Washington, DC About Me

From Washington, DC!
This website is about Eastern Prussia. Western Prussia is in Germany and Eastern Prussia is in Poland near the Gulf of Danzig. Gdansk, Poland is near Lubeck, Germany. Here is my website about my daily routine here in #DC, Archive, Archive 2, Archive 3, Archive 4, Archive 5, Russian literature page, Archive 6, Archive 7, Archive 8, Archive 9, The British page, Archive 10, Southeast Asia page, Archive 11, Archive 12, Ukraine page, Archive 13,
Hatton page, Archive 14, Archive 15, Archive 16, Archive 17, Archive 18, Archive 19

District of Columbia

Tony 30

Won’t Germans use energy for military purposes pic.twitter.com/njtLBW4TDs

— Donna Welles (@WellesDonna) August 21, 2023

Maybe the Turks make these drones that are flying over Moscow.
Currencies in Africa and China.
Maybe the SAPO and the Germans affect currency trading.
They use their computers to manipulate exchange rates.

[LONDON, August 21. /TASS/. BRICS may discuss striking an agreement that would increase the share of trade settlements in national currencies at the coming summit in Johannesburg, the Financial Times reported, citing officials with knowledge of the discussions. However, the newspaper said, the idea of establishing a common currency or rejecting the dollar as such is not being discussed. According to the FT, South Africa's BRICS Sherpa Anil Sooklal said in mid-August that de-dollarization was not on the grouping's agenda.]

[MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. The Russian Air Defense Troops downed a drone flying in the direction of the Russian capital, there were no casualties, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said.]

[Russia is developing thousands of Iranian-designed drones at a secret military base, according to leaked documents. Engineers at the Alabuga factory in Tatarstan, around 800 kilometers east of Moscow, are attempting to produce about 6,000 upgraded drones by 2025, as reported by The Washington Post.]

[Serious Concerns Over Yuan in China The largest Chinese banks are buying yuan to prevent depreciation. The recent acceleration in the yuan's decline is a result of the increasing yield differentials between China and the US, as well as growing investor concerns about China's weak economic growth and rising risks of default in its real estate and banking sectors in the shadow.]

Are the Ukrainians supposed to be doing that to begin with? Give the Germans Russian energy?

I don't want Russian fuel to go to Europe.
I agree the Ukrainians should stop the transit of this fuel.
Aren't the Germans taking too much energy for their army?

Serbia will increase supplies of Russian Gas to Hungary if Ukraine stops Transit to Europe The Hungarian-Serbian joint venture for gas trading on the European market will start operating in September. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó announced this in a video message on his Facebook page after a meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who was visiting Budapest, TASS reported. The agreement to create a joint regional gas trading company was signed by the heads of the Hungarian company MVM and the Serbian "Serbiagaz" in June this year. Szijjártó noted that the two countries cooperate successfully in the field of energy, ensuring mutual energy security. He pointed out that most of the Russian gas comes to Hungary in transit through Serbia on the branch of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, and Hungary stores on its territory more than 100 million cubic meters of gas for Serbia. The Hungarian minister also announced that Vučić assured Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that Serbia is ready to ensure an increase in the supply of Russian gas to Hungary via the Turkish Stream gas pipeline through its territory, in the event that Ukraine stops the transit of Russian fuel to Europe. "The majority of Russian gas enters Hungary through Serbia, and in recent days we have heard that Ukraine intends to terminate its agreement with Russia on the transit of gas to (Europe). Today (yesterday) the Serbian president made it clear that if Hungary wants to increase the transit of natural gas through Serbia, Serbia can provide the necessary transport capacities," said Szijjártó in a video message on his Facebook page. In this regard, Szijártó pointed out that the Turkish Stream gas pipeline is a guarantee for Hungary's energy security. He also confirmed the country's intention to continue diversifying the routes and sources of fuel supplies, including through gas from Azerbaijan and, in the future, from Turkmenistan.
(August 21, 2023)

Tony 28

The EU and army stuff in Africa.
The German economy.
The Chinese economy.

West African bloc troops 'ready to go' to Niger, official says

INTERVIEW: 'This is the year of cannabis legalisation in Germany'

Evergrande: China property giant files for US bankruptcy protection

Ivan the Stern Warning
Taiwanese politicians visiting New York City.
Recognize Taipei.

[China launches military drills around Taiwan as 'stern warning' after US visit China launched military drills around Taiwan on Saturday as a "stern warning" after voicing anger over a stopover in the United States by the island's vice president, William Lai. Lai, who is the frontrunner in Taiwan's presidential election next year, stopped in New York and returned via San Francisco on a trip to Paraguay, one of a dwindling number of nations that diplomatically recognise Taipei. China on Saturday called Lai a "troublemaker" and vowed to take "resolute measures... to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity". The Eastern Theatre Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army "launched joint air and sea patrols and military exercises of the navy and air force around the island of Taiwan" on Saturday, state media outlet Xinhua quoted military spokesperson Shi Yi as saying. Xinhua said the drills, the scale of which was not immediately known, were meant to test the PLA's ability "to seize control of air and sea spaces" and fight "in real combat conditions". They were also intended to serve as "a stern warning to the collusion of 'Taiwan independence' separatists with foreign elements and their provocations", it added. Taiwan on Saturday said it strongly condemned "such irrational and provocative behaviour" and said it would dispatch "appropriate forces" to respond "with practical actions". "Conducting a military exercise this time under a pretext not only does not help the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but also highlights (China's) militaristic mentality and confirms the hegemonic nature of its military expansion," Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence said in a statement. 'New provocative move' China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and has pledged to take it one day, by force if necessary. It launched major military exercises after Nancy Pelosi, then House speaker, visited Taiwan last year and later when President Tsai Ing-wen met top US lawmakers as she transited through the United States. Washington had called for calm over Lai's transit, describing the travel as routine. But on Saturday, an official from the ruling Communist Party's Taiwan Work Office "strongly condemned" Lai's trip, calling it a "new provocative move" by his party, the DPP, "to further collude with the United States", Xinhua said. "Lai's latest 'stopover'... was a disguise he used to sell out the interests of Taiwan in order to seek gains in the local election through dishonest moves," the official was quoted as saying. "Lai's deeds have proven that he is an out-and-out troublemaker who will push Taiwan to the dangerous brink of war and bring deep troubles to Taiwan compatriots", the readout continued. At a lunch in New York during the trip, Lai vowed "to resist annexation" and continue to uphold the core tenets of Tsai's administration. Lai has been far more outspoken about independence than Tsai, to whom Beijing is already hostile as she refuses to accept its view that Taiwan is a part of China. The Harvard-educated doctor turned politician has previously described himself as a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker".]
(August 19, 2023)

It's because they moved the Apple factories from California to Taiwan.
And then China got all of the IPhones.
And the think tanks here in DC are old men nobody likes.
All of them are into Taiwan as a field of study.
They ignore the California economy and how that affects things about Apple factories.

- Probably both William Lai and the CSIS want to recognize Taiwan.

This is me talking about Taipei. 8-19-23

Tony 26 Tony 27

This is a crazy story.
A real story is that in Texas I knew man named Mark. He told me that he'd studied philosphy at Brown University, the Ivy League school. And I asked him, "Did you like that?" He said he wished they had more studied the fundamentals.
At the time I told him that they probably assumed he had a working knowledge of the fundamentals.
Supposedly...this is the rumor.
The British intelligence people. They hire kind of people with not much education. And they don't know how to verify what they read. My point is that we're all already supposed to know the capital cities and stuff.

Tony 24 Tony 25

About the SPIEF.
Here in Washington, DC I once saw Anders Aslund speak at the CSIS. He began by saying he'd just come from a meeting with Anatoli Chubais. I sat in the front row and I listened to everything he said.
He couldn't have known who I was at the time.
Anders was at the time a fellow at the Peterson Institute.

Notice here this description of Bratislava.
Maybe they are right winger army people.
It's possible they work for German defense firms.
NATO and fighter jets.
NATO and the Black Sea.
The EU and Africa.
Does the EU have to do so much army stuff in Africa?
Maybe the SAPO does too much regarding the Russian economy.
Tashkent and their airports.
The German news media.

[Slovakia's Intelligence Chief has been charged for Organizing a Criminal Group Slovak police have accused the intelligence chief and other senior security officials of creating a criminal group and conspiring to abuse power in a case just weeks before early elections, Reuters reported. "The investigator charged him with the crime of creating, forming and supporting a criminal group, the crime of abuse of power and the crime of obstruction of justice," Police Chief Stefan Hamran said at a press conference on Thursday. Police identified the accused by their first names only, but Hamran confirmed that the current head of the Slovak Information Service (SIS) Roman Alac, his predecessor Vladimir Pčolinský and the director of the National Security Service Roman Konecny were among the accused. Slovak voters must go to the polls on September 30. The country is run by a caretaker cabinet after the previous ruling coalition collapsed in December due to infighting and lost the confidence of parliament. Acting Prime Minister Ludovit Odor called an emergency meeting of the country's National Security Council for Friday to discuss the case, after which more details on the charges are expected. Opinion polls favor the Smer-SD party, led by former prime minister Robert Fico, to win the September election. In a poll conducted by the Ipsos agency in August, the populist "Smer-SD" received 19.7%, followed by the liberal "Progressive Slovakia" with 16.9%. The HLAS party, founded by another former prime minister and former Smer-SD member, Peter Pellegrini, has 13.3%. Fico has opposed military aid to Ukraine and called for a diplomatic solution to the war waged by Russia since February 2022, Reuters recalls.]

Bulgaria, US to Enhance Coordination on F-16 Fighter Jets Deal

Defence Minister does not rule out a clash between Russia and NATO in the Black Sea

ECOWAS chiefs of staff meet in Ghana to discuss date of intervention in Niger — Radio According to Chief of Defence Staff of the Ghana armed forces Rear Admiral Seth Amoama, the decision for an ECOWAS military operation has already been taken

Putin orders to expedite transfer of Russian business assets to domestic jurisdiction The Cabinet should perform this effort subject to earlier assignments and with participation of leading public associations of businessmen MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. Russian authorities should create conditions to accelerate redomiciliation of assets of the Russian business to the domestic jurisdiction, according to the list of assignments of President Vladimir Putin in conclusion of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). "To accelerate the transfer of business assets, in the first instance, in key sectors and branches of the economy, to the Russian jurisdiction, including on account of the possibility of registering foreign companies in special administrative regions in cases when the possibility of their redomiciliation is blocked or is not provided for in laws of a foreign state where such company is registered," the document reads. The Cabinet should perform this effort subject to earlier assignments and with participation of leading public associations of businessmen, the document reads. The deadline is set by November 30.

Uzbekistan's airports to cut customs inspection time

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" claims that "Russia in Europe can rely on three allies." In the EU member state Hungary, in Serbia, a candidate country, and in half of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the control of Bosnian Serbs, the rulers are firmly loyal to Putin, albeit with varying degrees, writes the author Michael Martens in the article.

(August 18, 2023)

Tony 23

This might mean the Kosovars allow the Germans to use their land.
Also, remember the bureau and how they wanted to charge the Bulgarian that they arrested in Greece.
Tashkent energy politics.

[Kosovo authorities claim that the company Telekom Serbia violated the law, which was not even in force during the period to which these claims relate. Moreover, as insiders familiar with this case point out, Pristina is disclosing information to the public that falls within the realm of business secrets.]

[WASHINGTON, August 17. /TASS/. Russia demands that the US stops hunting down Russian nationals in third states and considers the repatriation of all compatriots imprisoned in the US its priority, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said Wednesday.]

[Uzbekistan Explores Russian Gas Transit via Upgraded Pipeline]

SAS, the Special Army Service.
SNS, the Special Navy Service.
That's their secretive military people.

That's another SAS one.

The Russian news is reporting on even the Pentagon knows that the Ukrainians will sell off the weapons. And here is a description of the border fences in the Balkans.

"Croatian Police Investigate 11 People, Including Bulgarians, for Illegal Trafficking of 117 Migrants into Croatia"

"Bulgaria supports international security guarantees for Ukraine"

[NEW YORK, August 17. /TASS/. The United States is not supplying Ukraine with new weapons because Washington fears that Russia and China will seize them and reveal secret American technologies, Matthew Hoh, a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and former director of the Afghanistan Study Group, said on the Judging Freedom YouTube channel.]

(August 17, 2023)

It has to do with German-made weapons. For example, tanks and anti-tank weapons.

This is a Liz Truss and the SAS one.
Does Liz want to send more grenade launchers to Kiev?
Does the SAS want to train more Ukrainians to use grenade launchers?
They speak with the same voice.

[Bulgaria: The Man Convicted for the Grenade Launcher Attack against Alexei Petrov was Released in May Ukrainian Roman Logvinenko, who was convicted of the grenade launcher attack against Alexei Petrov in 2015, was released early from prison in May, Nova TV reports. The final decision was taken by the Court of Appeal in Sofia on May 29. Logvinenko was placed on probation for the amount of the sentence he remains to serve. It is a little over 2 years. In its reasons for his release, the court stated that he had given "sufficient evidence of his reformation". With their decision, the appellate judges annul the decision of the Sofia City Court, which rejected Logvinenko's request for release. According to the judge, the convict's request was unfounded, because although the term of serving the sentence was halved, according to the law, the other prerequisites for early release are not present. The most important among them is the presentation of convincing evidence for the reformation of the incarcerated. The head of the prison has given the opinion that at least another six months are needed, during which Logvinenko's behavior will be strictly monitored, noting that despite several incentives and awards, it has not been entirely without criticism.]
(August 17, 2023)

In Russia it isn't. In England, the men. In the past. Their head. Because they are so strong. In war. A head of a man, was certain.
В России его нет. В Англии мужчины. В прошлом. Их голова. Потому что они такие сильные. В войне. Голова человека, это точно.

Liz Truss is in command of the SAS now.

Notice this description of the British army.
Remember when Liz Truss wanted to give Kiev munitions.
The concern is how the EU does miltary stuff in Africa.
Sometimes it's bases, or military research.
I wish the British army would stop training Ukrainian soldiers.
Liz Truss lost her job.
Also, a mention of the British government in the Bulgarian news.
There are right wingers in the British Parliament and the British army.
A description of the German government.
The German economy.
How tied to the German economy is the British economy?
I cringe thinking about all of the German labor unions in Manchester.
Thank goodness there are labor unions in Manchester.
A quote from Zelensky about the Balkans.
Maybe the Germans are taking too much energy for their army.
The Chinese diplomatic effort in Minsk.
A report from Belgrade about Africa.

Former Defense Minister: UK designating us as a Fifth Column is Not Good for Bulgaria's Image

A sociological survey in Germany points to a record high level of dissatisfaction among citizens in the country. Two-thirds of Germans think the authorities are failing. The confidence of the Germans regarding migration issues is the lowest, according to the survey by the sociological agency "Forsa" commissioned by the Association of Civil Servants in Germany. The state is not doing well yet in the areas of education, climate and healthcare, it is clear from the results. "The data are worrying because they show a trend. During the pandemic there was a certain increase in confidence, but now dissatisfaction is growing dramatically again," commented Ulrich Silberbach, chairman of the Association of Civil Servants, which commissioned the study. And the sociologist Manfred Gullner, director of the "Forsa" agency, explains the reasons for the falling trust of Germans in the state. "Germans have the feeling that politicians are not dealing with the issues that bother people - economic difficulties and rising energy prices - but instead with secondary issues," Gullner explained.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the Republic of North Macedonia for joining the G-7 declaration in support of Ukraine's security guarantees, MIA reported Wednesday. "I am grateful to the Republic of North Macedonia for joining the G-7 declaration in support of Ukraine's security guarantees and becoming the 15th country to do so", Zelenskyy said on the X social network (formerly Twitter). "I appreciate the personal efforts of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to strengthen the partnership between our countries," Zelenskyy added. The G-7 countries on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius in July announced an international framework for long-term security guarantees for Ukraine aimed at strengthening the country's defences against Russia. The G-7 reaffirmed their commitment to the strategic goal of a free, independent, democratic and sovereign Ukraine, within its internationally recognised borders.

Lukoil given 30 days to hand Port Rosenets over to the state

Military cooperation between Belarus and China is based on a bilateral agreement, signed by the two defense ministries in May 2010. Before the novel coronavirus pandemic, the countries regularly organized high-ranking and expert-level visits, held joint training courses and exercises and held regular exchanges of military students. However, bilateral military cooperation was put on hold when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. During a meeting in Minsk in mid-April, Belarusian defense ministry officials discussed ways of boosting bilateral military cooperation in the post-pandemic period with the Chinese embassy's defense attache, Senior Colonel Liu Zhe.

MOSCOW, August 16. /TASS/. UK intelligence service MI-6 has prepared a sabotage squad comprising 100 militants from Ukrainian nationalist groups for operations on the African soil, a military-diplomatic source has told TASS.

