russian gas. After the sabotage of Nord Stream, Hungary and Serbia warned the international community that any endangerment of the gas supply system from the Russian Federation would be considered a casus belli, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated in a conversation with American journalist Tucker Carlson. He reminded that Hungary immediately classified the sabotage of Nord Stream as a terrorist act, and he called Germany's lack of a strong reaction a "manifestation of lack of sovereignty."]

(August 31, 2023)

The EU and how they all want to drive cars.
German married women and then her kids drive cars.
EU men and women drive cars around Washington, DC.
In the Arab world they try to make it so women cannot drive.
It's an insatiable thirst for cars in Europe because these French women have to drive their kids everywhere.
And then a report about the German army.
Trade between Beijing and Tashkent.
German right winger stuff in Sophia.

[Postponing Bulgaria and Romania's Schengen Dream helps Russia The EU Council's vote last December to admit Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania into the Schengen area for free travel should have been a triumphant moment for the bloc. A show of unity after a year of political and economic difficulties, as well as highlighting the fact that the bloc still has the political capacity to continue integrating the Balkan countries into the European project, notes the information portal euobserver.com. Although Croatia welcomed the new year by joining the Eurozone and the Schengen area a month after its successful entry bid, its Balkan partners were not so lucky. Citing concerns about incomplete implementation of EU standards on the rule of law, as well as links between criminal groups and political institutions in both countries, the Netherlands and Austria vetoed Bulgaria's bid, while only Austria vetoed Romania's. The veto caused widespread displeasure from both politicians and the public. The Netherlands and Austria were immediately accused of blocking their Balkan partners because of domestic problems - both countries faced growing support from anti-immigrant opposition parties - rather than for sound political reasons. Bulgarians and Romanians even discussed a boycott of Austrian and Dutch products on social networks. Even some local politicians got involved, suggesting that their citizens boycott Austrian banks as well as the products of the Austrian chemical concern OMV.]

[EU New Car Market Numbers Increase in July; Bulgaria in 3rd Place in EU in Terms of Sales of Electric Vehicles]

[Protest against the amendments to the Energy Act to be held in Kyustendil]

[Berlin plans to train 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers on German soil by year-end It is also reported that munitions are a key aspect that Germany is focused on MADRID, August 30. /TASS/. Before year end 2023, Germany plans to train 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers on German soil, Siemtje Moeller, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Defense Ministry, said upon arriving at an informal meeting of EU foreign affairs and defense ministers in the Spanish city of Toledo.]

[SOFIA, August 29. /TASS/. Bulgarian politicians, in seeking to destroy monuments to Soviet soldiers, want to rewrite history and deal a blow to Russia's spirit and that of its citizens, the Russian ambassador to the country told TASS on Tuesday, commenting on the demolition of a monument to Red Army soldiers in downtown Sofia.]

[China launches new railway corridor to Uzbekistan]

[32-hour Working Week? Negotiations between the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Stellantis, the owner of Chrysler and Jeep, are underway.]

(August 30, 2023)

Alex is an athlete.
And a father.
And a husband.
Therefore Anastsia and her children are at the hocky stadium.
In Virginia.
Алекс спортсмен.
И отец.
И муж.
Поэтому Анастасия с детьми находится на хоккейном стадионе.
В Вирджинии.

Tony 44

This is me talking about Dom Nicholls. 8-29-23

The Romanian economy.
It might be that the EC is responsible for these infrastructure problems in Romania.
I wish the EU would stop expanding.
Maybe the Germans send navy items to Pyongyang.
The sanctions are making it so Russians are in Finnish prisons.
The Serbian economy.
Maybe the Kosovars allow the Germans to use their airbases.

Mass Inspections of Gas Stations began after the Explosions in Romania

North Macedonia’s EU Membership in 2030 Feasible - PM Kovachevski Says

Todor Tagarev to participate in an informal meeting of the EU Member States’ Defense Ministers in Toledo

North Korean Navy to become part of nuclear deterrence force — Kim Jong-Un The leader of the DPRK said that all branches of the armed forces "will receive new equipment" in accordance with the "policy of the expanded use of tactical nuclear weapons"

[Russian diplomats visit detained Russian national in Finnish prison "The embassy stays in touch with Torden and his attorney and is taking all possible measures to defend the Russian citizen’s legal interests," the embassy added STOCKHOLM, August 28. /TASS/. Employees of the Russian embassy in Helsinki visited Russian national Voislav Torden, who is being held in a prison there after being detained at Ukraine’s request, the Russian embassy said on Monday. "On August 28, consular employees of the Russian embassy in Finland accompanied by an attorney visited Russian citizen Torden (Petrovsky) at a prison in the city of Vantaa," it said. "During the meeting, Torden said that he has no complaints about the incarceration conditions or the circumstances of his detention. He expressed hope that he could return to Russia as soon as possible. They discussed the situation and prospects for its resolution." "The embassy stays in touch with Torden and his attorney and is taking all possible measures to defend the Russian citizen’s legal interests," the embassy added. Russian national Voislav Torden, born in 1987, formerly known as Yan Petrovsky, is on the US and EU sanctions lists. The Ukrainian side has accused him of allegedly committing crimes in Donbass in 2014 and 2015. He was detained at the Helsinki airport on July 20 and placed in custody for violating Finnish immigration law by a court ruling on the following day. According to the Yle television channel, Torden has a Finnish residence permit as his wife is studying in the country.]

Bad news is coming for the citizens of Serbia: Interest rates have surged

The United States, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Germany are using significant armament of Pristina to use Kosovo Albanians as a tool for NATO to discipline Belgrade. The emergence of the Kosovo army also points to potential instability in the region, according to Srđan Graovac, an analyst at the Center for Social Stability.

(August 29, 2023)

Tony 43

Tony 42

Is Robotyne a southeastern settlement or is it on the west side of the southern front?
It's both.
The southern front is entirely east of Odessa.
It speaks to bad military leadership at the Pentagon.
It reminds of Hue City and Fallujah.
Obscure cities and how do we know what to do?

Tony 40

Tony 41

This is me talking about Robotyne. 8-28-23

These are descriptions of the Romanian and Bulgarian economies.
Maybe the EU, EC, French and German economies.
It's a complaint about infrastructure and the borders.
The Israeli air force.
Tanks and anti-tank weapons.
Maybe the Germans make both tank and anti-tank weapons.
Central Asian border fence items.
Maybe the EC sends them those items.
The Germans might send Kiev cluster bombs, etc.

[Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu will order an inspection of all gas stations and gas stations in the country, Agerpress reported. Ciolacu and Interior Minister Catalin Predoiu visited the village of Crevedia, Dambovita County, where two explosions at an LPG station killed 3 people and injured 56. According to initial information published by Romanian media, the company operating the gas station in Crevedia was deprived of a work permit three years ago.]

[Interior Ministry Reports 34.9% Rise in Number of Detained Migrants in July from June]

[Turkish company eyes Plovdiv for diamond manufacture]

[Israeli strike leaves Aleppo airport out of service - Syrian Defense Ministry Aleppo International Airport was targeted twice earlier this year BEIRUT, August 28. /TASS/. The Israeli Air Force carried out a missile strike on Aleppo International Airport, putting it out of service, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported, citing the country's Defense Ministry. According to the ministry, Israel "carried out another act of aggression against Syria, conducting a missile strike on Aleppo International Airport at 4:30 a.m." "The attack damaged the runway," the ministry added. Aleppo International Airport was targeted twice earlier this year. On March 7, the airport stopped operations for over two weeks following an Israeli airstrike. Humanitarian aid deliveries for people affected by the February 6 earthquake were temporarily redirected to Latakia and Damascus. On May 5, an Israeli attack damaged the runway and the airport was closed for a few days.]

[MOSCOW, August 28. /TASS/. The Triton electronic defensive suite against FPV (First-Person View) drones transmitting video images to a controller's panel in real time has been successfully tested in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine, Head of the Industrial Espionage Counteraction Laboratory (the system's developer) Denis Oslomenko told TASS on Monday.]

[Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan approve id-cards for border crossing]

[We Warned You - What You Did in Serbia Was Inhumane Maria Zakharova warned Kyiv about the dangerous consequences of using cluster munitions, which could turn Ukraine into a country unsuitable for living. After recalling the suffering experienced by the population of the former Yugoslavia, especially Serbia, the spokeswoman then turned her attention to the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine and warned that the same threat now hangs over Ukraine. As an example, Zakharova mentioned the Khmelnytskyi region in western Ukraine, not far from the border with Poland, which was known to house a stockpile of cluster munitions. In that region, after an explosion at the depot in May, a significant increase in radioactivity was observed. This is likely the reason why increased radioactivity was also noticed in certain western parts of Poland, she explained.]