The admission of new members and an alternative to the global dominance of the American currency are the main topics of the upcoming BRICS Summit in S. Africa.

(August 16, 2023)

Notice this description of land mines in the Black Sea.
Maybe the Germans made those mines.
Also, maybe the Germans put up fake social media job postings.
The Germans might sent items to Yemen with their navy.
How the deserts in Syria are used.
That's great Tashkent has a lot of private schools.
The Chinese economy.

"Romania sent a Ship and a Helicopter to search for Mines in the Black Sea"

"Bulgarian Navy Increases Counter-mine Monitoring after Sea Mine Explosion in Romania"

"Fake social media job postings are the most common labor exploitation trap"

"MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/. The operation to remove more than one million barrels of oil from the decaying Safer supertanker off Yemen's coast and corresponding agreements could be a model for settling the situation inside the country, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday."

"MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/. The biggest threat to security in Syria still emanates from the areas outside the control of the country's government, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said."

"Private School Teacher Numbers in Uzbekistan Increase"

"The Chinese real estate industry has plunged into a historic decline - people are hesitant to buy new homes due to rising unemployment."

(August 15, 2023)

Notice the government in Niger is meeting with the ECOWAS.
I wonder about the EU and ECOWAS.
I have been reading about French military bases in Niger.
Maybe the EU does military research in some of those deserts.
Labor unions in Bulgaria.
Maybe those are German labor unions.
Maybe the Germans send military items to North Korea.
Energy politics in Tashkent.
Also, crimes in the Balkans.
Maybe the German navy uses the ports in the Balkans and that's why there is violent crime.

The Military Regime in Niger is ready to resolve the Crisis through Diplomatic Channels

Government, Trade Unions Plan to Digitize Employment Records

Trade unions in the sphere of agriculture call for 15% wage rise

MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/. The rebels in Niger announced their readiness to negotiate with the leaders of the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS), according to Al Jazeera TV channel.

SEOUL, August 13. /TASS/. Russian Ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yajun on Saturday on the territory of the Chinese diplomatic mission, the Russian embassy said on social networks.

Temporary Gas Supply Suspension in Shaikhontohur and Uchtepa Districts

One Croatian, one Albanian, and three Greeks are suspected of the murder in Athens After the murder of AEK fan Mihalis Kakouris, the Greek police narrowed down the circle of potential direct perpetrators of the most serious crime.

(August 14, 2023)

Tony 18

Tony 17

This is from France24.
Notice how active in Niger is the EU.
The EU does so much it seems with the army and navy.

Also, the Ukrainians have so many army drones.
And notice this description of the Ukrainian government.

[Live: Niger coup supporters protest near French military base as ECOWAS suspends meeting Thousands of supporters of Niger's junta rallied near a French military base on Friday to protest plans by West African bloc ECOWAS to deploy an armed force to the country. The demonstrations came as the regional bloc indefinitely suspended a meeting between army chiefs of staff in Ghana's capital Accra that had been planned for Saturday. Follow our liveblog for all the latest developments. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). 10:06am: ECOWAS still working out the details of armed 'standby force' Diplomatic sources have suggested that ECOWAS could try to request EU financing to help bring together a military force for its proposed intervention in Niger. FRANCE 24 senior reporter Catherine Norris-Trent breaks down some of the legal, logistical and financial challenges facing the West African bloc as it considers its next move. 4:30am: Thousands of coup supporters gather in Niger as ECOWAS suspends military meeting indefinitely Thousands of Niger coup supporters took to the streets on Friday to protest against plans by West African nations to deploy a military force to the country, as a key regional meeting on a possible intervention was scrapped. ECOWAS had approved a "standby force" to reinstate elected President Mohamed Bazoum, with the EU's top diplomat expressing concern about his conditions in detention since he was ousted by members of his guard on July 26.]

[Live: Russia destroys 20 Ukrainian drones over Crimea, defence ministry says Russian forces destroyed 20 Ukrainian drones launched onto the Crimean Peninsula early on Saturday, Russia's defence ministry said. There were no casualties and no damage as a result of the attempted attack, the ministry said on the Telegram messaging app. It was not immediately clear what was targeted in the reported attacks on the Russian-annexed peninsula. Follow our liveblog for all the latest developments in the war in Ukraine. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). 7:11am: Russian defence minister Shoigu inspects Northern Fleet Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu inspected remote Arctic garrisons of the Northern Fleet, the ministry said on the Telegram messaging app on Saturday. The ministry said a detachment of Russian warships went to the sea to perform tasks in the Arctic zone of the Arctic Ocean.]

[Key developments from Friday, August 11: President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Friday that the heads of all Ukraine's regional military recruitment centres were being dismissed from their jobs amid concerns about corruption.]

(August 12, 2023)

Tony 15

Tony 11

Tony 13

Tony 12

Tony 10

This is me talking about the sanctions debates. 8-11-23

Maybe if the sanctions would stop, weaponry wouldn't need to be sent to Ukraine, and the Ukrainians could surrender.

[Kosovo Ambassador Visits Bansko At the invitation of Bansko Mayor Ivan Kadev, Kosovo Ambassador Delfin Plana arrived in the town for a two-day visit, the Bansko Town Hall reported on Friday. The working meeting in a friendly atmosphere confirmed the previously stated intentions for cooperation between Bansko Municipality and the Republic of Kosovo. The diplomat said that many Kosovo municipalities have shown great interest in joint activities with Bansko and willingness for twinning. Plana invited Kadev to attend the official establishment of the Bulgarian-Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, which will support the development of bilateral relations.]

Education Minister: Textbooks may not be mandatory at some point

[WASHINGTON, August 11. /TASS/. The US administration's request for additional funding of its military assistance to Kiev demonstrates the US determination to help Ukraine "till the last Ukrainian," the Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said on Friday.]

BELGRADE, August 11. /TASS/. Russia's economy is demonstrating a level of strength that no one expected, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in a Happy TV channel broadcast, noting that Moscow had prepared well for the imposition of Western sanctions.

The complaint is that there is harder work police stuff locally.
Instead, they want more money to do weird foreign police assignments.

This is an example.
Maybe the bureau shouldn't leave the United States.
They are just the police.
It brings to mind questions about the bureau and their budget.
If these people aren't even in America anymore, can the bureau focus on what is in America?
You wonder if they just want a free trip to Greece.
Maybe it's a nice office where they research this electronics stuff.
Conceptually, the bureau and if they don't want to investigate crimes in the United States.

[A Bulgarian faces 80 Years in US Prison on charges of sending Sensitive Electronics to Russia A Bulgarian arrested in Greece after being wanted by Interpol, as he was being pursued by the American authorities, is threatened with 80 years in prison. The authorities in Washington are demanding for the Bulgarian citizen to be extradited on charges that he illegally sent sensitive electronics to Russia. At the moment, the tech in question is located in the family laboratory in Sofia, and Milan Dimitrov claims that he is innocent and is involved in a Hollywood action for edification. His story is told by bTV. Dimitrov was arrested by the police in Greece in December following a US warrant. An FBI investigation claims that Milan, together with his father, sent special electronic chips to Russia. "The Americans themselves turned to the Greek court, who asked for evidence that these things were sent to Russia, they sent answers that they have no evidence, but still they want my extradition. I completely see through this - to play a propaganda circus 'we caught the terrible spies with incredible technologies, and then we weren't right'," said Milan Dimitrov by phone from the Greek prison. The Bulgarian is charged with money laundering, conspiracy, violations of export control regulations and providing false information to US authorities. For each of them, he is threatened with 20 years. The father and son are accused of obtaining radiation-resistant chips from a Texas company and sending them to Russia. "They say that our company received more than 1 million dollars to buy the machines in question and exported them to Russia. These machines cost 53,605 dollars," said Milan Dimitrov. But US prosecutors say the rad-hard chips were supplied by a company in Texas but sent to Russia through a company in Bulgaria to avoid US export laws, the detainee's brother said. "These are semiconductor wafers. They have serial numbers, we have expertise from experts - we proved four times that the wafers are here. We bought six pieces, paid about 600,000 dollars," explains the brother Alexander Dimitrov. According to him, the chips are used for both washing machines and smartphones. "I insist on justice - that Bulgaria contact the American authorities and ask them what is the meaning of this," said Milan Dimitrov, who claims that he is innocent and that the accusations are unfounded. In the case, the American authorities also blame the Russian businessman Ilias Sabirov, who, according to them, received the hardened chips. The FBI believes they serve as Iran's nuclear trigger, Pakistan.]
(August 11, 2023)

This is me talking about the bureau and Sophia. 8-11-23

I like my job.
But, I have some kind of a paradise that I could spend every day during the summer watching every Nationals game, for example.
I have done that when I lived in Texas.
I watched the Astros play every day.
It's the same people every time.
You really do remember the whole season what happened.
Here, I end up working early in the morning and I can never actually watch the baseball games.
Some kind of a paradox of the east coast and when you live here you don't have time to watch the games.
Again, why it's the whole country's sport.

Tony 9

Tony 8

I have an important message here.
I now live in Washington, DC.
I see all of these British guys dress up like Irishmen.
Wayne and Coleen say they're from Ireland.
They're from Liverpool, England.
Some British guys pretend to sound like leprechauns when they talk.
Ireland this and Ireland that.
Back in Texas, this is the car I drove.
I'd get out of my Oldsmobile with my leather shoes, Versace jacket, and my Raybans on.
"I'm going to park my car and walk the rest of the way."

Tony 7

I wonder if this description of the Bulgarian economy is consistent with German labor unions and the EU.
A reference to EU funds.
Two reports about Warsaw.
Tashkent and Baku are trading more, which is great.
That seems like a lot of Polish soldiers.
For me, holistically it's strange that the Polish army is huge and it is behaving as a large group.
How many soldiers should the Polish army have?

"Bulgaria Is Leading Country in Central, Eastern Europe in Application of Google Technologies in Education"

"Mayor of General Toshevo arrested over misappropriation of EU funds"

[Poland’s top brass vows to beef up troops at border with Belarus to 10,000 soldiers Poland has made a decision to bolster its military presence at the border with Belarus after an alleged intrusion by two Belarusian military helicopters into Polish airspace MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. Poland intends to deploy 10,000 troops at the border with Belarus, National Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak told Polish Radio on Thursday. "There will be about 10,000 soldiers: 4,000 will directly deal with border protection and 6,000 will be in the region," he said. The Polish army is actively developing and receiving advanced equipment, he said. "Over two years, we will have the strongest army in Europe," he claimed, stressing that the Polish army’s numerical strength already equaled 170,000 personnel. Poland has made a decision to bolster its military presence at the border with Belarus after fighters of Russia’s Wagner private military company appeared on Belarusian soil and an alleged intrusion by two Belarusian military helicopters into its airspace. The Polish authorities, however, point to a new escalation of the border migration crisis lingering since the autumn of 2021 as the main reason for bolstering the protection of the border with Belarus. As Poland’s border guard officials assert, they again witness a growing number of illegal migrants trying to cross into Polish territory and observe their aggressive actions, with migrants hurling stones, bottles and wooden poles at border guards. The Polish authorities claim that the crisis at the border with Belarus is being provoked by the Belarusian and Russian authorities allegedly to destabilize the situation on NATO’s eastern flank. Moscow and Minsk have repeatedly rejected these allegations.]

[Russia, Belarus capable of joint response to any of Poland’s unfriendly steps — diplomat "There should be no doubts that we [Russia and Belarus] will be able to resort to joint efforts and respond symmetrically to any unfriendly steps of the Polish leadership," Mikhail Galuzin said MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. Moscow and Minsk are capable of giving a joint symmetrical response to any unfriendly steps on behalf of Warsaw, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS on Thursday. "There should be no doubts that we [Russia and Belarus] will be able to resort to joint efforts and respond symmetrically to any unfriendly steps of the Polish leadership," Galuzin said in an interview with TASS.]

"Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan forge stronger ties in trade"

(August 10, 2023)

This is about Niger.
Notice the French and their warplanes.
The whole thing is that supposedly the EU and the Germans.
They test airplane technology in the deserts.
Maybe that's their military test site down there.

[Leaders of the Coup in Niger accuse French Troops of “Destabilizing” the country Coup leaders in Niger have accused French forces of violating the prohibition on using its airspace to 'destabilize' the West African nation, as France promptly rejected the allegations, an Al Jazeera report said. Colonel Amadou Abdramane, a spokesman for the coup leaders, alleged in a video address on Wednesday that France had freed 16 "terrorist elements" who then assembled to plot an attack on Nigerien military posts along the border. He said that at 6:30 a.m. (05:30 GMT), a National Guard unit was attacked in Bourkou Bourkou, which is located around 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from the Samira gold mine in the Tillaberi district, according to Al Jazeera. The colonel further claimed that a French military aircraft violated a restriction on the country’s airspace. Abdramane stated, “We are witnessing a real plan of destabilization of our country, orchestrated by French forces." France’s Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs rejected the accusations and said its aircraft movements were part of an earlier agreement with Nigerien forces. Notably, soldiers from Niger's presidential guard overthrew the government and detained President Mohammad Bazoum on July 26, sparking international outrage and the possibility of a military invasion by other West African countries. On Sunday, the Nigerien airspace was shut down by the coup leaders, who also forbade any outside intervention, reported Al Jazeera. Niger has been engulfed in political chaos since late last month when the country's President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted in a coup. Following the military coup Abdourahamane Tiani, the commander of Niger's presidential guard, has declared himself the country's leader. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has spoken to Niger President Mohamed Bazoum and reiterated America's calls for his release. Taking to his official Twitter handle, Blinken said that he spoke to Niger's President to express our continued efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the current constitutional crisis. He tweeted, "Spoke to Nigerien President Bazoum to express our continued efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the current constitutional crisis. The United States reiterates our call for the immediate release of him and his family." Earlier, on Tuesday, US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said that Acting Secretary Victoria Nuland met with leaders of the junta in Niger, making it clear that there would be consequences if they didn’t return to the diplomatic path. Miller also added that there are hundreds of millions of dollars of US assistance at stake in Niger.]
(August 10, 2023)

Tony 6

This is a big development about the sanctions debates.
I wonder if the German army and the SAPO disagree about the sanctions.
FM Billstrom was just in Belgrade advocating for more sanctions.
A report about Tirana.
The auto industry in Bulgaria.
Drones in Russia.
That's great Tashkent has a new international airport.
And a report about cryptocurrency.

"Day 532 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Again Drones Shot Down over Moscow"

"Borislav Muerov Appointed Automobile Administration Executive Director"

"North Macedonia risks being separated from Albania on the way to the EU, Ilhan Kyuchyuk says"

[German lawmaker says Germany already in 'gray zone' of Ukrainian conflict "There is a growing danger that the country and the whole of Europe will be drawn into this conflict. And that is why arms supplies are the last thing we should do," Steffen Kotre stressed MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. Germany has moved away from the principle of neutrality and is already in the 'gray zone' of the Ukrainian armed conflict, Steffen Kotre, a member of the Bundestag (German parliament) for the Alternative for Germany (AfD), said. "We have to talk, discuss things, try to bring the sides to peace. Arms supplies are a grave mistake because they add fuel to the fire of war and lead to people continuing to kill each other. All this has fatal consequences. The fact that Germany is supplying arms and training Ukrainian soldiers on its territory means that Germany has unfortunately moved away from the principle of neutrality. Germany is already in the 'gray zone' of war. There is a growing danger that the country and the whole of Europe will be drawn into this conflict. And that is why arms supplies are the last thing we should do," he said in a video interview seen by TASS. The lawmaker pointed out that Germany must maintain relations with Russia and in no case impose new sanctions. "These sanctions contradict international law and, first of all, harm Germany itself. We must continue to trade with Russia - import cheap energy resources from there. Now we have expensive electricity, our citizens and industrial enterprises are forced to buy electricity at inflated prices," the Bundestag member continued, "This sanctions policy is fundamentally wrong. This is not our conflict. We have no business getting involved in it."]

[MOSCOW, August 8. /TASS/. Russian air defense forces intercepted five rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and destroyed 17 Ukrainian combat drones over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Tuesday.]

"New international airport near Tashkent"

"All those who understand the matter claim that the wealthiest individuals in the world and the largest institutions are entering the crypto industry and that Montenegro, as a small country, has a chance to profit if it becomes one of the first to regulate this field."

(August 9, 2023)

The British have sports trainers. The geniuses of the Manchester United coaching staff.
I hear it from the British army people.
How elite are the Manchester United coaches.
The brilliance of Tottenham.
The fortress of the EPL.
I am here in Washington, DC and I am seeing photos of Jack Hatton.
What am I thinking?