(August 28, 2023)

I have a sense, that William sits on my couch and walks on my carpet.

You all. Interesting about them.
The British. They are our uncles and aunts. I am sick now because I read this.

Вы все. Интересно о них.
Британский. Они наши дяди и тети. Мне сейчас плохо, потому что я это прочитал.

Can these wealthy men who join the army. Can they think, I won't go the route of helicopter flight lessons because I need to set a good example. I want the wealthy to work hard and I want to empower men who have less money to join the army as a means of prosperity.
The British army, the wealthy take all of the flight school spots.

Tony 39

A Russian word that there is a clown danger around.

The Texan brain about this stuff. Dominic Nicholls and William and Harry with the helicopters and tanks. In Vietnam they tried to use helicopters to bring soldiers to the front line. And so there would be a camp, with thousands or more infantrymen. And they would use helicopters, to transport them a dozen at a time to the battle lines. Because it was the jungle. On our side, perpetually helicopters would fly from our camps to the line confronting the VC. It wasn't just the VC. It was the Vietcong, the Vietminh, the Cambodians. And then Mogadishu and the helicopters got shot down. They dragged the Americans through the streets.
And then Dom and William and Harry learn to fly helicopters in the army.
They just wanted a fun easy army job. And they don't read about American military history. They don't learn American army values.

I don't like that...
We're doing army because China is doing army.
Also, we're doing helicopter and live fire.
Also, it's because of Taiwanese independence.
This isn't a great Pentagon initiative.
Also, maybe our army is dangerous to our navy.

[Japanese troops, US marines to hold major exercises in East China Sea area According to the Sankei Shimbun, a total of about 2,320 servicemen are expected to participate in the exercises scheduled to take place between the islands of Okinawa and Kyushu TOKYO, August 28. TASS/. The Japanese armed forces and the US marines will for the first time ever hold joint Resolute Dragon drills on the Taiwan-facing islands in the East China Sea in October to China's increasing military activity in the area, the Sankei Shimbun newspaper reported. According to the newspaper, a total of about 2,320 servicemen are expected to participate in the exercises scheduled to take place between the islands of Okinawa and Kyushu. The servicemen are to practice joint actions, such as paratroopers' repulse and landing, emergency transfer of troops and cargo with the help of helicopters and flight envelope. There will be live-fire exercises, including the use of 155 mm howitzers and HIMARS multiple rocket launchers. The Resolute Dragon series of exercises have been held since 2021. Previously, they were held on Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido and the northeast of the country's main island of Honshu.]

Tony 35

This is me talking about German computer capability. 8-26-23

Me and the Serbians are experts in urban warfare. Last year Grigor Dimitrov came to the Citi Open here in Washington, DC. And I was outside because I had a job working at the tournament. And our tent was in mud because it had rained. I said it was a mud tent. And I took photos of the tent in the mud.

Now the theory is that the Turks send S-400 air defense systems with the grain deal.
The whole time the Russians said they sent illegal items with the food stuffs.
German computer capability.
The Chinese economy.

[Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Friday during a working visit to Kyiv to revive the crucial Black Sea grain deal and discuss efforts to end the war with Russia ahead of a later trip to Moscow on an unspecified date. The Black Sea grain deal, which was brokered by Turkiye and the United Nations in July 2022 to help alleviate a global food crisis, allowed grain shipments from Ukraine's Black Sea ports until Russia exited the deal last month, complaining that it was unable to export its own grain and fertilizer despite commitments made under the deal.]

"Explained: How the EU's new Digital Services Act affects internet users in Europe"

China cuts key interest rate as recovery falters

Evergrande: China property giant files for US bankruptcy protection

These are stories from France24 about North Africa.
My working thesis here is that the EU, the French, and the Germans have questionable military bases in North Africa. They cross borders. And then there are reports about government and upheaval.

Libyan National Army led by strongman Haftar launch assault on Chad rebels Libyan troops loyal to eastern strongman Khalifa Haftar launched an airborne assault on a Chadian rebel headquarters in the southern desert late Friday, his office said. The stop-start conflict which has gripped Libya for the past 12 years has seen its rival leaders forge alliances with various rebel factions in neighbouring Chad and Sudan. On Friday evening, the air force of Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) bombarded Chadian rebel positions on the Libyan side of the border, before launching an airborne assault, its press office said. The immediate target was an unfinished housing complex in the remote outpost of Umm al-Araneb in Murzuq district, where the more than 2,000 homes under construction have been taken over by rebel fighters and their families, said LNA chief press officer Khalifa al-Obeidi. Haftar's son Saddam, who heads LNA ground forces, was "at the Chadian border to supervise operations... to cleanse the area of armed gangs," Obeidi added. Haftar's spokesman Ahmad al-Mesmari vowed that the LNA would "no longer allow armed groups or factions to use Libyan territory to launch attacks against neighbouring countries". The LNA did not specify which Chadian armed faction was the target of its operation. A number of rebel groups operate out of the Tibesti mountains which straddle the border. Earlier this month, Chad's transitional president Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno visited the far north to rally his troops after an attack by the self-styled Military Command Council for the Salvation of the Republic (CCMSR), which has been active in the border region. Libya has rival administrations based in its east and west, with Abdelhamid Dbeibah's UN-backed government in Tripoli vying for authority with an administration backed by Haftar in the east.

Niger junta authorises Burkina Faso, Mali armies to intervene 'in the event of aggression' The officers who took power in Niger last month said Thursday they would authorise the armies of neighbouring Burkina Faso and Mali intervene in the country "in the event of aggression". The foreign ministers of Burkina Faso and Mali, Olivia Rouamba and Abdoulaye Diop, visited Niamey on Thursday, where they were received by Niger's new ruler General Abdourahamane Tiani. They welcomed the signing of orders authorising the armies of Burkina Faso and Mali "to intervene on Niger territory in the event of aggression", said a statement read out by the deputy secretary general of Niger's foreign ministry. Army officers toppled President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, prompting the West African regional bloc ECOWAS to threaten to use force to reinstate him. Niger is the fourth nation in West Africa since 2020 to suffer a coup, following Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali. The juntas in Burkina Faso and Mali have said that any military intervention in their neighbour would be considered a "declaration of war" against their countries. And Tiani warned in a televised address on Saturday: "If an attack were to be undertaken against us, it will not be the walk in the park some people seem to think."

(August 26, 2023)

This is me talking about the Telegraph. 8-26-23

I actually don't want the Telegraph to hire Ukrainian women journalist translators. I could do her job is why.

I say this about William.
Often he says stuff, and he behaves as though this is obvious what he said.
I don't agree with what he said.
The Telegraph people do that.
Some of this stuff.
I wonder about remember in Afghanistan and they thought the Americans were the Soviet Army.
The Telegraph is the one with Ukrainians talking on the podcast.
I'm just here in Washington, DC reading the newspaper.
It was some kind of crazy hearing Svetlana talk to me about Moscow and Petersburg.

For example, Solzhenitsyn lived in Vermont for eighteen years. My dad's mom's relatives have lived in Vermont since the Seven Years War in the 1700s. My aunt had a fur coat. She bought it from a Canadian furrier. It was a furrier that Queen Victoria used. She had coats from there. And I brought it with me to Russia. And I thought if I needed to I could show this to them and explain that I am from near the border with Canada, but we are Americans on the south side of the border. This is from a Canadian furrier.
This is from Canada.
Это из Кандады.

Notice this description of the Turkish economy.
The Germans and their think tanks and their foreign ministry.
The Serbian economy.

Turkish Police Prevent 60+ Migrants from Crossing Illegally into Bulgaria

Turkish company eyes Plovdiv for diamond manufacture

VIENNA, August 25. /TASS/. The expansion of BRICS marks a strategic success for both Russia and China, Daniela Schwarzer, an executive board member at Germany's Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation, said in an interview with Austria's Der Standard newspaper.

JOHANNESBURG, August 24. /TASS/. Making Germany and Japan permanent UN Security Council members is out of the realm of possibility, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters.

Bad news is coming for the citizens of Serbia: Interest rates have surged

(August 25, 2023)

Tony 34

Notice how the women army people in Ukraine seem belligerent toward Moscow.

Tony 33

Maybe the conflict in Robotyne stems from the Turkish army expanding north into Russia, south into Syria, and east into the Caucasus region.