Tony 5

The Hattons in Manchester.
Ricky has three kids and Matty has two kids.
Neither of them are married.
There are some young men boxers that they train.
I see these photos of after the fights, they go out and have a big meal.
I guess some of it, Campbell has his own daughter.
It's so weird that they teach the young boxers to celebrate.
Everyone is supposed to be back at work the next day.
Also, if they all have kids.
It was an extreme once because I think Campbell flew to Spain even to have a breakfast.

Tony 4

Tony 3

Tony 2

The Bulgarians are reporting on a Ukrainian citizen who has been caught trafficking migrants.
More reports about the Bulgarian border with Turkey.
A lot of reporting about illegal activity near that border.
A description of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia.
South Ossetia is inland near the Russian border.
Abkhazia is a port on the Black Sea.
A report about the Russian border with China and those checkpoints.
That's great the Tashkent subway is so busy.
The Serbians are reporting on the sanctions debates.

[Bulgaria: Police caught a Ukrainian Citizen transporting 11 Illegal Migrants Bulgarian police caught a bus with illegal migrants in Stara Zagora region. 11 migrants were found in the vehicle with a Varna registration. The bus was traveling on the Sub-Balkan road Burgas-Sofia. Near the junction for Muglizh, the driver noticed a police patrol, stoped the bus and started running. He was caught by the police. He turned out to be a Ukrainian citizen. The migrants and the bus were transported to the Kazanlak police station, from where they will be redirected to a refugee accommodation center.]

[Close to 47,000 Illegal Border Crossings from Turkiye Prevented in June-July]

[Shepherd Academy near Kresna preserves local Bulgarian breeds]

[108,954 attempts to illegally enter Bulgaria through the border with Turkiye have been prevented since the beginning of 2023 46 940 attempts to cross the Bulgaria-Turkiye border were prevented in the period June 1- July 31, the Ministry of Interior announced. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of illegal entries prevented compared to the same period in 2022, when there were 27,083 such attempts. The number of migrants apprehended at the border area has doubled to 400, compared to 200 in the same two-month period of 2022. The number of pre-trial proceedings initiated has increased from 194 in June and July of 2022 to 343 in June and July of 2023. The number of third-country nationals detained in the interior of the country has also increased. From June 1 to July 31, 2023, a total of 3,452 people were detained in the interior of the country, which is 3.7 times more (270%) as compared to the same period in 2022. From the beginning of 2023 until August 7, a total of 108,954 attempts to illegally enter the country through the Bulgaria-Turkiye border were prevented, compared to 67,846 for the same period last year, which represents an increase of 59%.]

[Georgian prime minister lays blame for 2008 war squarely on former President Saakashvili Irakli Garibashvili characterized the previous authorities’ behavior during the August war as shameful TBILISI, August 8. /TASS/. Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili has blamed former President Mikhail Saakashvili and his government for failing to avoid the 2008 war in South Ossetia. "This trouble, the tragedy, the war occurred under the previous government. The previous authorities did nothing for our country to avoid the war," Garibashvili told reporters after visiting the Mukhatgverdi Cemetery in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, where military servicemen killed in 2008 are buried. He also characterized the previous authorities’ behavior during the August war as shameful. "While our military heroes demonstrated great valor and selflessness to our people and the next generations, we could see the former commander-in-chief (Saakashvili - TASS) behave in a disgraceful manner. You must remember him chewing his necktie, running away from an aircraft and falling to the ground," the Georgian prime minister elaborated. When asked to back up his argument that the previous government was to blame for failing to avoid the conflict, Garibashvili said that he possessed a lot of information on the matter but could not discuss it because he was concerned about protecting the country’s image. On Tuesday, Georgia is marking the 15th anniversary of the start of military activities in South Ossetia. National flags are flying at half-staff over government buildings. An armed conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia broke out in August 2008 after Georgian forces tried to forcibly take control of the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinval. On August 8, Moscow sent troops to protect Russian nationals and the Russian peacekeeping contingent stationed in the region, forcing the Georgian army to retreat. On August 26, 2008, Russia recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another former Georgian autonomous region.]

[BEIJING, August 8. /TASS/. Russia’s consul general in Harbin, China, Sergey Linnik, discussed optimizing the operations of border checkpoints between the two countries with Luo Haitao, party committee secretary in the border city of Suifenhe, China, the Russian consulate general reported.]

"Passenger volume in Tashkent subway increases by 30%"

[Vučić: For us, sanctions against RS are inappropriate, we will not apply them]

(August 8, 2023)

OK. My mom sews. I know people here in Washington, DC who went to fashion school.
My mother is from Indiana.
She can take wool that has been sheared from a sheep, clean it, dye it, and knit it into a sweater. She can do the whole process of make clothes from a sheep. If someone gives her the wool.
She'll hand you a sweater, if you hand her wool from the sheep.

It's possible that the sanctions debates resemble these conflicts over these seas.
Because the Germans are wanting to be strategic about their navy.
I think the Black Sea stuff is pretty easy.
The extent to which both the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea is used for trade with the far east.
Are the Germans wanting to use those seas for their navy?
The same is about the sanctions.

The Russians are reporting that, Taiwan's airspace.
It's come up about Taipei and Beijing.
Do we have to have a horse in that race?
Maybe this is China's airspace even?

This is a report about the police.
Also the EU.
The concern is about the EU police and maybe they are right wingers.
The Black Sea is being contested.
Also the Baltic Sea.
Maybe the Germans use these sea lanes for trade with East Asia.
Reports about the PLAAF near Taipei.
Another report about the Black Sea.
Again, maybe the Germans use the Black Sea to communicate with the PLAAF.
That's great Tashkent is developing solar energy capability.
A report about sanctions in Belgrade.
Maybe the SAPO and the EU impose sanctions so they can trade with East Asia.

[Interpol has ended a two-year global operation to catch criminals running networks of websites with child sexual abuse material designed to generate advertising profits. During the operation in Bulgaria, a 34-year-old man was detained, and the online forum managed by him, which facilitated access to thousands of files depicting severe sexual abuse of children, was closed, the Ministry of the Interior announced. The operation, named "Narsil", began in December 2021 and lasted until July 2023.]

North Macedonia PM Kovachevski Does Not Expect New Conditions on Path to EU Accession

[Bulgaria considers Russia's actions in the Black Sea unacceptable The entry of Russian warships into the exclusive economic zone of the Black Sea countries, including that of Bulgaria, the declaration that parts of the Black Sea’s international waters are unsafe for navigation, is unacceptable and harms the economic and financial interests of the countryand its citizens. This is the position expressed by the Bulgarian side at the consultations on the basic principles for achieving peace in Ukraine, held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. “"Bulgaria condemns Moscow's decision to withdraw from the so-called Grain Deal, using food security and food supply as a weapon to achieve imperial ambitions. The targeted destruction of civilian infrastructure, including ports along the Danube River, creates a serious risk of escalation in the region. Bulgaria remains committed to assisting the export of Ukrainian grain, including through the territory of the country”, the statement reads.]

[Taiwan records approach of Chinese air, sea forces, including 24 aircraft, seven warships According Taiwan’s defense department, "twelve of the detected aircraft had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait or entered Taiwan’s southwest Air Defense Identification Zone" HONG KONG /XIANGGANG/, August 7. /TASS/. Taiwan has reported the approach of 24 Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and seven People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warships in the region adjacent to the island, Taiwan’s defense department said in a statement. According to it, "twelve of the detected aircraft had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait or entered Taiwan’s southwest Air Defense Identification Zone." The aircraft were: six J-10 fighters, two J-16 fighters, two Su-30s, one Y-9 aircraft, and one KJ-500 early warning and control aircraft. Taiwan's army "has monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities," the statement added. The Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone is unilaterally declared by the island and covers an area of 492,000 square kilometers, far exceeding the island's airspace. It also covers the surrounding waters, the Taiwan Strait and part of the airspace over the mainland Chinese provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi and Zhejiang. Taiwan, China’s largest island, has been governed by its local administration since 1949. Official Beijing considers Taiwan a province of the People’s Republic of China. Washington remains Taipei’s key supplier of weapons and military hardware.]

[Russia has all possibilities to counter security threats at Black Sea — senior diplomat According to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, the country's security will be ensured MOSCOW, August 6. /TASS/. Russia has all military and military-technical capabilities to counter threats in the Black Sea, the country's security will be ensured, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told TASS. "The main thing is that we have all military and military-technical capabilities to stop this situation without compromising the interests of our security, the security of our people and facilities," the deputy minister said. "We will never compromise our security interests and will reliably ensure them," he said. According to Ryabkov, Russia keeps on focusing West’s attention on the security situation in the Black Sea and the United States and United Kingdom’s policy on this matter has no common sense. "I think that Washington and London’s escalatory and dangerous course has no spark of common sense. We will continue relevant efforts," he said. "The Americans are playing with fire and this is dangerous. In the past, we saw situations when they were on the brink of a more far-fetching incident but have been managing to escape it so far. This is why we call on them to show more wisdom and not to believe allegations of their own propaganda that they can resolve these or those tasks they have set for themselves the way they need. No way. We will never bargain our security interests and ensure them reliably," he stressed. Earlier, Ukraine issued a warning about a "military threat" near six Russian Black Sea ports, namely Anapa, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Taman, and Tuapse, from August 4.]

"Uzbekistan Promotes Independent Solar Installations"

[Vučić: For us, sanctions against RS are inappropriate, we will not apply them Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and RS President Milorad Dodik speak on the occasion of commemorating Remembrance Day of those killed in the operation Storm. "On behalf of our entire delegation, I want to thank the leadership of the RS for the warm welcome," Vučić said. "Serbia fully adheres to the UN Charter and does not choose whether it suits it or not. We respect the principles of international law, we respect and will respect all the measures of the Dayton Agreement. Accordingly, Serbia has respected and will respect the integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina, but also the two entities within BiH. Since we respect the territorial integrity of BiH, we expect that country to respect the integrity of Serbia, which was not the case when there was a vote in the Council of Europe... We have good cooperation with BiH and Republika Srpska," said Vučić. "We talked about all the difficult topics, about the situation in which the entire region is... I explained all the hardships we face in relation to Kosovo and Metohija, all the double standards we face. Of course, we also talked about sanctions. You know, when your most powerful country imposes sanctions, first against the part of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and then sanctions for the head of the BIA, in the meantime sanctions against Dodik, and then also against everyone from the leadership of the RS, of course this is difficult news for all of us," said Vučić. "We have given all the permits for the opening of the BiH consulate in Novi Pazar, if you want we will give permission for other cities as well, there is nothing hostile to us from Sarajevo, I don't see why something coming from Belgrade would be hostile to them," said Vučić. Vučić said that the official position of the Republic of Serbia on sanctions is that they always have negative effects and that Serbia will not apply them. "Serbia believes that the policy of sanctions produces wrong effects. We consider the sanctions against the RS inappropriate, and accordingly, the Republic of Serbia will treat them as if they do not exist, we will not apply them," said Vučić, which was followed by applause from the crowd. Vučić stated that it was a difficult decision. "We in Belgrade from 1945 until last year did not have a street dedicated to the victims of Jasenovac. We had the most meaningless streets, but that shows how we were brought up, that we are ashamed of our relatives. Those times have passed. The Republic of Serbia is ready to provide some financial support municipalities in the RS but also outside Srpska. As much as we can. We are satisfied with the progress of our relations. It is important that we also talk with the people in Sarajevo," said the President of Serbia. He also spoke about the fact that Serbia will always provide financial support to the RS.
(August 7, 2023)

OK. This is a joke about the English.
My mom is from a family who plays golf. They're from the Midwest.
My dad is from New York City but they are English immigrants.
When I was little, my mom bought my dad a bird watching book.
In the book, the book was a beginners bird watching guide.
"When you see a bird, only look at the bird until it flies away. Later, then pick up the book and look at the book to compare the photos to what you saw."
[Rescue operation for a young stork in the village of Tochilari]

I'm watching the Sopranos and they are talking about soccer leagues in America. Lots going on here. If asked, I believe that the modern game of soccer come from England and Italy, but also there was something similar that the Aztecs played in Mexico. Soccer today is a combination of English, Italian, and Mexican cultural sports heritage. And that is why it is a reigning cultural game.
The Aztecs played a game that looked a lot like soccer. They also had pyramids and human sacrifice. That's where I'm from. I'm from Austin, but sometimes my relatives live in San Antonio, for example. My sister used to live in San Antonio with my nephews. My uncle lived in San Antonio decades ago.
And then William will get up there...
Or Harry Kane will get up there...

It's so obvious that William is supposed to be commenting on the English men's national team.
Harry Kane has a wife named Katie. Her name is Katie Kane now. They have three kids. His brother's job is to manage the family finances.
All of us back in Texas watch Harry Kane get up there and like miss the kick.
Wayne Rooney will then comment on Twitter that he used to miss the kicks when he played.
I guess nepotism.
It's as though William, Wayne, and Harry can manage when England loses.
All of us though...it's so obvious they're incompetent because the English team never wins ever.

About Russia though. Ivan III maybe was the first tsar. Maybe Ivan IV was the first tsar. Maybe Peter I was the first tsar. Maybe a different person was the first tsar. Alexandra and Catherine. Anastasia. Ancient Russia might not have called Catherine a tsar. Obviously both Alexandra and Catherine were both born in Germany, for example. Anastasia was Alexandra's daughter.

Immigration and the German economy.
Financial stuff in Ankara.
The USN is cracking down on China and in house spying.

"How Munich wants to make settling in Germany easier for non-EU skilled workers"

"Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek met with dozens of international investors on Friday and pledged to continue hiking interest rates, even as economic growth slows. The eight-hour meeting in Istanbul included Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek and Central Bank Governor Hafize Gaye Erkan and 40 investors discussing monetary and fiscal policy and the economic outlook. The meeting marks a more transparent market turn by the authorities. It comes two months after President Tayyip Erdoğan named Şimşek, who is highly regarded by financial markets, as well as Erkan, a former senior U.S.-based bank executive, in moves seen as heralding a switch to tighter interest rate policy. According to the sources, Şimşek stressed that reducing inflation was the priority and struck a confident tone that policy was returning to more normal settings."

"Two US Navy sailors in California have been arrested on charges of providing sensitive military information to China. Jinchao Wei, 22, a naturalised US citizen, is accused of conspiring to send national defence information to a Chinese agent. Petty Officer Wenheng Zhao, 26, was arrested on charges of accepting money for sensitive photos and videos. It is unclear if the same Chinese agent is alleged to have contacted the pair. Both men were arrested on Wednesday in California, Mr Wei while on his way to work at Naval Base San Diego. Prosecutors announced the charges during a news conference in San Diego on Thursday. They said Mr Wei, who served as a machinist's mate on the amphibious assault ship USS Essex, held a security clearance and had access to sensitive information about the ship. He was allegedly approached by a Chinese agent in February 2022 while he was going through the process of becoming a US citizen."

This is from France24.
Here in Washington, DC I'm reading this on Saturday morning.
I think it means that the SAPO is taking a leadership role in EU strategy.
The EU has banned drone sales to Minsk.
Maybe the SAPO monitors those, for example.
There is a reference to North Korean weapons.
The Swedes have diplomats in Pyongyang sometimes.
Zelensky is calling Russian soldiers occupiers.
That's kind of a weird word.
Kiev is making requests of Berlin.
Warsaw stuff.
Surveillance and airspace.
Norwegian diplomats.

In America there are the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants. The Yankees. UT and OU.
I wonder if the SAPO are American rivals in this kind of stuff.
I know Swedes who studied at Moscow State.
I sent to school at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute, for example.
Are Swedes with Russia degrees allowed to say now ban drones to Minsk, etc.
There is room here for some kind of a SAPO joke about research papers and what the EU is supposed to be doing.