[The spokeswoman for Ukraine's Southern Operational Command, Captain First Rank Natalia Humeniuk, said that Russian forces are conducting an additional lateral redeployment from Kherson Oblast to the front line in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, suggesting that Ukrainian forces have further degraded the state of Russian defense lines in the area. On August 23, Humeniuk reported that the Russians were transferring parts of the Kherson direction to Zaporizhzhia due to the large number of wounded among the forces defending themselves in the Zaporizhzhia region. Meanwhile, ISW is paying attention to ongoing Ukrainian attacks behind enemy lines in Russian-occupied territories. Ukrainian forces conducted a limited raid on the west coast of occupied Crimea on August 24. Ukraine's Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) released footage and announced that Ukrainian forces had carried out landings near Olenivka and Mayak (both 116 km northeast of Sevastopol). GUR also announced that Ukrainian forces engaged the Russians and raised a Ukrainian flag before leaving the coast. Most Russian sources dismissed the landing as minor, but popular military correspondents expressed their concern about the vulnerability of Russian defenses in the western Black Sea coast and western Crimea.]
(August 25, 2023)

This is me talking about Robotyne. 8-25-23

Tony 32

Zelensky will meet with FM Billstrom, I guess he wants President Vucic to impose sanctions on Moscow.

This one is about Prigozhin.
Vienna is saying the EU isn't working about the Schengen area.
There are probably other complaints about the EC and the EU.
The North Korean missile program.
Maybe the Germans send Pyongyang military items.
The Pentagon and Syria.
And the sanctions debates.
I guess Zelensky wants Vucic to impose sanctions on Russia.
He meets with the Swedish government.
They're the ones who asked about the sanctions.

Bulgaria’s Defense Minister thinks there was an Explosion on Board Prigozhin’s Plane Bulgaria's Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev admitted the possibility that an explosive device might have been planted on board the crashed plane in which Yevgeny Prigozhin was traveling. According to him, it is very unlikely that in this case, it was a missile, because the effect would be completely different. "We do not have more specific information in this short period, but what we know, and what I know, following the events in Russia for the last 20 years, is the way in which the KGB operates," Minister Tagarev also commented to bTV. "There are many opponents of the Kremlin who fall from high floors, drink inappropriate tea, are killed by bandits. The case of an airplane crash is not unique," he added. According to Tagarev, it is unlikely that the case of Yevgeny Prigozhin will affect the military conflict in Ukraine. "Part of the people employed in this so-called 'company' are already in the ranks of the Russian army. Some are in Africa and have again taken up the task with which they were created by the Russian services. There they regulate political, economic processes and some part is in Belarus," explained the minister.

Austria may stop Bulgaria from entering the Schengen area One of the main goals, justifying the alliance of the "Denkov-Gabriel" cabinet, may soon be unachievable. Bulgaria will hardly get into the Schengen area this summer or at the beginning of the next year. This became clear from the words of Austrian Minister Gerhard Karner, quoted by BTA. The red flag for Bulgaria from Austria was given during the press conference of Karner and his Romanian colleague Cătălin Predoiu in Vienna. "Our position is that the Schengen system is not functioning properly, so we don't dare to expand it. There are checks at the border. The system as a whole is not working, at this point, it is not appropriate to expand the Schengen area," Karner said. Bulgaria and Romania expect to enter the visa-free zone together. Until now, the EP and the EC have called on the member states to approve the expansion of the union several times, but the Netherlands and Austria are against the decision, which must be taken by majority vote. During the press conference, the Romanian interior minister stated for his part that "Austria does not have a problem with Romania".

TOKYO, August 24. /TASS/. North Korea is poised to make the third attempt to launch its first military reconnaissance satellite in October, the country’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

"Washington's policy aimed at maintaining a de facto occupation of vast areas in the northeast of Syria, which are rich in oil, gas, and agricultural resources, as well as ongoing illegitimate sanctions pressure on Damascus leads to a further deterioration of the social and economic situation," Dmitry Polyansky said UNITED NATIONS, August 24. /TASS/. The unlawful US military presence in Syria is among the main destabilizing factors for the situation in the republic, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky has said.

About sanctions against Russia: "Every day they ask me to impose sanctions on Russia, it's been going on for a year and a half. If you think it will be easy, no... The situation on the Ukrainian front, unless there are major events in Moscow and Kyiv, the situation won't change soon. Every day you have somebody speaking on some TV channel saying 'Vučić, impose sanctions on Russia because Serbia is suffering'."