[Ukrainian troops faced with 'brutal' front-line combat, says Zelensky Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday said Kyiv's troops were faced with brutal fighting against Russian forces all along the front lines. The EU banned drone sales to Belarus, a close Kremlin ally, and sanctioned prominent state TV presenters there. Read our liveblog to see how all the day's events unfolded. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). 9:16pm: White House says it is concerned North Korea will send munitions to Russia The United States remains concerned that North Korea will send munitions to Russia, White House national security advisor John Kirby told a briefing on Thursday. "Our information indicates that Russia is seeking to increase military cooperation" with North Korea, he said. "The occupiers are trying to stop our guys with all their might. The attacks are very brutal," Zelensky said, adding that "it is hard everywhere. But whatever the enemy does, it is the Ukrainian force that dominates." The EU has already imposed repeated rounds of sanctions on Minsk over Lukashenko's brutal repression of the opposition since 2020 and the war in Ukraine. Those include blacklisting the Belarusian leader and his family members. The latest measures target a further 38 regime figures and three state-owned entities, including leading "propagandists" on state television, prosecutors and prison officials. In a bid to curb the flow of goods to Russia that could be used on the battlefield in Ukraine, the EU banned the export of aircraft engines and drones to Belarus. The 27-nation bloc also tightened restrictions on the sale of semiconductors, camera equipment and other technology that could help Moscow's war effort. 4:20pm: Poland to reinforce eastern border surveillance after airspace violation by Belarus Poland announced Thursday it would reinforce its eastern border surveillance, two days after two Belarusian military helicopters violated its airspace. Morawiecki also said that Warsaw had information about "some 4,000 Wagner fighters" currently based in the Belarusian territory. 4:08pm: Germany again rules out supplying long-range missiles to Ukraine German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius on Thursday again ruled out supplying Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles, saying it was "not a top priority" right now. Ukraine asked Germany in late May to provide it with Taurus air-to-surface cruise missiles which have a range in excess of 500 kilometres (310 miles), but the government has so far rebuffed the request. "We continue to believe that this is not our top priority right now," Pistorius said during a visit to a mountain infantry brigade in Bavaria. 10:10am: Russia adds Norway to list of countries 'unfriendly' to its diplomats Russia has added Norway to its list of foreign states that have committed so-called "unfriendly" acts against Russian diplomatic missions. Countries on the list are limited in the number of local staff they can hire in Russia, with Norway restricted to 27, Russian state news agency RIA Novosti said. Norway expelled 15 Russian diplomats for alleged spying in April, and Russia responded by ordering out 10 Norwegian diplomats.]
(August 5, 2023)

RAF 99

RAF 98

Can William and Kate get up there and give a statement about the 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in England?

RAF 97

Alright. These are the headlines.
In Bulgaria there are Serbian minorities.
About the Bulgarian Parliament and the EU.
The sanctions debates and stuff.
The Ukrainian refugees.
In England there are 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.
I wonder if William thinks their visas should be extended.
The State Department in Niger.
Another description of the Bulgarian parliament.
This one is about the Ukrainian army.
German-made air defense systems.
The Uzbek economy.
I wonder if they assist Ankara in military research.
And then President Vucic meeting with other leaders in the Balkans.

[The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said in a televised interview for Serbian TV "Pink" that Bulgaria does not recognize national minorities, but on the other hand, reacted to the situation of the Bulgarian national minority in Serbia. "In Bulgaria, for example, they do not recognize the national minorities, but rather protest against the bad situation of the Bulgarians in Serbia", commented Dacic in the Sunday edition of the program "Novo Yutro". "If you tell them - what about Serbs in Bulgaria, they say - there are no Serbs in Bulgaria. This is like us saying that there are no Bulgarians in Serbia and then there are no problems for the Bulgarian national minority," the Serbian foreign minister added. According to the data from the last population census last year, about 12,900 people in Serbia, whose population is about 6.7 million, define themselves as Bulgarians. According to the 2011 census in Bulgaria, 569 people consider themselves Serbians.]

[According to an interlocutor of "Reuters" from the US administration, aircraft hired by the State Department will be used, not military ones. Earlier this week, France and Italy began evacuating citizens from Niger. Washington chose its words about the coup and called it an "attempted takeover", not ruling out the restoration of democracy through diplomacy. Americans are being advised not to travel to Niger. The US move will be closely watched after criticism that it pulled all embassy staff out of Khartoum since the start of the Sudan conflict this year without assisting other US citizens.]

[News conference on governance programme UPDATED PM Denkov: We Faced Numerous Problems Inherited from Previous Government]

[Protesters in front of parliament building demand legislative changes and adoption of Istanbul Convention]

[MOSCOW, August 3. /TASS/. Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov has said that the Ukrainian serrvicemen have no schedule for a counteroffensive and no one but Kiev has the right to set it. "First of all, no one can set deadlines for us except us. Second of all, there is no schedule," the Ukrainian news agency TSN quoted Danilov as saying.]

[GENICHESK, August 3. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed 15 Ukrainian troops and a German-made IRIS-T air defense system in the Kherson area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, a spokesman for the regional emergency services reported on Thursday.]

[Uzbekistan establishes licensing procedure for military equipment production]

[Vucic and Pendarovski: A nice game of chess PHOTO President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, published a photo with the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, in which they are playing a game of chess.]

(August 3, 2023)

My dad grew up in New York City. There was pressure on him when he was young to play chess. He even at some point had a ranking in chess.
In Austin, there wasn't that kind of pressure. It seems regional about chess.
I had friends who were software people in high school, etc.
It was the young computer kids.
But, do they go to college and get computer science degrees.
I ended up studying Russian at UT-Austin and now I have an MSLIS in digitial libraries.
I still don't play chess. I do yoga.

Here's an Aussie army joke.
"I'm reading in Aviation Week about the Aussie AF and warplanes. 'Australia Starts Looking Beyond The F-35 For Next-Gen Fighter Needs Australia has started looking for options beyond the Lockheed Martin F-35A for its future fighter fleet, as interest in the next generation of air combat technology increasingly encroaches on funding available for existing aircraft.'"
"Have you seen this article in Aviation Week?"

Two Royal Navy jokes today. The first is about William and the helicopter. I guess the British have made an advancement in helicopter technology about firing weapons, etc.
(Maybe William could do some sit-ups...)
The second is that they're into trips to Kuala Lumpur and they watch anime.
"Trials Give UK Royal Navy Wildcat Helo Air-to-Air Capability - Aviation Week Network Aviation Week LONDON - A test of the Thales Martlet lightweight missile from a UK Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter has given the service a limited helicopter..."
"Sep 13, 2021 - Project Dreamcatcher!! is a Malaysian anime with a storyline based in Penang, created by indie studio Yore Productions."

This is a lengthy description of an Irish navy ship in the Mediterranean Sea.
Holistically, the whole thing bothers me.
The Garda seems so corrupt.
I half don't believe any of these Irish navy guys are doing what they're supposed to be doing.
The extent to which the Irish navy resembles the Garda.
The Garda isn't popular here at my desk in Washington, DC.
It's some kind of a joke that the off duty cops are always at the police stations.
And then they arrest college kids for drug charges and stuff.
The police themselves…they're not supposed to live at the police stations.
And then what they search for…they seem to be searching for like they could arrest Colin Farrell or Justin Bieber or something.
Like, the liberals need to say out of Dublin because the Garda is going to search their stuff.
It's a phenomenon that the Irish police seem so corrupt, you dread what the Irish navy is doing.

[Navy ship returns after policing mission off North Africa Young Offenders star Chris Walley proudly gave his brother the thumbs up after a successful Naval Service mission to tackle arms smuggling and people trafficking off the North African coast. The award-winning actor was at Haulbowline naval base in Cork with dozens of other Naval Service family members to welcome home the crew of the patrol ship L.É. William Butler Yeats from its six week deployment to the Mediterranean as part of Ireland's commitment to the EUNAVFOR-MED Operation Irini. Mr Walley's brother, Main Engineering Officer Tim Walley, served on L.É. William Butler Yeats and was one of 58 officers and ratings to safely return to Ireland on Sunday. Government and Naval Service officials paid tribute to the accomplishments of the Irish personnel as part of the EU commitment to cracking down on criminal gangs who have been operating off the North African coast. A key focus of the mission was to police waters off North Africa which have become a haven for criminal gangs involved in both people smuggling and the illegal arms trade. The Irish vessel also conducted patrols to ensure illegal oil shipments were not being undertaken from Libya amid fears such smuggling is being used to fund paramilitary groups in the North African country. International groups are committed to promoting stability in Libya and supporting its power-sharing Government. During its six week deployment, the vessel provided information, surveillance, reconnaissance and support operations via its Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB). The patrol vessel, the second youngest in the Irish fleet after being commissioned in 2016, is an expanded development of the L.É. Niamh design. Operation Irini follows previous Naval Service deployments as part of UN/EU humanitarian missions in the Mediterranean including Operations Pontus between 2015-2017 and Sophia in 2018. During Operation Pontus, L.É. William Butler Yeats deployed to the Mediterranean between July and October 2017, rescuing 704 persons and recovering the bodies of three deceased. The latest deployment involved a crew of 58 including five female crew. It was the first such deployment for more than half the crew of L.É. William Butler Yeats. The ship is heavily armed and features a 76mm OTO Melara main gun, two 20mm RH 202 Rheinmetall cannon, two 12.7mm Browning heavy machine guns and four 7.62mm general purpose machine guns. Defence Forces Chief of Staff Lt Gen Seán Clancy said everyone was very proud of how L.É. William Butler Yeats fulfilled its mission. “This deployment was crucial to the regeneration of Ireland’s navy and is directly linked to our efforts to recruit, retain and incentivise seagoing.” Naval Service Flag Officer Commodore Michael Malone said such missions were vital to Ireland's maritime capabilities. “With ambitions for the expansion of the Naval Service as outlined in the Commission on the Defence Forces report, this deployment presents an opportunity to build on the experiences gained through previous maritime overseas missions," he said. "Our sailors bring vital experience to bear in what remains a dynamic operational role.” The EU-led Operation Irini is headquartered in Rome where a small Defence Forces administrative team was deployed for several weeks before the patrol ship began its work. Operation Irini, which was launched in 2020, has largely been undertaken by navy and air units from France, Greece, Italy, Germany and Portugal.]

This is a description of Ukraine, the grain prices and the ports in the south near the Black Sea.
A Bulgarian celebration about the Balkans.
Both Bulgarians and Italians are being evacuated from Niger.
Thank goodness the Uzbeks are traveling to Tehran and Ashgabat.
President Vucic is discussing the army and other topics with the British NATO people.

"Day 525 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Wheat Rose in Price by nearly 5% after New Russian Attacks on Odesa"

"The Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising broke out on August 2 1903 for the liberation of the Bulgarian population in Macedonia and Eastern Thrace, which after Bulgaria's liberation in 1878 remained within the territories of the Ottoman Empire under the Berlin Treaty."

[Four Bulgarian citizens have been successfully evacuated from Niger, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports. "After the coup d'etat in Niger on July 26 and the closing of all borders, the ministry received a signal from a..]

[ROME, August 2. /TASS/. A special flight, sent by the Italian government to Niger’s capital Niamey to evacuate Italian citizens from the country, will return to Rome early on Wednesday, the Italian foreign ministry said.]

[MOSCOW, August 2. /TASS/. There is significant damage in southern Ukraine following the night explosions, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said.]

"Iran, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan Discuss International Transport Corridor"

[Vucic and Lord Peach talked President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, spoke on the phone with the UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach. President Vucic and Lord Peach exchanged opinions on current regional issues, especially Kosovo and Metohija, with the agreement to continue the conversation during the upcoming visit of the United Kingdom's special envoy to Serbia, which is expected soon, it was announced on Instagram, on the buducnostsrbijeav account.]

(August 2, 2023)

OK. I have really cool bathing suits. I order them on ebay. I think I look really cool.
But, for example, I can go to the pool at the gyms here in DC.
One of them, for example the lifeguards yell at me or whatever for putting my feet up on the table. A literal example was when I was reading the newspaper and I had my feet up.
And so I am looking at these swimsuits advertised on the Bulgarian news.
Here in DC, I guess I could wear that to the pool, so long as I didn't put my feet up on the table.
Also, a literal complaint I have is with the disabilities lobby.
Because there is a wheelchair ramp in the pool.
That bothers me.
Because I think then the pool isn't clean.
Then there will be kids camp in the pool.
I'm from out west.
I think my mom, they took me a special pool where kids learn to swim.

RAF 96

Do we think this British assessment of Belgrade assists the German army or the German navy?

This is me talking about the British assessment of Belgrade. 8-1-23

The Pentagon is commenting on the Ukrainian army.
Are the Ukrainians supposed to be doing this..?
Maybe the Germans use the ports in Albania.
A description of German-made tanks in Ukraine.
A reference to the Ukrainian president.

"Day 524 of the Invasion of Ukraine: More Drone Strikes in Moscow"

"State Budget Promulgated in State Gazette, Enters into Force"

"Kostandina from Radio Bulgaria's Albanian language service featured in documentary about Bulgarians in Albania"

"PRETORIA, August 1. /TASS/. Burkina Faso and Mali will consider any military intervention in Niger as a declaration of war against them, AFP news agency reported on Tuesday citing a joint statement of two countries. "Any military intervention against Niger would be considered as a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali," the statement reads. On the evening of July 26, the rebels announced on national television the ousting of President Mohamed Bazoum, the closure of the republic's borders, a curfew, the suspension of the constitution, and a ban on the activity of political parties. On July 28, they declared that General Abdurahmane Tchiani had become the head of state. During the coup, he led the presidential guard, whose units detained Bazoum and continue to keep him in custody. On Monday, BBC reported that Niger's new authorities had suspended uranium and gold exports to France. Niger is the seventh-largest uranium producer worldwide accounting for 5% of global production. According to French mass media, Niger accounts for 15% - 17% of the uranium used to generate electricity in France."

"MOSCOW, August 1. /TASS/. Russian Lancet loitering munitions destroyed a German-made Leopard tank and an American Bradley infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) of the Ukrainian army near Rabotino in the Zaporozhye area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Spokesman for Russia's Battlegroup East Oleg Chekhov told TASS on Tuesday."

"Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Forge Energy Partnership"

"The US does not encourage Ukrainian attacks outside of Ukraine State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said regarding the Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow that the US does not encourage such actions by Ukraine, but does not dictate to Kyiv what to do."

"Rocket attack launched; A large number of casualties Rocket attack on the hometown of the Ukrainian president has been launched. The Russians fired rockets at the city of Kryvyi Rih in the south of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs announced. Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko announced that two rockets hit residential buildings."

(August 1, 2023)

Что такое это я знаю приз из петера pic.twitter.com/TUWcEpanIE

— Donna Welles (@WellesDonna) August 1, 2023

I wonder about his financial motives for his job.
If he works for NATO, maybe he does it for the money.
To begin with, the RAF makes more than the RN.
The RN makes more than the army.
Some of these NATO guys, they really make a lot.

[Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach (United Kingdom - Air Force) is the 32nd Chairman of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); the most senior and longest standing military structure in the Alliance.

Commissioned into the Royal Air Force in 1974, he flew Canberras in the photographic reconnaissance role assigned to FIVEATAF in Italy prior to three successive tours on Tornado GR1 in the UK and Germany, qualifying as a nuclear, weapons and electronic warfare instructor. He commanded IX (Bomber) Squadron at RAF Bruggen in Germany 1994-1996 acting as Bruggen Strike Wing Leader for NATO response missions both nuclear and conventional. Staff tours include personal staff officer to the Deputy Commander and Commander-in-Chief in RAF Germany, Executive Officer to Commander TWOATAF and Director Defence Studies Royal Air Force. He has written widely on defence issues.]

This is me talking about Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach GBE KCB DL. 7-31-23

"Hello. Yes, this is Donna. I know about the prize. Big deal."
"Привет. Да, это Донна. Я знаю о призе. Большое дело."

A report about the Bulgarian parliament.
Notice these Ukrainian immigrants in Bulgaria.
It would be hard about the laws about Ukraine and Russia in Bulgaria.
If they allow Ukrainian refugees then they'll make a Russian political party stop.
Maybe they shouldn't have let in the Ukrainian refugees and then they could keep the Russian political parties.
A labor strike in Bulgaria.
The Pentagon and what they're doing in Syria.
A report about energy politics in Germany.
Maybe the Germans take too much energy for their army.

[The pro-Russian party "Vazrazhdane" should be declared unconstitutional and dissolved - this is what the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee insists in an open letter, together with its co-signatories and a total of 121 people with a civil position who supported it, "Dnevnik" reported.]

[Rail Workers' Strike Hampers Traffic in Izmir]

[95 000 Ukrainians live in Bulgaria, more than half are children]

[MOSCOW, July 30. /TASS/. A US-led coalition's drone dangerously approached a Russian fighter jet in Syria, Oleg Gurinov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria (a division of the Russian defense ministry), said on Sunday.]

[ST PETERSBURG, July 30. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin branded Germany's rejection of nuclear energy, coal and Russian gas as actions of "poorly educated people."]

Maybe the Kosovars filed a false report.
We'll see what happens with this one.

[Another Serb in Kosovo and Metohija accused of an alleged war crime Special Prosecutor's Office of the so-called Kosovo announced that it has filed an indictment against Serb Z. A. He is suspected of having allegedly committed the criminal act of "war crime against the civilian population" during the war in Kosovo. The announcement states that Ž. A., in collusion with other members of the Serbian police, "dressed in the uniform of the Serbian police and armed, deprived B.M. of his freedom and injured him by inhumane torture, mistreatment and causing serious physical injuries, trauma and health consequences, as well as threats to his life". As reported by the Pristina portal Ekonomija online, Ž. A. allegedly participated in the forced expulsion and displacement of the citizens of Kamenica and that district in general.]

This is from the Serbian news.
I guess somehow the British are commenting about Belgrade.
I think the Kosovars allow the Germans to use their airbases.
It's so the German navy can use the ports in the Balkans.
Sometimes the British, they agree with the SAPO.
Is it possible that the British want the Kosovars to allow the Germans to use their airbases?
It's an example of British greed.
They want to make money on trade with East Asia.
And then the Germans send over all of those heavy weapons to the PLAAF.
Then the Aussies want to watch and document the PLAAF flybys.

[A new war is being prepared in Kosovo and Metohija? "Our services analyse situation" Aleksandar Vučić commented on the text stating that British intelligence officers want a war on Kosovo, saying that our services are analyzing it. Asked about the thesis circulating in some media, that British intelligence officers are setting the conditions for the alleged war in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, he said that he does not think that London has a reason for unrest. "I'm not sure that everything is correct, I'm not sure that everything is incorrect either. Our services are analyzing it now. I, unlike people who react irrationally, need time," said Vučić and added: "I don't think that at this moment London has a reason to provoke conflicts in the Balkans. There is no doubt that it is well connected with both the foreign and domestic services of Great Britain. In the coming days, I will talk to Sir Stuart Peach, Air Chief Marshal, appointed as the Prime Minister's Special Envoy to the Western Balkans in December 2021". The average salary is growing As a guest on TV Prva's morning program, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said that Serbia has 2.3 billion euros in foreign direct investments. This is above the level of the previous year, which in this regard was a record with 4.4 billion euros. "This is what, along with some other things, keeps the Serbian economy high and strong on the pedestal of European economies," said Vučić. "Before the end of the year in December, we will have an average salary of 840 euros, by the end of 2024 it will be 927 euros in Serbia. Do you understand what that means, in relation to 331 euros? And all the time, the exchange rate of the dinar against the euro is stable," said Vučić. On the Serbian Armed Forces Vučić said that a huge amount of money is being invested in the army, that the costs are in the billions of euros, and he emphasized that this is all transparent. He said that all reserves were filled - fuel, food... - and additional ammunition was being provided. "We have filled all reserves of oil and oil derivatives to 100 percent. We have food reserves raised to 100 percent. We continue with development programs through our military industry," he said. He reminded that we bought American "hammers" on which we install "mistrals". "We took 118 Hummers from the Americans, 66 arrived. We also attached a Mistral to it... Everything that flies today in the Serbian Air Force is armed to the teeth. We used to have aircraft that were only used for transport, today we have even those armed to the teeth so that they can confront anyone both on the ground and in the air," said Vučić. EXPO2027 We expect around 100 countries at EXPO 2027 and 2.6 million new tourists here, Vucic points out. "It will be an opportunity to show the whole world how our country looks like, how our city looks like," he said.]
(July 31, 2023)

As Anastasia Ovechkin is Alex's wife she is entitled to half of the estate.

RAF 95

In Doug's mind, his dad is so wealthy. He is so important. They are such VIPs. That, everyone else doesn't understand that he has braces on his teeth and that's why he cannot play his trumpet solo.
I'm sitting ten feet away, there are no braces on my teeth.
And my dad is working down the street from his dad.
Me and my dad are idiots.
Doug and his dad are important.

RAF 94
RAF 93
RAF 91
RAF 92
RAF 89

- Uranium mines.
- EU Foreign Direct Investment.
- Military bases.
- Counterterrorism operations.
This seems to be an example of EU, EC, French army, and German army mismanagement.

[Niger is an extremely poor nation but with vast uranium deposits. It has suffered four coups since independence from France in 1960 and several other failed putsch attempts and is currently in the throes of jihadist violence like its neighbours.]

[France cuts off aid to Niger amid growing Western condemnation of coup The European Union and France have cut off financial support to Niger and the United States has threatened to do the same after military leaders this week announced they had overthrown the democratically elected president, Mohamed Bazoum. Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, receiving close to $2 billion a year in official development assistance, according to the World Bank. It is also a key security partner of Western countries such as France, the former colonial power, and the United States, which both use it as a base for their efforts to contain an Islamist insurgency in West and Central Africa's Sahel region. Previously seen the most stable country among several unstable neighbours, Niger is the world's seventh-biggest producer of uranium. Niger's foreign allies so far have refused to recognize the new military government led by General Abdourahamane Tiani, previously head of the presidential guard, who officers declared head of state on Friday. Bazoum has not been heard from since early Thursday when he was confined within the presidential palace, although the European Union, France and others say they still recognize him as the legitimate president. "In addition to the immediate cessation of budget support, all cooperation actions in the domain of security are suspended indefinitely with immediate effect," EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in a statement. The French foreign ministry said France had suspended all development aid and budget support to Niger with immediate effect. It demanded a prompt return to constitutional order with elected president Bazoum back in charge. Niger is a key partner of the European Union in helping curb the flow of irregular migrants from sub-Saharan Africa. The EU also has a small number of troops in Niger for a military training mission. The EU allocated 503 million euros ($554 million) from its budget to improve governance, education and sustainable growth in Niger over 2021-2024, according to its website. The United States has two military bases in Niger with some 1,100 soldiers, and also provides hundreds of millions of dollars to the country in security and development aid. "The very significant assistance that we have in place for people in Niger is clearly in jeopardy," said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. U.S. support depends on the continuation of democratic governance, he said. The United Nations said the coup has not affected its deliveries of humanitarian aid. It is unclear how much support the military junta has among Niger's population. Some crowds came out in support of Bazoum on Wednesday, but the following day coup supporters also took to the streets. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will hold an emergency summit in Nigeria on Sunday to discuss the situation. After an emergency meeting on Friday, the African Union issued a statement demanding the military return to their barracks and restore constitutional order within 15 days. It did not say what would happen after that.]

(July 29, 2023)

This is me talking about the EU and Niger. 7-29-23

The Turks build warplanes.
Right wingers in the German government.
In China they sent someone to jail for taking photos of the police.

"Turkiye's homegrown fighter jet KAAN to take wing in December"

[German far right says 'ready for more' after poll surge A leader of Germany's far-right AfD said Friday the party was "ready for more" as he opened a closely-watched congress aimed at capitalising on a recent surge in popularity. About 600 members have gathered in Magdeburg -- a city in the former communist east where the party has strong support -- with anti-extremist groups staging demonstrations outside. AfD co-leader Tino Chrupalla said that, a decade after its creation, the party had "come of age".]

[Mr Lee was arrested and jailed in 2019 after he snapped pictures of police officers in Shenzhen. He was accused of espionage and stealing state secrets - a charge he now denies.]

These are two long reports from France24.
The Cypris one is shorter than the Niger one.
Both places, for me it means the EC and the EU and the German navy.
They really spend a lot of time in the Mediterranean Sea and in West Africa.
Macron himself is commenting on West African politics.
Also, how vulnerable the DOS is in this.
I wonder if they have Africa regional experts that are really smart about this coup.
It might be an example of how the DOS relies on foreign armies for its information.
From this report, who would know if the coup plotters or the former president are in the right?
Notice how the EC and the African Union.
All of those meetings all of the time about African economies.
And the German navy and the Turks in Cypris.

[President Nikos Christodoulides, the Greek Cypriot leader, and his Turkish Cypriot counterpart Ersin Tatar visited the CMP's anthropological lab in Nicosia in a move to build trust and confidence at a time of deadlocked peace talks for the divided island that have been in limbo for six years. "Both leaders called upon persons who have information about possible burial sites to share this information with the CMP," said a UN statement after the visit. "They reminded witnesses they can request confidentiality for any information shared, as credible information can accelerate the whole process of location, exhumation and identification of remains of missing persons," it added. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish forces occupied the island's northern part in response to a military coup sponsored by the junta in power in Greece. Since 1974, the fate of hundreds of people remains unknown; only around half of those declared missing have received a proper burial. "The two leaders reaffirmed their mutual understanding that CMP's responsibility lies first and foremost with the families of missing persons, as it brings closure to the affected families through the return of the remains of their loved ones for proper burial," the UN said. The CMP was established, under an accord between the two communities, with the aim of exhuming, identifying and returning to their relatives the remains of 492 Turkish Cypriots and 1,510 Greek Cypriots who went missing in 1974 and during inter-communal fighting of 1963-1964. According to the CMP, 741 Greek Cypriots missing have been identified, and the whereabouts of 769 are still unknown. Of the Turkish Cypriots, 200 remain missing. "We very much want to do our best so the pain of the families is reduced," said Tatar. "We will continue to encourage people to come forward... before they die, because there are a lot of people who know." Christodoulides said missing persons "is one of the best confidence-building measures… as further cooperation in this area will also help in the effort to break the deadlock and resume talks." The European Commission welcomed the joint visit to the lab in the Nicosia buffer zone, saying it "comes at a time of much-anticipated progress towards the solution of the Cyprus issue".]

[Niger's General Abdourahamane Tchiani declares himself leader after coup General Abdourahamane Tchiani is the new leader of Niger following a military takeover, state television reported Friday, two days after the country’s President Mohamed Bazoum was detained by members of his own guard. Tchiani, the head of the Presidential Guard, has been named "president of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland", a statement said. Appearing on state television, the general said soldiers had seized power due to the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel country. The general said that while Niger's elected President Mohamed Bazoum had sought to convince people that "all is going well ... the harsh reality (is) a pile of dead, displaced, humiliation and frustration". "The security approach today has not brought security to the country despite heavy sacrifices," he said. Armed forces chief General Abdou Sidikou Issa had on Thursday swung his weight behind the putschists saying it was "in order to avoid a deadly confrontation". A coalition of parties opposed to Bazoum called for a show of support Friday for the "motivations" of the putschists "while disapproving of all change by force". Bazoum has been detained by the putschists since Wednesday morning. ‘Illegitimate and profoundly dangerous’ French President Emmanuel Macron will on Saturday chair a defence meeting on the coup in Niger, the French presidency said late on Friday. Macron earlier on Friday described the coup as "dangerous" for the region as Western powers scrambled to preserve a key ally in the insurgent-stricken Sahel. "This coup is completely illegitimate and profoundly dangerous, for Nigeriens, for Niger and for the whole region," Macron said. Niger and ECOWAS The French president also said that Bazoum is in good health. The French foreign ministry said Friday that France does not recognise the leaders of the putsch who claim to have seized power. Bazoum, "democratically elected by the people of Niger, is the only president of the Republic of Niger", it said in a statement. "France does not recognise the authorities resulting from the putsch led by General (Abdourahamane) Tchiani." 'Setback for Africa' The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will meet Sunday in the Nigerian capital Abuja to discuss the military coup in Niger, its President Bola Tinubu announced. ECOWAS has demanded Bazoum's "immediate release", saying he "remains the legitimate and legal President of Niger". The European Union on Friday threatened to cut aid to Niger following the military coup. "Any breakdown in the constitutional order will have consequences for cooperation between the EU and Niger, including the immediate suspension of all budgetary support," a statement from the 27-nation bloc said. French and UN troops were in recent years forced to withdraw from neighbouring Mali, but France still has 1,500 soldiers in Niger. Bazoum's overthrow could put the future of their deployment in doubt.]

(July 29, 2023)

RAF 87
RAF 88
RAF 86

These are today's headlines.
Notice there is drama and opera about the sanctions.
The SAPO wants the countries in the Balkans to impose sanctions.
But maybe that's hard economically.
There is already so much inflation.
It seems like sanctions cause inflation.
Elections in Bulgaria.
Maybe the EC facilitates elections in foreign countries.
You wonder about tattoos and hepatitis.
It's come up abut, Kyrgios, for example.
The Aussies and the RN and their tattoos.
People blame William for the RN having so many tattoos.
Today's description of the Ukrainian government.
European armies in Africa.
And the Kosovars using heavy weapons to signal to routine traffic.

"Day 520 of the Invasion of Ukraine: China is Helping Russia circumvent Western Sanctions, according to US Intelligence"

"Center for Analysis and Marketing Survey: More Than 56% of Sofia Residents Plan to Vote in Upcoming Local Elections"

"Just 10% of those infected with hepatitis are diagnosed"

[Bulgaria finally has a "sensible budget" for 2023]

[MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. Ukraine's border patrol has interdicted illegal border crossing attempts by about 20,000 draft-age men seeking to leave the country since February 2022, a representative of the Ukrainian State Border Service disclosed.]

[Unacceptable for former colonial powers to retain monopolies in Africa, Putin asserts It is highlighted that the Soviet Union built numerous enterprises, power plants and steel mills across Africa]

[Drama on Kosovo: Kurti's special forces members took to the streets with long barrels Members of the so-called Kosovo police continue to mistreat citizens in Kosovo, while the latest incident took place in Kosovska Mitrovica, the media reports. The local Mitrovica portal "Daj glas" announced that members of the so-called Kosovo police regulate traffic with long barrels. As reported by this portal, the incident took place on the Iron Bridge near the tunnel in Mitrovica. It was further announced that "citizens complained that some special police officers had no patience. Although they had the right to move, the wedding car remained waiting for several minutes". The patience of the policemen quickly ran out, and two of them managed to stop the cars, so that they could pass. "But what stands out is that one of the police officers got out of the vehicle holding a long barrel in his hand. The citizens did not like the "regulation" of traffic by exposing them to "terrible" weapons," says the article on the "Daj glas" portal.]

(July 28, 2023)

The soldiers and sailors in Tunisia. What kind? Maybe they like Germany.
Солдаты и матросы в Тунисе. Какие? Может быть, им нравится Германия.

This is a description of the Tunisian coast guard.
I am thoughtful about that.
The Embassy of Tunisia here in Washington, DC is kind of near the White House.
That's amazing they have a coast guard.
Maybe the Germans make their ships.
What is the nature of the Tunisian coast guard?
Maybe they assist the German navy?

"The Tunisian coast guard recovered 901 bodies of drowned migrants off its coast from January 1 to July 20 this year, the country's interior minister, Kamel Feki, said on Wednesday, marking an unprecedented number of victims off the country's coasts."

Notice how the Bulgarians sent soldiers to Ukraine.
Talking about European armies in Africa.
Turks and migrants.
The Black Sea and maybe NATO ships there.
Maybe the Caucasus region has airbases and ports that the Germans use for trade with East Asia.
The Europeans and their armies in Africa.
That's great Tashkent is going to research its own army.
Maybe the Germans can cause an earthquake with a space weapon.

[Day 519 of the Invasion of Ukraine: NATO condemned Russia's "Dangerous" actions in the Black Sea, which affects Bulgarian Territorial Waters]

[A military takeover would mark the seventh consecutive coup in West and Central Africa since 2020. It could complicate the West's efforts to help countries in the Sahel region (countries south of the Sahara) to fight jihadist extremism, which in the past ten years has left the borders of Mali and spread to their territory, Reuters notes. Niger is a landlocked former French colony. The country has become a key ally in the fight against extremism for Western powers facing increasing hostility from the new juntas in Mali and Burkina Faso. Niger is also an important EU ally in the fight against illegal migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe. Last year, France moved troops from Mali into Niger after Paris's relationship with the interim government in Bamako soured. Due to such tensions, France also withdrew its special forces from Burkina Faso.]

"Turkiye Plans to Send 1 Million Illegal Migrants Back Home"

"Two Bulgarians from Bolhrad Region Died in Ukraine War in July"

"Green Card system no longer an obstacle to Bulgaria’s accession to the Eurozone"

[YEREVAN, July 27. /TASS/. An Armenian convoy carrying humanitarian cargo for residents of Nagorno-Karabakh has been unable to enter the Lachin Corridor due to the lack of permission from Azerbaijan, said Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Vahan Kostanyan.]

[ST. PETERSBURG, July 27. /TASS/. Despite sanctions, Russia continues to boost defense cooperation with African nations, and has now in fact reached Soviet-era levels of activity in the region’s market for weaponry, Alexander Mikheyev, director general of Russian state arms export agency Rosoboronexport, told TASS.]

"Uzbek defense ministry to promote military heritage"

[Chaos in China: Americans launched an attack? An earthquake monitoring center in Wuhan, a city in central China, suffered a cyberattack carried out by hackers from abroad. This was announced today by the local authorities stating that the attack was "supported by a foreign government" and that it came from the USA. Some network equipment at the Wuhan Earthquake Monitoring Center was said to have been cyberattacked by an overseas organization, but the time of the attack was not specified, Reuters reports. Namely, as reported by Chinese state media, a "backdoor" program capable of controlling and stealing data on seismic activity was inserted into the system. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the attack, saying that the "irresponsible" act threatened the country's national security. "China will take necessary measures to protect its cyber security," said Ministry spokesman Mao Ning.]