(August 24, 2023)

This is me talking about Yevgeny Prigozhin. 8-23-23

This is a description of Washington, DC.
The Pentagon is in Virginia. And, often locals they will want to work for the Secret Service or the bureau. Maybe they'll want a job at the Pentagon. That might mean everyday they'll report to work at the White House, or the Hoover Building, or maybe they'll head to Arlington or McLean.
Another group people are from out of town.
For example maybe they went to Yale. Or they went to Columbia. Maybe they went to UT-Austin. When I was little, it wasn't my goal to work in the Hoover Building, for example. Or the Pentagon. I went to language school and then I studied at Georgia Tech. I did research on the Chinese provinces that border the Russian Far East.
I guess it gets weird about the locals and if they work in these buildings. Maybe they don't have much education.

How are the Libyan deserts used?
The Germans used to test warplanes in Libya, for example.
The Bulgarian border with Turkey.
The Caucasus region and the Black Sea.
Maybe the Turkish army has secretive operations in the Caucasus region.
How are the ports in South Africa used?
Are they used by the German navy?
Tashkent foreign trade.
Turkish-made and Iranian-made drones.

[UNITED NATIONS, August 23. /TASS/. Moscow is concerned that a number of Western countries are seeking to take advantage of the situation in Libya to achieve their political and economic goals, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said at a UN Security Council meeting.]

[Bulgaria: Van with Migrants Crashed after a Chase with Police Another incident with migrants after a chase with the police. The van they were traveling in crashed into a sign on the "Trakia" highway near Tsalapitsa. Around 4 a.m., a patrol signaled the driver to stop. He did not obey, tried to escape, but after 6 kilometers he crashed. 27 people were found in the car, who said they were from Afghanistan. The driver is a Bulgarian citizen with a criminal record. He and three of the foreigners were taken to hospital for examination.]

[Bulgarian light infantry platoon takes part in multinational exercises in Georgia [Multinational exercises Agile Spirit-2023 are taking place in Georgia under the command of the United States Army Europe and Africa, jointly with the Georgian armed forces, and with the participation of Bulgarian units, as well as formations from the NATO member and partner countries. The aim of the exercises, which started at the beginning of the week, is to exercise action contributing to the maintenance of a stable and secure environment in the Black Sea region. Bulgaria sent a light infantry platoon from the 61st Stryamska Light Infantry Mechanized Brigade in Karlovo, as part of the 3,500 army personnel and civilians from 25 countries and military structures taking part. The exercises will continue until 1 September and will include a computer-assisted command and staff exercise with multinational brigade training headquarters as well as battalion tactical exercises at ranges in Georgia and in Turkey.]

[MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday will continue to take part via video link in the 15th summit of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which is underway in Johannesburg, as the five nations' leaders are expected to gather for a plenary session, according to the event's website.]

[Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover reaches almost $35 bln]

[Russia is developing thousands of Iranian-designed drones at a secret military base, according to leaked documents. Engineers at the Alabuga factory in Tatarstan, around 800 kilometers east of Moscow, are attempting to produce about 6,000 upgraded drones by 2025, as reported by The Washington Post.]

Tony 31

This one is about the Black Sea.
Lots going on there.
The Turkish navy.
Turkish-made drones.
The Syrian desert.
The Russian naval base at Latakia.
The Pentagon and counterterrorism operations.
The ports in Romania and Bulgaria.

[Former Director of Bulgarian Intelligence: Russia has serious superiority in the Black Sea "Turkey is currently a major factor in the region, on the one hand because it has real military capabilities in the Black Sea. Turkey itself is willing and plays a significant role in the processes related to the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Black Sea". Dimo Gyaurov, former director of the National Intelligence Service, commented on BNT. According to him, in recent years NATO has underestimated the importance of the Black Sea and the Russian presence has not been compensated. Russia now has serious superiority in the Black Sea, Gyaurov said. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Turkey has restricted the possibility of NATO ships being present in the Black Sea. This makes the situation unequal in favor of Russia. "Bulgaria and Romania, although they have some kind of navy, it is not a combat one, but rather a patrol one. It is possible to take measures, there are talks on the part of Ukraine about the creation of a corridor, different from the existing one and based on the territorial waters of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey", Gyaurov said. According to him, NATO can be present in the region and exercise control not so much through a fleet as through air means. Gyaurov expressed confidence that Russia would not allow itself a direct conflict with NATO.]
(August 23, 2023)

1) Regardless of army stuff, Ukraine needs to start rebuilding its economy.
2) How are the ports in South Africa used?

PM Kurti is throwing to the other team.
Did Coleen write that one?
That sounds like a Wayne Rooney sound clip.
That's not worth money.
That's not BPS.
That's not a great effort from the Kosovar politician.
It's consistent with other complaints about PM Kurti.
Can he have that one back?