(July 27, 2023)

RAF 85

This is a description of the army in Algeria.
It used to be that Algeria was a natural gas producer.
You wonder about the Algerian economy and Europe.
Maybe a lot of Europeans rely on Algeria stuff.
That used to be a really hot topic.
Foreign armies in Algeria.
This description of the Ukrainian government.
The Bulgarian economy.
Maybe the Germans use ports and airbases in the Caucasus region to communicate with their ships in East Asia.
How there are right wingers in Tashkent and family values.
And a fun description of the Serbian army.

"In Algeria, more than 30 people have died, including 10 soldiers in the northern city of Bejaia on the Mediterranean, officials said."

"At West Point it is required reading a novel about the Battle of Gettysburg. The first part of the book. The assumption is that, you cannot keep anything secret. That American army generals need to operate under the assumption that the belligerent and you both know everything. It's a false assumption that the belligerent doesn't know something."

"Day 518 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Zelensky Condemned the Treason of Ukrainian MP spotted on Holiday in the Maldives"

"GERB-UDF and Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria Agree on Resolving All Issues Related to State Budget"

"Finance minister withdraws his support for 2023 budget"

"The Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria considers as categorically unacceptable the statements of individual representatives of political parties in Bulgaria against the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the diplomatic mission said in a statement to the Bulgarian media."

"YEREVAN, July 26. /TASS/. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday to discuss issues of regional security and stability and the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the foreign ministry of Armenia said in a statement."

"MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/. Russia is confident that the meddling by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will significantly push back the settlement in South Caucasus and bring destabilization, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing."

"The prices of drinking water in Uzbekistan's Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions are almost doubling. The Council of People's Deputies approved the new tariffs on July 13 in Surkhandarya, July 17 in Kashkadarya, and July 25 in the Tashkent region."

[Serbian Army is ready: Aleksandar Vučić issued the command PHOTO Final phase of training of members of Serbian Armed Forces with newly introduced weapons and equipment is being held in Pasuljanske Livade military complex. The final phase of training of members of the Serbian Armed Forces with newly introduced weapons and military equipment is being held in the Pasuljanska Livada military complex. President Aleksandar Vučić attends the target shooting. The command for the start was issued by the President and Commander-in-Chief Aleksandar Vučić. Brigadier General, Deputy Commander of the Land Army Sladjan Stamenković stated that 743 members of the Armed Forces with 56 key military equipment are participating in the shooting. He said that in the previous two weeks training was carried out on modernized weapons, that part of the training was carried out in night conditions, and that today's military shooting will show the training and readiness to handle the weapons and equipment at their disposal. Among others, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Miloš Vučević and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović, are attending the exercise. Over the past fifteen days, more than 700 members of the Serbian Armed Forces were trained at the training ground in Pasuljanske Livade. For the first time, it will be seen what the reconnaissance activity of the "Sparrow" unmanned aerial vehicle, produced at the Military Technical Institute, looks like. In addition, for the first time today it will be possible to see the devastating effects of the Chinese unmanned aerial vehicle "ch-95". It can spend about 20 hours in the air, move at a speed of 280 kilometers per hour and carry about 200 kilograms of weapons.]

(July 26, 2023)

It's from New York City.
There were descriptions of them.
In the 1930s and 1940s in New York City.
New York was a Dutch colony.
At one point supposedly one in four Americans had relatives who arrived at Ellis Island.
But, there were descriptions of specific Germans who came over here as like dudes.
The New Yorkers described them.
They were tall and huge and scary looking.
And they were here with specific missions to commit specific acts of sabotage.
I assume people like that went to the laboratory in New Mexico.

Not a smart phrase.
Не умная фраза.
There were German physicists at American laboratories.
В американских лабораториях были немецкие физики.
Country of immigrants.
Страна иммигрантов.
Maybe yes.
German immigrants and English immigrants and Irish immigrants.
Немецкие иммигранты, английские иммигранты и ирландские иммигранты.

This is me talking about 'Oppenheimer' (2023). 7-25-23

This is a description of North Africa.
Maybe the Germans send border fence items to North Africa.
It's similar to the border between Bulgaria an Turkey.

"Human smuggling and trafficking ecosystems in North Africa and the Sahel The 2023 series follows the rebounding importance of smuggling from and through Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Niger, Chad and Mali and the ways..."

This one about the White House.
The Pentagon does this sometimes.
For example in Syria.
It's their brainstorming plan.
When they give people weapons they have this and not this in mind.
It's their philosophical understanding of the situation on the ground.
Maybe the Germans are causing this earthquake in Ankara and the radiation in Tashkent with their space weapons.
The German navy might be in Mediterranean Sea.
The Greek ports, the Italian comments on the grain deal, and this description of the Black Sea.

"Several People were Injured in a 5.5-Magnitude Earthquake in Turkey's Adana Province"
"Bulgaria Wants to Participate in Concessions of Kavala, Alexandroupolis Ports"

"Commenting on Tolstoy's statement that the Bulgarian Black Sea coast was full of Russians who would become active if necessary, Zapryanov said that anyone who abides by the law is welcome in Bulgaria."

"ROME, July 25. /TASS/. Italy thinks that it is necessary to seek an agreement on extending the grain deal."

"ST. PETERSBURG, July 25. /TASS/. Moroccan Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch will represent the country at the Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg, a diplomatic source told TASS."

"Extreme ultraviolet radiation to hit Tashkent"

[White House: We do not support attacks inside Russia The Russian Ministry of Defense previously announced that two Ukrainian drones had been electronically jammed and shot down at objects in Moscow. The Kremlin said it would respond to the attack, which it called a "brazen act of terrorism."]

(July 25, 2023)

This is from the news today.
Notice this description of North Africa.
Conceptually, are any of those deserts used by foreign militaries?
The French military or the German military?
The deserts of North Africa and the German navy.

"Pope Francis urges action to save migrants in North African deserts" "Pope Francis appeals to world leaders to come to the emergency assistance of migrants trapped in the deserts of North Africa, while also recalling the extreme climatic events and the need to address global warming."

This is me talking about the sanctions on Aleksandar Vulin. 7-24-23

RAF 84

Notice this description of the Bulgarian economy.
The Hungarian description of the EU.
The labor unions maybe work for the courts in Sophia.
An explosion at a military base in Taiwan.
The sanctions in Belgrade, maybe it's because of the SAPO and FM Billstrom.
Did FM Billstrom somehow cause the sanctions on Aleksandar Vulin?
Thank goodness Uzbeks are flying to Budapest from Tashkent.
That's great Hungarians are flying to Tashkent from Budapest.
(The embassy of Uzbekistan here in DC isn't very well liked.)
A description of the Ukrainian officer corps and the Ukrainian government.

"Annual inflation below 10% in June"

[Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday in Romania that the opening of the East is important because it needs a "world economy, not a closed and rigid European Union", "Agerpres" agency reported. In a speech to Romania's Summer University, Orban also renewed his attacks on what he called the European Union's "LGBTQ offensive" and said his nationalist government would defend the country's Christian roots. Orban expressed hope that next year's European Parliament elections will strengthen the positions of EU governments that reject the "federalism" represented by Germany and France.]

[The Sofia City Prosecution Office initiated disciplinary proceedings against two of its prosecutors due to a report by the Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office (SCPO) for serious violations in the deadlines and rhythm of a total of six pre-trial proceedings, the Prosecution Office said on Monday. The prosecutors are referred to by initials - I. P. and S. H. The SCPO's investigation has established that their action or inaction has led to delays in investigations into possible crimes against the Republic, to crimes committed in their official capacity and to an organised criminal group set up for a self-serving purpose and for money laundering. In connection with the disciplinary proceedings, a disciplinary committee of three prosecutors was appointed to determine the actions of the two magistrates on the cases. The inspection will cover both their work on the pre-trial proceedings and the workload of the two prosecutors during the periods when the case was under investigation, the sick days and holidays they took, as well as their participation in court hearings, the Sofia City Prosecution Office said. The commission must file a report within two months. The SCPO's inspection was ordered by acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov.]

[Nine people injured in explosion at military base in Taiwan It is reported that the blast took place at the Hsiang Feng military base near the town of Keelung at 3 pm local time, HONG KONG, July 24. /TASS/. At least nine people suffered injuries in an explosion at a military base in northeastern Taiwan on Monday, the island’s Central News Agency reported. Two of the injured people are in serious condition, the report said. All of the injured people were hospitalized. The blast took place at the Hsiang Feng military base near the town of Keelung at 3 pm local time, according to the report. A 120-millimeter mortar round exploded during an inspection by technical personnel, the Central News Agency said. A special commission has been set up to investigate the cause of the explosion.]

[Russian intel slams US sanctions on top Serbian security official as blatant interference According to the SVR, US ‘restrictions’ have become a kind of 'mark of quality’ for courageous political figures who are oriented toward the well-being of their own nations MOSCOW, July 24. /TASS/. The US decision to blacklist Aleksandar Vulin, director of Serbia’s Security Information Agency, is yet another attempt to interfere in the domestic affairs of an independent country, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said in a statement on Monday. "Russia’s SVR has taken note of the fact that Aleksandar Vulin, Director of Serbia’s Security Information Agency, has been included in US sanctions lists. We consider this move to be another attempt by Washington to blatantly interfere in the domestic affairs of an independent country and another US act of aggression against the Serbian state," the statement reads. The SVR pointed out that, "today, anyone who defends national interests and refuses to dance to the US tune automatically falls under their insane sanctions ‘steamroller.’" "Indeed, this could be described as the main rule of the ‘rules-based order’ that the Biden administration is promoting. The freedom-loving Serbian people, who remain true to their history and traditions, just don’t fit in with this deadly world order, which is why they are especially irritating to the White House," the SVR added. According to the Foreign Intelligence Service, illegal sanctions that violate international law, with which the US seeks to intimidate its geopolitical rivals even as it becomes more and more enfeebled itself, are a sign of weakness and confusion rather than of strength. "They only encourage countries such as Serbia and Russia, as well as political leaders who find themselves on the blacklist, to pursue independent policies with even greater determination," the SVR said, adding: "US ‘restrictions’ have in fact become a kind of 'mark of quality’ for courageous political figures who are oriented toward [the well-being of] their own nations."]

[Uzbek Airline to Launch Direct Tashkent-Budapest Flights]

[Ukrainians in trouble; Zelensky acknowledged: ''We have no ammunition'']

(July 24, 2023)

They call me Johnny Cash.

If you travel too much, maybe your job isn't the right fit because don't you want to work where you're traveling.
In Texas it matters a lot about appearance because the legislature is right there and people will get audited and people will wonder about the money.
Vacation matters a lot.
What you drive and what you wear matters a lot.

Does Wayne want to live in New York?
My dad for thirty years worked every day for the Texas state government and he was a professor.
He and my mom drove kind of new Japanese-made Nissans.
My dad showed up to work, in a dark colored Nissan.
"Henry, what kind of car is that?!"

RAF 83
RAF 82

The new counterterror law in Sweden, seems to focus on Kurds and Arabs.
The complaint is that the SAPO is choosing to enforce the law in ways that ally with Ankara, and oppose Baghdad and Beirut.
"In April a new law criminalized collaboration with terrorist organizations, including providing weapons, ammunition, flammable or explosive goods, means of transportation, facilities, or land to a terrorist organization."

This is me talking about the SAPO. 7-23-23

[Thousands in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon protest Koran desecration in Sweden Thousands of people took to the streets in a handful of Muslim-majority countries Friday to express their outrage at the desecration of a copy of the Koran in Sweden, a day after protesters stormed the country's embassy in Iraq. The protests in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran that followed weekly prayers were controlled and peaceful, in contrast to scenes in Baghdad on Thursday, when demonstrators occupied the Swedish Embassy compound for several hours and set a small fire. The embassy staff had been evacuated before the storming, and Swedish news agency TT reported that they were relocated to Stockholm for security reasons. For Muslims, any desecration of the Koran, their holy text, is abhorrent. Under scorching heat Friday, thousands gathered in Baghdad’s Sadr City, a stronghold of influential Iraqi Shiite cleric and political leader Moqtada al-Sadr, some of whose followers took part in the attack on the Swedish Embassy. They brandished Korans, burned the Swedish flag and the LGBTQ rainbow flag and chanted, “Yes, yes to the Koran, no, no to Israel.” Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani had called on protesters and security forces to ensure that the demonstrations remained peaceful. In the southern suburbs of Beirut, thousands more gathered at a protest called by the Iran-backed militia and political party Hezbollah, also brandishing copies of the holy book and chanting “with our blood, we protect the Koran.” Some burned Swedish flags. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a video address Thursday night called on Muslims to demand their governments expel Sweden’s ambassadors. Iraq cut diplomatic ties with Sweden earlier that day. “I invite brothers and sisters in all neighbourhoods and villages to attend all mosques, carrying their Korans and sit in them, calling on the state to take a stance toward Sweden,” Nasrallah said in the address, according to Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency. In Iran, thousands marched in Tehran and other cities across the country, demonstrations that were aired on state television. In the capital, protesters gathered in the city center, shouting: “Death to the Americanised Sweden! Death to Israel! Death to enemies of the supreme leader!” Student protesters pelted the Swedish Embassy building that was closed for the weekend, which in Iran is Friday and Saturday, with eggs and demanded the expulsion of the Swedish ambassador. “The Koran talks to humans all the time, and its voice will never be stopped,” protester Fatemeh Jafari said. “They can never destroy the Koran! Even if they burn it, we will stand by it!” The demonstrations come after Swedish police permitted a protest Thursday in which an Iraqi of Christian origin living in Stockholm – now a self-described atheist – threatened to burn a copy of the Koran. In the end, the man kicked and stood on the holy book outside of the Iraqi Embassy. He gave similar treatment to an Iraqi flag and to photos of Sadr and of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The right to hold public demonstrations is protected by the constitution in Sweden, and blasphemy laws were abandoned in the 1970s. Police generally give permission based on whether they believe a public gathering can be held without major disruptions or safety risks. The reaction in Iraq was particularly virulent, although no embassy staff were injured since none were present. After protesters left the embassy, diplomats closed it to visitors without specifying when it would reopen. The state-run Iraqi News Agency reported that some 20 people were arrested in connection with the storming of the embassy. Among those arrested were an Associated Press photographer and two Reuters staff who were covering the protests. The detained journalists were released hours later without charges, following an order from the prime minister’s office. Sudani, the Iraqi prime minister, ordered the expulsion of the Swedish ambassador and the withdrawal of the Iraqi charge d’affaires from Sweden. Leaders in several Muslim-majority countries condemned the desecration of the Koran and summoned diplomats from Sweden to express their outrage. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian wrote a letter to the UN secretary-general in protest. On Friday, the minister told state television that he wouldn't accept a new Swedish ambassador to replace the previous envoy, whose term has expired until Stockholm takes a “strong” stance against the man who desecrated the Koran. Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called on the 57-nation Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to play a “historic role in expressing the sentiments of Muslims and stopping this demonisation.” Meanwhile, the Swedish Foreign Ministry conveyed to the Iraqi charge d’affaires that the storming of the embassy was “completely unacceptable,” according to the TT agency. Thursday's Koran desecration was the second to involve the Iraqi man in Sweden, identified as Salwan Momika. Last month, a man identified by local media and on his social media as Momika burned a Koran outside a Stockholm mosque during the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, triggering widespread condemnation in the Islamic world. Koran burnings in the past have sparked protests across the Muslim world, some turning violent. In Afghanistan, the Taliban suspended all the activities of Swedish organisations in the country in response to the recent Koran burning. A similar protest by a far-right activist was held outside Turkey’s Embassy in Stockholm earlier this year, complicating Sweden’s efforts to persuade Turkey to let it join NATO. In June, protesters who support al-Sadr stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad over that Koran burning. Worshippers gathering for Friday prayers at the Stockholm mosque outside which last month's Koran-burning took place expressed frustration that Swedish authorities allowed such actions. Imam Mahmoud Khalfi told the AP the situation made him feel “powerless.” “You expect politicians and decisionmakers and police to show understanding … and try to find a solution. But it hasn’t happened, unfortunately,” he said. He noted that other countries, such as neighbouring Finland, had found a way to combine freedom of speech with respect for religion. Unlike Sweden, Finland still has blasphemy laws. “To let these extremists and criminals abuse the law and jeopardise peace in society and national security and Sweden’s reputation in the world, that is unsustainable,” he said. “We cannot understand why these lunatics are allowed to run wild.” At the same time he added, “We are against all violent reactions and we have called on our members, to Muslims in Sweden, to react and act ... in a peaceful way."]

RAF 81

This is me talking about Boris Yeltsin. 7-22-23

RAF 80

These are the other headlines.
If I have British colleagues, what do we think is going on with the German economy?
East German Mark and West German Mark.
That's not mark.
That's not DDM.
"Are you guys from Brandenburg?"
"Ты из Германии?"
I guess right wingerism in Beijing.
And the grain deal, how weird it is about Ukrainian agricultural exports.
Maybe they export secretive military stuff with the grain.

"Fewer full-time workers in Germany are logging in 'excessive hours'"

"Why the SPD wants to introduce mandatory social service in Germany"

"Malawi racist videos: Chinese man convicted after BBC expose"

[The United States looks to Turkiye to play a "leadership role" in renewing the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday, as Russia announced its withdrawal from the groundbreaking deal earlier this week.]

Thank goodness the PJSOC gets up early to do 4am missile launches.
That's great the SSOC has so much missile defense capability.

A few things going on.
I am opposed generally to Seoul having a JSOC. The Pentagon. In the 1930s and 1940s the Americans said the Germans weren't officers. The Seoul JSOC. The Seoul SOC. The SSOC. And notice we're sending the SSOC lots of heavy weapons.
If these are American army words.
It seems like too much hardware going generally toward the Korean Peninsula.
4am seems early for missile stuff.
I guess PJSOC gets up early to launch missiles.
At night weird missile stuff in Korea.
Can these people keep normal hours.
These descriptions of missile defense systems in Seoul.
I guess the SSOC has developed missile defense capability.
A reference to a specific South Korean port, Busan.
Some of this seems to overtly reference the Korean War of the 1950s.

[North Korea fires 'several' missiles into sea, stays silent on US soldier North Korea fired several cruise missiles toward its western sea Saturday, South Korea's military said, marking the second launch event this week, apparently in protest of the docking of a nuclear-armed US submarine in South Korea. While adding to its barrage of missile launches in recent months, North Korea remained publicly silent for a fifth day on the fate of an American soldier who bolted into the North across the heavily armed Korean border this week. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the launches were detected beginning around 4 am but did not immediately report how many missiles were fired or how far they flew. It said the United States and South Korean militaries were closely analysing the launches. North Korea in recent years has been testing newly developed cruise missiles it describes as "strategic," implying an intent to arm them with nuclear weapons. Experts say the main mission of those weapons would include striking naval assets and ports. Designed to fly like small airplanes and travel along landscape that would make them harder to detect by radar, cruise missiles are among a growing collection of North Korean weapons aimed at overwhelming missile defenses in the South. On Wednesday, North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles from an area near its capital, Pyongyang. They flew about 550 kilometers (340 miles) before landing in waters east of the Korean Peninsula. The flight distance of those missiles roughly matched the distance between Pyongyang and the South Korean port city of Busan, where the USS Kentucky on Tuesday made the first visit by a US nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea since the 1980s. The United States and South Korea have been expanding their combined military exercises and have agreed to increase the regional deployment of US strategic assets like bombers, aircraft carriers and submarines in a show of force against North Korea, which has test-fired around 100 missiles since the start of 2022.]
(July 22, 2023)

RAF 79
RAF 78
RAF 77

OK. This is a report about Cape Town.
Maybe it means that the German navy uses South African ports, and that they take police items to Southeast Asia and East Asia.
Is this report indicative of German navy efforts to send police items to Taipei, Hong Kong, and past that?

"Putin's turnaround: Russian leader to abstain from BRICS summit in South Africa In a surprising turnaround, South Africa's presidency announced on Wednesday that, in the end, Russian President Vladimir Putin will not personally attend the BRICS summit in South Africa in August. In March, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Putin for alleged war crimes involving accusations that Russia..."

"They are likely Germans, but maybe they are Polish army infantrymen. Maybe they're not supposed to be doing this. They could be right wingers."

Notice this description of the attacks on Ukrainian grain terminals.
Supposedly the Ukrainians send secretive items with the grain.
The whole time the Russians accused Kiev of sending additional items alongside these agricultural exports.
Also, it was weird the whole time because Zelensky kept asking for weapons, and exporting grain.
The EU and EU politics.
Sumo tournaments in Europe.
The Polish army.
Tashkent and Riyadh trade.
Thank goodness the Uzbeks are meeting with the Saudis to discuss energy politics.
I wonder if any of them are friendly with the PLA or the PLAN.
Another report about the Polish army.

"Day 513 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Russia hit Ukrainian Grain Terminals with Kalibr Missiles"

"DAHR Leader: Schengen Issue to Be Put Back on Agenda during Hungarian Council of EU Presidency, After EP Elections"

"Aoiyama Records Fifth Consecutive Victory at Nagoya Sumo Tournament"

[Poland deploys more troops to Belarusian border as Minsk plans exercises with PMC Wagner Secretary of the Polish cabinet's Committee for National Security and Defense Affairs Zbigniew Hoffmann said "the mission of these units is exercises, as well as deterrence of a potential aggressor"]

[Russian forces wipe out US-, Polish-made artillery guns in Ukraine operation Battlegroup south spokesman reported that the artillery destroyed a Gvozdika system and D-30 howitzers at the enemy's firing positions]

[Trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia increases by 20 percent]

[It has been decided: Poland sends soldiers Poland decided to move military units to the east due to the presence of "Wagner" group in Belarus, Secretary of Defense Committee, Zbigniew Hoffman, announced.]

In Texas it's called a Blue Dog Democrat. I will vote even for a dog, if the ballot says he's a Democrat. Lyndon Johnson, for example, was a Texas Democrat. I went to LBJ High School. My dad went to the LBJ School. Our house in Texas has twenty democratic political signs up. I'm in my nature a radical, but, that means what I am describing.
That being said.
Another example comes from Russia. I actually half think you shouldn't have to pay for any book.
Because, for example, Lenin. The other extreme is that now the British write these expensive books, and I think they're not any good.
- Today, the British write expensive books that aren't worth buying.
- In Russia, the books are cheap and they are worth reading.
(July 21, 2023)

Another report is that Arsenal was here last night and they looked really great and they played really well. I'm really impressed by the Arsenal coaching staff. They won 5-0 on the road. They played at Audi Field.
I'm very happy with this result and I would like to give the Arsenal club my highest evaluation for their time here. It's a really great showing for England last night.
(July 20, 2023)

Notice the Iraqis have set fire to a Swedish government building.
Maybe the Swedes in the building are right wingers.
The Germans and Swedes used to test weapons in the deserts of North Africa.
There are reports about the Islamic State in western Syria.
Also, maybe the Swedes are wanting to trade with East Asia through Iraqi ports.
Here about energy politics in Sophia.
Maybe the Germans take too much energy for their army.
The Bulgarian border with Turkey.
Another report about Swedes in Iraq.
Remember when the SAPO complained about the Russian embassies near the Baltic Sea?
Another report about North Kosovo and PM Kurti.
Maybe the Germans use Kosovar airbases.

"Protesters Stormed and Set Fire to the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad Thursday's demonstration was organized by supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada Sadr to protest a planned burning of a copy of the Quran in Sweden, according to posts in a popular Telegram group linked to the influential cleric."

"Lukoil Neftohim Burgas AD Intends to Go to Court to Protect Its Business Reputation"

[The helicopter that dropped 100 kg of marijuana on Turkish territory did not take off from Bulgaria, the Director of the General Directorate Border Police Chief Commissioner Anton Zlatanov said for Nova TV. "The three detainees are nationals of Turkiye. We are working well with our Turkish colleagues. The information from the Turkish side and the coordinates of entry and exit of the aircraft to and from Turkiye show that the two points are on the Greece-Turkiye border. There is no evidence that the helicopter flew over the Bulgaria-Turkiye border. There is no official information that the aircraft took off from Bulgaria or landed in Bulgaria", said Chief Commissioner Zlatanov. On July 17, Turkish media reported that an unregistered helicopter was flying at a low altitude to avoid radar detection and dropped bags of drugs near the town of Kirklareli.]

"MOSCOW, July 20. /TASS/. The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has condemned protesters' attack on the Swedish embassy in Baghdad that took place in the early hours of Thursday morning."

"Vucic from Brussels: Pristina is arming itself, what should our reaction be? VIDEO"

(July 20, 2023)

Notice this description of cyber attacks in North Africa. Maybe because the German navy uses the ports.

"Since 2012, North Africa has been vulnerable to cyber attacks that have compromised user data privacy and security. Since 2019, these attacks have increased and have targeted state institutions, NGOs, and other private firms. These attacks have shown how the development of malware and scams is becoming more widespread and occurring more often. Attacks push regional governments and supranational organizations to work to counter the threats and ensure safety and security in the digital world."

This is a report about Kosovo.
Maybe the SAPO is wanting sanctions against Serbians.
A description of energy politics in Sophia.
It seems like the Germans take too much energy for their army.
Bulgarian agricultural debates.
Bishkek and the Kygyz government might be friends with the PLA.
The German navy might use the ports in Cape Town.

A lot of what the army does is describe stuff.
They work for the British army, but they kind of cannot describe army stuff because they speak weird British English.

It's a description of British English.
I guess, there is American English and British English.
I know a Swede, and he has listed on FB British English.
Not everyone agrees there are two Englishes.
Supposedly, there are ethnically Irish people who work for the British army. And they speak British English. They don't speak Gaelic, French, or German. Kind of they talk using very few words. It's kind of a maybe, when you see the photos of the workmen. I guess it's how they think it's cool to talk.
- But if they work for the army, it's an image that they cannot describe army stuff.
- The surveillance teams here in DC have bad eyesight.
Are the British allowed to work for the army, and they don't speak in such a way they can describe army stuff?

"Nova's editor: Sanctions to Vulin present a message to Vucic to recognize Kosovo ASAP"

"GERB Backs Termination of Lukoil's Concession of Rosenets Oil Port, Wants that to Apply to Pipepes and Also Want Special Administrator to Step In"

[The US Army has identified the soldier as Private Second Class Travis T. King, who spent nearly two months in a South Korean prison, the Associated Press reported. He was arrested on assault charges and released on July 10 after serving his sentence. On Monday, he was to be sent home to Fort Bliss, Texas, to face additional military disciplinary action and be dismissed from service. According to officials, King, 23, was taken to the airport and escorted to customs. But instead of boarding the plane, he left the airport and later joined a tour of the Korean border village of Panmunjom. Yesterday afternoon local time in Korea, he crossed the border, which is guarded, but also often crowded with tourists. It is not yet clear how King got to the border and how he spent the hours between leaving the airport on Monday and crossing the border a day later. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said US officials at the Pentagon, the State Department and the United Nations were working to "obtain more information and resolve this situation."]

[A discussion on creating a "Distilled in Bulgaria" standard took place in Kazanluk with the participation of Kazanluk municipality, the Institute of Roses, Essential and Medical Cultures and the Association of Essential Oil Producers, BNR's Radio Stara Zagora reports.]

"WASHINGTON, July 19. /TASS/. The United States may announce new economic coercion measures against Kyrgyzstan in response to its alleged high-tech and military supplies to Russia, The Washington Post said citing anonymous sources."

"Russia-Africa summit to take place in rough conditions - analyst"

(July 19, 2023)

That's really something.
There are efforts to tell people to stop going on vacation.
I wish Pippa Middleton would stop traveling.
"Research from Human Rights Watch released Tuesday shows that in many Middle East and North African countries women are still prevented from moving freely around the country they live in, or from travelling abroad. Most still need the permission of a male guardian."

These are the headlines today.
An airplane has crashed near Warsaw.
Maybe the Germans crashed it with cyber weapons.
A large meeting is in North Macedonia.
Maybe the Germans want to trade through the ports in the Balkans.
In Bulgaria politicians are being threatened about Kiev.
The conflict and all of the weapons exports, etc.
I wonder if the German navy will send these air defense systems to Taipei.
The Germans used to test warplanes in North Africa.
Tashkent and Riyadh relations.

"Five people died and at least seven were injured after a small plane crashed last night in a hangar at an airport near Warsaw, said Polish Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, quoted by AFP. According to the Polish media, it is a Cessna 208 plane, used for parachute jumps, which during a thunderstorm fell on a hangar where there were about 15 people."

"Weimar Triangle Ministers Hold Talks in Skopje The Weimar Triangle is represented by France's Secretary of State for European Affairs Laurence Boone, Germany's Minister of State for Europe and Climate Anna Luhrmann, and Poland's Minister for the EU Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek."

"Minister of Defense receives death threat over the war in Ukraine"

"HONG KONG, July 18. /TASS/. The Taiwanese armed forces plan to purchase National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System II (NASAMS II) from the US, the island's Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng said."

"The second Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum is scheduled for July 27-28 in St. Petersburg"

"Shavkat Mirziyoyev to visit Saudi Arabia"

(July 18, 2023)

This is about East Africa.
Maybe the Germans use the ports in Sudan.
Also, South Sudan.
Juba, South Sudan.
Khartoum, Sudan.
It's a really big country with strategic ports and military academies.
You wonder about European military stuff there.

[Last week the United Nations discovered a mass grave in Sudan's West Darfur in which 87 people were buried, prompting the UN high commissioner for Human Rights to demand a "thorough and independent investigation" into activity in the region. It is the latest troubling news to come out of the country, which has been in a state of conflict since April, when fighting broke out between rival groups. In the three months since, 3.1 million people have been displaced, thousands are thought to have been killed and even more wounded, with entire neighbourhoods destroyed.]

Notice these descriptions of the conflict in Ukraine.
Arms exports.
The grain deal.
Wheat prices in Tashkent.
Maybe the Turkish army is responsible for these conflicts in the Caucasus region, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
This is another description of North Kosovo.

"Bulgarian Arms Exports in 2022 Increased by 200%"

[Democratic Bulgaria Leader Ivanov: Radev's Position is Harmful for Bulgaria President Rumen Radev's remark that "Ukraine insisted on waging this war", given the clear factual situation and the position of the alliances to which Bulgaria belongs to, isolates this country from its partners.]

"Vili Lilkov expects support from the right-wing voters"

"MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/. The grain deal lasted five days less than exactly one year. This initiative expires on Monday, and the question of its future is more acute than ever."

"MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. The situation around Nagorno-Karabakh is developing in a negative way, as the humanitarian crisis is deteriorating, and that may entail dire consequences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday."

"Drop in Wheat Prices on Uzbekistan Stock Exchange"

[Ahead of the confirmed meeting with the Secretary General of NATO, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic explains why PM Albin Kurti is "not interested in peace".]

(July 17, 2023)

RAF 73
RAF 72

Can Aleksandar cut some of these short?!

What if it's not police force?

Police ops
Counterterror ops
Thank goodness for police ops and counterterror ops.

It might be that the Virginians, in their anti-Russia rhetoric, are going to Syria and like dance fighting saying they're doing counterterror stuff because it's near the Russian navy base in Latakia.
"Well we're doing counterterror ops..."

This is the Saturday morning headline list.
The German China strategy.
I wonder if some of that is right wingerism.
The Luftwaffe-PLAAF pact.
The panzers and the PLA pact.
The Turks and the Czechs are meeting.
I wonder if there are airbases in Turkey and software research facilities in Prague.
And...the Hong Kong PD are raiding private homes.

"Beijing says Germany's new China strategy to result in 'risks'"

"Erdogan holds talks with Iraqi PM, Czech president"

"Police raid family home of exiled Hong Kong activist"

It's an image that the Pentagon wants to do this in Western Syria, and then Los Angeles gets filled with container ships from China. The Strait of Hormuz seems relevant to Chinese exports.
The Pentagon is in Virginia. All of our west coast ports are filled with ships coming in from Shanghai, etc.

This one is about two places, Syria and the Strait of Hormuz.
Where is the Strait of Hormuz?
It's where the Persian Gulf meets the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.
It's on the east side of the Arabian Peninsula.
First of all, this is about two areas far apart.
I wonder about military strategy stuff.
"If it were up to me..."
That is a civilian agent phrase.
It's never up to us.
But, if it were up to me.
I'm opposed to the Pentagon doing counterterrorism operations in any part of Syria.
I guess they're into well we can do it in western Syria.
That sounds suspicious that the Pentagon thinks they can do this and that in different parts of Syria.
How do we know the Islamic State is in Western Syria?
Isn't al Shabab and al Qaeda and Abu Sayyaf in Eastern Syria?
I no longer mindlessly agree that the Islamic State is doing this and that in this region of any country.
The British, for example, jeez. The counterterrorism budget. The Pentagon and the civilian casualties. Our allies really don't like some of that stuff the Pentagon does.
About the Strait of Hormuz.
Right now I wonder about trade with China stuff. That big island freeway out in the Pacific with containers headed to Los Angeles ports.