This is me talking about PM Kurti. 8-22-23

[PM Denkov, President Zelenskyy Meet in Athens, Discuss Bulgarian Support, N-plant Equipment, Black Sea Security]

[Bulgaria and Romania discuss joint strategy for Schengen]

[Bulgarian Police breaks up migrant smuggling ring Police broke up a major migrant smuggling ring in Sofia. 16 illegal migrants from Afghanistan were detained. They were found in Geo Milev Park in the capital city. According to initial information, four people who were involved in organizing the transport and the accommodation of the migrants were arrested. According to BNR sources, three of the detainees were bringing food to the migrants in return for payment and the fourth detainee was the organizer of the operation. Pre-trial proceedings have been initiated.]

[PARIS, August 22. /TASS/. The Global South countries joining BRICS would make them stronger economically and politically, a South African expert said on Tuesday.]

[MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. Creation of payment instruments resistant to external risks and strengthening the role of national currencies in mutual transactions in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) require detailed expert study.]

[President Vučić on Greater Albania and Possible Sanctions]

["His speech was very sharp and substantial," said Vučić and added, "Andrej Plenković also gave a substantial speech, which is not easy for me to admit... I had an open conversation with Zelensky who asked about the opinions of people in Serbia, why they think that way, and I reminded him of the 90s and emphasized that Serbia respects territorial integrity and that remains the case." He mentioned that he explained the situation regarding Kosovo and discussed the future of Ukraine's development… As he expressed, he spoke with Zelensky about our approach to territorial integrity, confirming that we respect Ukraine's and that won't change, unlike those who don't respect Serbia's. He stated that Serbia supports Ukraine on its European path.]

[Kurti welcomed Ukraine's efforts to defend shared values, including democracy, human rights, world peace, and stability, and expressed condolences for the losses and suffering endured by the Ukrainian people.]

This is a report about Warsaw and Minsk.
It seems like there are right wingers in Warsaw.
You wonder about the German navy and army in Poland.

[The US Embassy in Minsk called on the Americans to leave Belarus Immediately The United States Embassy in Belarus issued a warning on Monday and urged its citizens to leave Belarus immediately. A statement noted that Lithuania had previously closed two of its border crossings with Belarus and that Poland and Latvia had indicated they might do the same. The embassy urged US citizens to leave via one of the Baltic countries or by plane, as "they are not allowed to enter Poland by land from Belarus". In the message, citizens are advised not to go to Russia or Ukraine. "Do not travel to Belarus due to the Belarusian authorities' continued support for Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine, the build-up of Russian military forces in Belarus, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, potential civil unrest, risks of arrest, and the embassy's limited ability to assist US citizens residing or traveling to Belarus," the embassy emphasized.]
(August 22, 2023)

Tony 30

Maybe the Turks make these drones that are flying over Moscow.
Currencies in Africa and China.
Maybe the SAPO and the Germans affect currency trading.
They use their computers to manipulate exchange rates.

[LONDON, August 21. /TASS/. BRICS may discuss striking an agreement that would increase the share of trade settlements in national currencies at the coming summit in Johannesburg, the Financial Times reported, citing officials with knowledge of the discussions. However, the newspaper said, the idea of establishing a common currency or rejecting the dollar as such is not being discussed. According to the FT, South Africa's BRICS Sherpa Anil Sooklal said in mid-August that de-dollarization was not on the grouping's agenda.]

[MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. The Russian Air Defense Troops downed a drone flying in the direction of the Russian capital, there were no casualties, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said.]

[Russia is developing thousands of Iranian-designed drones at a secret military base, according to leaked documents. Engineers at the Alabuga factory in Tatarstan, around 800 kilometers east of Moscow, are attempting to produce about 6,000 upgraded drones by 2025, as reported by The Washington Post.]

[Serious Concerns Over Yuan in China The largest Chinese banks are buying yuan to prevent depreciation. The recent acceleration in the yuan's decline is a result of the increasing yield differentials between China and the US, as well as growing investor concerns about China's weak economic growth and rising risks of default in its real estate and banking sectors in the shadow.]

Are the Ukrainians supposed to be doing that to begin with? Give the Germans Russian energy?

I don't want Russian fuel to go to Europe.
I agree the Ukrainians should stop the transit of this fuel.
Aren't the Germans taking too much energy for their army?

Serbia will increase supplies of Russian Gas to Hungary if Ukraine stops Transit to Europe The Hungarian-Serbian joint venture for gas trading on the European market will start operating in September. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó announced this in a video message on his Facebook page after a meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who was visiting Budapest, TASS reported. The agreement to create a joint regional gas trading company was signed by the heads of the Hungarian company MVM and the Serbian "Serbiagaz" in June this year. Szijjártó noted that the two countries cooperate successfully in the field of energy, ensuring mutual energy security. He pointed out that most of the Russian gas comes to Hungary in transit through Serbia on the branch of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, and Hungary stores on its territory more than 100 million cubic meters of gas for Serbia. The Hungarian minister also announced that Vučić assured Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that Serbia is ready to ensure an increase in the supply of Russian gas to Hungary via the Turkish Stream gas pipeline through its territory, in the event that Ukraine stops the transit of Russian fuel to Europe. "The majority of Russian gas enters Hungary through Serbia, and in recent days we have heard that Ukraine intends to terminate its agreement with Russia on the transit of gas to (Europe). Today (yesterday) the Serbian president made it clear that if Hungary wants to increase the transit of natural gas through Serbia, Serbia can provide the necessary transport capacities," said Szijjártó in a video message on his Facebook page. In this regard, Szijártó pointed out that the Turkish Stream gas pipeline is a guarantee for Hungary's energy security. He also confirmed the country's intention to continue diversifying the routes and sources of fuel supplies, including through gas from Azerbaijan and, in the future, from Turkmenistan.
(August 21, 2023)

Tony 28

The EU and army stuff in Africa.
The German economy.
The Chinese economy.

West African bloc troops 'ready to go' to Niger, official says

INTERVIEW: 'This is the year of cannabis legalisation in Germany'

Evergrande: China property giant files for US bankruptcy protection

Ivan the Stern Warning
Taiwanese politicians visiting New York City.
Recognize Taipei.

[China launches military drills around Taiwan as 'stern warning' after US visit China launched military drills around Taiwan on Saturday as a "stern warning" after voicing anger over a stopover in the United States by the island's vice president, William Lai. Lai, who is the frontrunner in Taiwan's presidential election next year, stopped in New York and returned via San Francisco on a trip to Paraguay, one of a dwindling number of nations that diplomatically recognise Taipei. China on Saturday called Lai a "troublemaker" and vowed to take "resolute measures... to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity". The Eastern Theatre Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army "launched joint air and sea patrols and military exercises of the navy and air force around the island of Taiwan" on Saturday, state media outlet Xinhua quoted military spokesperson Shi Yi as saying. Xinhua said the drills, the scale of which was not immediately known, were meant to test the PLA's ability "to seize control of air and sea spaces" and fight "in real combat conditions". They were also intended to serve as "a stern warning to the collusion of 'Taiwan independence' separatists with foreign elements and their provocations", it added. Taiwan on Saturday said it strongly condemned "such irrational and provocative behaviour" and said it would dispatch "appropriate forces" to respond "with practical actions". "Conducting a military exercise this time under a pretext not only does not help the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but also highlights (China's) militaristic mentality and confirms the hegemonic nature of its military expansion," Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence said in a statement. 'New provocative move' China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and has pledged to take it one day, by force if necessary. It launched major military exercises after Nancy Pelosi, then House speaker, visited Taiwan last year and later when President Tsai Ing-wen met top US lawmakers as she transited through the United States. Washington had called for calm over Lai's transit, describing the travel as routine. But on Saturday, an official from the ruling Communist Party's Taiwan Work Office "strongly condemned" Lai's trip, calling it a "new provocative move" by his party, the DPP, "to further collude with the United States", Xinhua said. "Lai's latest 'stopover'... was a disguise he used to sell out the interests of Taiwan in order to seek gains in the local election through dishonest moves," the official was quoted as saying. "Lai's deeds have proven that he is an out-and-out troublemaker who will push Taiwan to the dangerous brink of war and bring deep troubles to Taiwan compatriots", the readout continued. At a lunch in New York during the trip, Lai vowed "to resist annexation" and continue to uphold the core tenets of Tsai's administration. Lai has been far more outspoken about independence than Tsai, to whom Beijing is already hostile as she refuses to accept its view that Taiwan is a part of China. The Harvard-educated doctor turned politician has previously described himself as a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker".]
(August 19, 2023)