[Speaking to Pentagon reporters, the official said the U.S. will send F-16 fighter jets to the Gulf region this weekend to augment the A-10 attack aircraft that have been patrolling there for more than a week. The move comes after Iran tried to seize two oil tankers near the strait last week, opening fire on one of them. The defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to provide details of military operations in the region, said the F-16s will give air cover to the ships moving through the waterway and increase the military's visibility in the area, as a deterrent to Iran. The U.S. Navy said in both instances the Iranian naval vessels backed off when the USS McFaul, a guided-missile destroyer, arrived on the scene. In addition, the defense official told reporters the U.S. is considering a number of military options to address increasing Russian aggression in the skies over Syria, which complicated efforts to strike an Islamic State group leader last weekend. The official declined to detail the options, but said the U.S. will not cede any territory and will continue to fly in the western part of the country on anti-Islamic State missions. The Russian military activity, which has increased in frequency and aggression since March, stems from growing cooperation and coordination between Moscow, Tehran and the Syrian government to try to pressure the U.S. to leave Syria, the official said. The official said Russia is beholden to Iran for its support in the war in Ukraine, and Tehran wants the U.S. out of Syria so it can more easily move lethal aid to Lebanese Hezbollah and threaten Israel. The U.S. has seen more cooperation, collaboration, planning and intelligence sharing, largely between mid-level Russian and Iranian Quds force leaders in Syria, to pressure the U.S. to remove troops from Syria, the official added. There are about 900 U.S. forces in the country, and others move in and out to conduct missions targeting Islamic State group militants. The U.S. does not believe Russian aircraft plan to drop bombs on U.S. troops or shoot down manned aircraft. But there are concerns that Russian pilots will knock a Reaper drone out of the sky and that Moscow believes that type of action would not get a strong U.S. military response, the official said. As an example, in March, a Russian warplane poured jet fuel on a U.S. surveillance drone and then struck its propeller, forcing the U.S. military to ditch the MQ-9 Reaper into the Black Sea. The incident spiked tensions between the two countries and triggered a call between their defense chiefs, but led to no direct military response. Last week, Rear Adm. Oleg Gurinov, head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, said the Russian and Syrian militaries have been doing joint training. In comments carried by Syrian state media, he said Moscow is concerned about drone flights by the U.S.-led coalition over northern Syria, calling them "systematic violations of protocols" designed to avoid clashes between the two militaries. U.S. and Russian military commanders routinely communicate over a deconfliction phone line that has been in place for several years to avoid unintended clashes in Syria, where both sides have troops on the ground and in the air. There are often many calls a day, and at times result in angry threats as commanders argue over an ongoing operation, said the U.S. official. Describing a conversation, the official said the Russians will often declare an area of space a restricted operating zone and say they are doing military exercises there. The U.S. sees no exercises, and tells Russia that American forces are on a counterterror mission against the Islamic State group and plan to fly in that area. The Russians then say they can't guarantee U.S. aircraft safety if they go there. And once the mission begins, and the aircraft move into the zone, "it sometimes gets very heated," said the official, as both sides loudly protest and reject the other's assertions. The most recent incident was Friday morning, when a Russia aircraft flew repeatedly over the at-Tanf garrison in eastern Syria, where U.S. forces are training Syrian allies and monitoring Islamic State militant activity. The official said the Russian An-30 aircraft was collecting intelligence on the base. The U.S. did not have fighter aircraft in the area and took no direct action against the Russian flight.]
(July 15, 2023)

That is my big picture point here. In Russia, by contrast, somehow your average Russian maybe he even lives in Siberia.
The people, in England, so to speak.
And then the Aston Villa box seats...
And William...
And George...
The people aren't at the game...or something.

I don't know about in Russia.
In England there exists, the people, so to speak.
Maybe in Russia they call that the army even.
It's meaningful any sentence about England and the people.
"Let the people..."

Maybe the Iranians send military items to Benghazi and Tripoli.
Notice this description of the economy in Israel.
The border between Turkey and Bulgaria.
How the Pentagon sends so much everything to Kiev.
Warsaw and their relations with Moscow.
This is a description of the Uzbek economy.
The parliament in Kosovo.
If the Windsors are Prussian immigrants.

"Iran expands shipping activity in North Africa An IRISL ship docks and unloads at a Libyan port amid Iran's efforts to expand export activity in Africa."

"Jerusalem's Waldorf Astoria hotel takes top 5 spot in North Africa and Middle East - I24NEWS"

[Bulgaria: Police Detained a Large Group of Migrants in a Truck on "Trakia" Highway]

[Police Intercept 76 Migrants on Trakia Motorway]

[BUDAPEST, July 14. /TASS/. The United States could immediately settle the conflict in Ukraine but does not wish to do so, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told Kossuth Radio on Friday.]

[MOSCOW, July 14. /TASS/. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has signed an order to shut down Poland's consular agency in the western Russian city of Smolensk.]

[Uzbekistan Allows Partial Payment of Wages in Goods]

[Total chaos in the Parliament of the so-called Kosovo: MPs attacked Kurti VIDEO At today's session of Kosovo Parliament, there was a physical confrontation between representatives of the ruling Self-Determination and the opposition parties.]

"My house is some kind of extreme, because it's like open season with the language. Uncle Arbor really did jump into France. Uncle Dave was at the Battle of Northwind. There's definitely no Germans in our house."

(July 14, 2023)

RAF 70
RAF 71

These two headlines are about North Africa. Notice Riyadh and Cairo. I wish the Saudis would stay out of North Africa. Because I get tired of the hotels in Dubai, etc. I don't like generally the economic stuff on the Arabian peninsula. The veils and the weird of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Can that stuff stay where it is?
This one about the EU in North Africa. I wonder about the Germans and how they use the deserts in Africa. Chad, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria. All of these places have land that could be used for military testing. It's an image of the Germans testing airplanes in the deserts of North Africa.

"Saudi Arabia extends terms of $5 billion in aid to Egypt"

"EU-Med forum: South needs investment, immigration policies"

OK. Sam Welles was a Time Inc. executive. I try to make my office like I think he's would have been. He was the Time bureau chief in Ottawa, for example. I grew up in Texas though.
When I was little, I wanted to be an Egyptologist.
My dad bought these books about Egypt and they came in the mail.
I was afraid of the books because they looked so expensive.
I am an amateur expert in North Africa.

Notice these threats against the Bulgarian embassy in Romania.
Maybe it's because of the conflict in Ukraine.
Sophia and the Euro and then sending tanks to Kiev.
All of the weapons sent to Kiev is polarizing.
Because maybe the Ukrainians are right wingers.
The Pentagon and sending weapons to Ukraine.
Notice the Russian FM is in SE Asia.
Indonesia is a big energy producer.
You wonder about the German navy and Indonesian oil.
Another report about the police in North Kosovo.

"Bulgaria to give Ukraine 100 Armored Personnel Carriers"

"Bulgarian Embassy in Bucharest Receives Bomb Threat"

"Is there going to be a referendum on the adoption of the euro - the jury is still out"

"US ready to sacrifice Ukrainians to fill pockets of its arms industry - Iran-s leader"

"JAKARTA, July 13. /TASS/. Russia and member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have good perspectives for cooperation in the sphere of food and energy security, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday."

"China appoints new ambassador to Uzbekistan"

"Kosovo police are waiting for an order to withdraw from the north"

(July 13, 2023)

Weird reports about the internet in Ashgabat and net migration in Dublin.

"It was to prevent any leaks of information about this purported occurrence that the authorities may have throttled the internet last month, the website speculated."

"Net migration in Ireland was responsible for an increase of almost 112,000 people in the population last year, while 'natural change' was responsible for adding 22,500 people."

We can describe them, but doesn't the RN have people who read about Indonesia and Malaysia? It's our job to read about these urban areas, etc. It's not valid to say well the RN people who are supposed to be doing this...
That's what I said...

Notice this description of the Bulgarian border with Turkey.
Also, the Bulgarian agricultural sector.
All of the Ukrainian grain stuff locally.
The Euro in Bulgaria.
The North Korean missile program.
And then these reports from the Baltic Sea.
Maybe the German navy uses the Baltic Sea to send missiles to Pyongyang.

St. Barts is the Royal Family dating pad.
Canberra is the Royal Navy family pad.
There is a movie about Irish soldiers in Africa. They go around asking people if they have a family. As though in Ireland, everyone has to have a family.

"Bulgaria: A Large Group of Illegal Migrants was Detained in Sofia"

"Registrations of New Agricultural Tractors in Bulgaria Continue to Decline in Q2"

"Is there going to be a referendum on the adoption of the euro - the jury is still out"

[North Korean missile flight was longest in its history, lasting 74 minutes - TV Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said the missile "fell 250 kilometers from Hokkaido, outside Japan's exclusive economic zone in the Sea of Japan]

[Statements in Vilnius confirm NATO's anti-Russian attitude - envoy]

[In Vilnius, there was talk about Serbia: NATO's message concerns Kosovo and Metohija]

(July 12, 2023)

This is a description of water scarcity in Kazakhstan.
Also, in Ireland a scandal about the media.
Maybe there are German labor unions working at RTE.

"President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev called important prioritizing the issue of water supply for Astana at a meeting on the development of the capital, Akorda reports. According to him, the shortage of drinking water at the beginning of the summer caused public outcry of the capital's residents. Today Astana is completely dependent on the Astana reservoir, the President stressed. There are no other sources of water, which is extremely risky."

"The highest-earning star was - unknown to the licence fee-paying public - actually being paid a lot more than everyone thought. And what's more, Tubridy has been criticised for not correcting RTE's published figures."

These are about the Bulgarian economy.
Maybe there are weird German tech firms in Bulgaria.
Notice what they think of artificial intelligence.
How many reports about NATO and EU membership?
That seems like a lot of effort in Europe about joining these groups.
The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert.
Another report about NATO and North Kosovo.

"AWS has launched its brand new program AWS Global Fintech Accelerator in collaboration with NVIDIA and Vestbee that will equip fintech startups with tools, resources and a wide network of top experts, and VC funds to fast-track their AI development and business success. "

"UPDATED Prime Minister Denkov in Vilnius: Ukraine Will Join NATO after War Ends"

"1 in 5 Bulgarians believe AI should be banned: survey"

"Turkey-West deal: EU membership in exchange for approval of Sweden's NATO bid"

"MOSCOW, July 11. /TASS/. Since the end of fighting in 2020, life in Libya has been gradually improving, with roads being unblocked across the country and domestic air service restored, Russian Ambassador to Libya Aydar Aganin said in an interview with TASS."

"He said this before the start of the NATO summit, when asked by Tanjug whether he will meet with Vucic, then why KFOR allows the presence of special units from Pristina despite the opposition of the Serbs and what can be done about it."

(July 11, 2023)

This first one about Bishkek, how the president has a family and how a relative has been arrested.
About Ireland, that's amazing they go to the doctor and ask for meds.
Here in Washington, DC.
I would like the Irish to not tell the doctor they feel this and that.
Some kind of a French joke.
Can everyone keep it together here.

"A spokesman for Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov has confirmed that one of the president's relatives has been detained on suspicion of corruption. Yerbol Sultanbayev said in a Facebook post on July 7 that Ulan Japarov was taken into custody on suspicion of "involvement in corruption related to customs issues." Another official from the presidential press service said 32-year-old Ulan Japarov is the son of the president's cousin."

"Ongoing geopolitical volatility, increased energy costs, and an array of post-pandemic issues are impacting negatively on global pharmaceutical industry supply chains, resulting in medicine shortages across the world. US hospitals are reporting supply problems with liquid ibuprofen, while a sudden increase in ADHD diagnoses has led to an unexpected shortage in the drugs used to treat it there."

There are Russian novels about fate.
Of course in Greek literature.
Somehow in America there is a unique gypsy culture.
Maybe it's from English Protestantism.
The gypsy lied.
Beanstalk beans salesmen.
It's got to be fate combined with people who lie or speak in allegory.
Maybe it's Dutch even.
He's pointing toward the future.

"Latvian language exams are held in Latvia for the Russian-speaking population. If someone fails the test, they will have to leave the country. The expulsion affects people under 75 who have Russian passports. For 1/4 of the population of Latvia, the mother tongue is Russian. According to statistics, about 20,000 of them have Russian passports."

This is a big news day. All of these are a big deal.
First, the Baltic States are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Maybe the German and Russian navy are fighting over the Baltic Sea. This seems to be right wingerism in Latvia about the language exams.
One argument against the language exams, maybe Latvian isn't a real language. And it looks like illiteracy if you kick the Russians out.
This is a fun story about Chicago.
The Bulgarian border with Turkey.
The North Korean missile program.
Also, American ships. I always wonder if the Germans help build our ships. Do German defense firms assist to build American warships?
The White House and the Pentagon and all of the weapons they send to Ukraine.
Hunter Biden and the biotech lab scandals.
Maybe the Germans facilitate these elections in Tashkent.
Also, maybe the German navy wants to trade through the ports in the Balkans.

"Bulgarian Consulate General in Chicago Launches Project to Tell Story of Bulgarian Diaspora in US"

"After a police chase, 18 illegal migrants were discovered in a hiding place inside a truck, the Interior Ministry directorate in Burgas has announced. At around 9 AM this morning, a truck and a pilot car refused to pull over after being signaled by police. The drivers of the two vehicles, which have Burgas licence plates, are 20 and 19 years old. They have been taken into custody, as have the migrants, who say they are from Afghanistan."

[TOKYO, July 10. /TASS/. A US nuclear submarine entering a South Korean port for joint drills is "the most undisguised nuclear blackmail" bringing the situation near the Korean Peninsula to the brink of a nuclear conflict, according to a statement by a spokesman for the North Korean Defense Ministry.]

[WASHINGTON, July 10. /TASS/. The US administration has essentially admitted to committing war crimes in Ukraine, the Russian Embassy in Washington said reacting to a statement by US White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby with regard to supplying the Kiev regime with cluster munitions.]

"6.48 million citizens voted in three hours"

"Vucic welcomed the President of Montenegro PHOTO/VIDEO President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, welcomed today the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, who is on an official visit to Belgrade."

(July 10, 2023)

This is about the Russian internet.
Maybe the Germans can affect the Russian internet with their computers.
Conceptually German computer army stuff.
Notice this about immigration in Amsterdam.
Also, Berlin is wanting immigration from the Balkans.
It seems like the Germans want to trade through those ports.
The Chinese real estate market.

"How Russian state media is tearing down Prigozhin's reputation as a 'man of the people' The public broadcast of police raids on Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin's home and office are an obvious attack on the mercenary's cherished reputation as a straight-talking patriot fighting against corruption - and, experts say, a warning to anyone else who might challenge President Vladimir Putin's rule."

"Rutte, 56, the leader of the center-right VVD party, had wanted to tighten curbs on reuniting families of asylum seekers, following a scandal last year about overcrowded migration centers in the Netherlands."

"To see this first-hand, we drive a few hours east of Zibo to the outskirts of a much larger city, Qingdao. Here, a property explosion hasn't matched real demand from buyers or renters, and the result has been huge housing estates built with very few residents in them."

"Alongside the new Skilled Worker Act, Germany is introducing measures to encourage more migration for workers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia."

(July 8, 2023)

This one about Dushanbe and Astana.
Dushanbe seems to request increased cooperation with Astana.
Maybe Dushanbe supports Kazakh leadership in the region.
Notice this description of the Irish economy.
Homelessness and then people are leaving.
That's great if they come to America or England.

"On March 13, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon received Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Imangali Tasmagambetov, who arrived in Dushanbe on a working visit."

"The President of the Republic of Tajikistan emphasized the relevance of increasing cooperation in the political dimension, expanding the international activities of the CSTO, and increasing the effectiveness of military, military-technical and military-economic cooperation."

"In recent years, Ireland has seen a continued trend in emigration: young graduates and working millennials are leaving the Emerald Isle for greener pastures."

"Despite near-full employment, homelessness is at an all-time high, exceeding the figures recorded during the Great Hunger (Irish Famine) in the mid-19th century."

Notice all of these weapons headed to Ukraine.
The Bulgarian are commenting.
The Russians are commenting.
Belgrade is not exporting anymore weapons at all.
The Pentagon and Syria.
How the deserts are used in Syria for military stuff.
Tashkent trade with the Balkans.
Can Tashkent keep to Tashkent's self?
The Chinese commenting on Ukrainian grain exports.
Can Sun Qi keep to his self?

"Zelensky gave a List of Weapons and Ammunition according to the Bulgarian Minister of Defense"

"Day 499 of the Invasion of Ukraine: The US plans to give Kyiv Cluster Munitions"

"Bulgaria Will Not Send to Ukraine Anything that Would Compromise National Security"

["Musala" bulk carrier joins the fleet of Navigation Maritime Bulgare]

[Sun Qi reiterated that the essence of the Black Sea grain transportation deal was to enable both Russia and Ukraine to export their agricultural products amid the ongoing conflict]

[WASHINGTON, July 7. /TASS/. The Pentagon's remarks about Russia allegedly obstructing US efforts to combat terrorism in Syria are devoid of common sense, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said.]

[Uzbekistan implements economic cooperation with Slovenia]

[Serbia suspends arms exports: "Everything has to be ready in case of aggression" President Vucic stated today that due to the situation, it is most likely that he will make a decision to suspend the export of weapons and ammunition.]

(July 7, 2023)

RAF 69